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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. I don't want to complicate this issue, but since we have the unit, is it possible to add some features, unique to its roll? How about a special attack parameter that negates entrenchments or at least reduces them ala bombers, simulating mine clearance. I like Blashy's idea on enhancing the armor attack value, but that's really for mods. Still I would be in favor of a readiness/morale reduction for defending units if attacked by engineers. How about demolitions. For instance when an engineer unit is next to a resource, city, or port, it is allowed to apply scorched earth and then move away, like a strategic attack? One more possibility, route preparation or assistance. An engineer next to a swamp, mountain, or river negates the AP effect on units traveling through. Road and rail repair has been mentioned as another additional feature, are there others?
  2. An occassional glimpse is a decent application as it would promote garrisoning and shuffling of rear areas, less units at the front. On the offensive, other than the apparent effects, a raid here or there. Simple enough HC?
  3. I don't know if this is common knowledge or not, but leading up to "Typhoon" Hitler actually had cut back on military expenditures, expecting the USSR to not make it into 1942 as a belligerent. Now think about that. Perhaps if there had been enough forsight, possibly some good intel, and it had been acknowledged, Germany may well have taken Moscow in 41 inclusive with the Kiev diversion. Just a committment would have sufficed. Now how can we, as the Axis player, duplicate this possibility, with the features of SC2? Maybe an earlier IT and PT investment, instead of the usual military components?
  4. "I'm trying to convince the almighty to change it so it does have appeal." Would it help if we all prayed?
  5. The Siberian mechanism does work well, ala Bill. Then again, it is ahistorical. This is a "what if" game and I believe the player is suppose to occupy the supreme position. Blashy's scenario is good, yet because the map and environment doesn't include a viable WW2 Asian condition, this part is subject to scripts and abstraction. Personally, I would prefer a more historically accurate chain of events. The same amount of forces over a greater period of time depending on the USA activation. I believe it was Japan's DoW in the Pacific that allowed the Red Army's introduction of the masses of troops we saw for the 42 winter offensive as well as the ramping of the military industrial might. In conclusion, perhaps a little of both, MPP ramp and reinforcement schedule dependant upon USA entry and German position triggers.
  6. Just for accuracy sake, I believe the coastal rail line was complete to Mersa Matruh from Alexandria. (that would be a couple, maybe one tile west of El Alamein) Great map!
  7. "In Harms Way" "From Here to Eternity" "Bridges at Toko-Ri/ over River Kwai" (Korea for the 1st) "We Were Soldiers"(Nam) "Run Silent, Run Deep" "Battle Cry"
  8. I'd be willing to trust my future to your temptation of blind greed JJ. Somehow I feel that you'd be up to the task.....no, I know you'd be. Actually I wasn't really upset about those turn of events at the grocery store today, its just an example of catalyst that breeds the doubt of any centralized management of entitlement programs. Any wonder why we question the credibility of anything administered by our government, especially things that directly impact our everyday lives like taxes. The small things, the details usually give insight to the broader spectrum, now see why I have misgivings about Social Security. I remember my unbridled quest for economic independence and the sacrifices I was willing to make a long the way. Once attained, the set backs, the beatings I endurred seem to silently slip away from my memory as I found I really didn't need that much for "happiness". Then just as those memories faded I found myself giving, a little at first escalating to more as time passed. Funny thing happened on the way of getting out of debt, I found a greater liability to my fellow man......this kind of investment pays a whole lot greater dividend than the economic one.
  9. And don't forget those fricken Pripyat marshes, Liam. Just when you think your only 9 tiles away from a primary supply source , you recount and there it is, marsh. Now I really need an HQ within the number of Action Points(AP) that equates to the source's efficiency level. And if its only a source of 50% then my best will be 8 for the HQ, and seven for an adjacent combat unit, unless its(HQ) in a mountain or swamp.
  10. I'm getting a feeling of universal agreement here. We are all right...JJR.."We are blessed" amen, I here that. We all want succeeding generations to do better than us. It supports our wishes that we helped to contribute to an advancement of the human condition. JJ...how much is enough? You are right on, to much incites excessiveness. SO...so clear...about responsible people losing their sight of simple applications upholding the spirit of the regulation. If we could all be a little more accomodating, eager to remedy, and be a bit more tolerant of our fellow man's indiscretions, well..... Fricken forget it :mad: I just went to the store, while walking through the parking lot, first I see a dilapidated(assuming a poor person) vehicle parked in the Handicap space and a perfectly functioning human being get it in and drive away. Then I'm in line and a woman with foodstamps checks out while talking on her cell phone. Back out in the parking lot another vehicle in decline, a van, full of people idling away with the AC on. So....I'm trying very hard here to be tolerant. Making rationalizations somehow just doesn't get it when this reoccurs day in and day out. :confused:
  11. There's always something to be learned in a losing situation. As you have referred to you can entertain certain deployment configurations that you normally may not try. Its a period of experimentation and still I can extract a degree of enjoyment. Besides, this is what I would do in real life. Its a fight to the death! I want to witness the victory, or in this case the vanquished screen.
  12. I always had problems with Sunday afternoons too! Hard to get the engine ignition to work after Saturday extravaganza. Suck it up..it'll be worth it later.
  13. Your always right ND :cool: ....damnit....Ok let's just play a surreal game...first to declare they're the winner....is. Don't you have something to study.
  14. Wow! I guess justice and fairness is passe'. :eek: We need different rules for different folks? Look my AGI is less than 80 grand, far from economic wealth, but I am rich. Richness is in the eye of the beholder.......hmmm... that applies to other things as well. Whatever my level of incompetence is, its not so bad that I can't recognize inequities. So...anyone think that social security doesn't need to be fixed? Oh yeah its really fair, that's why all the public servants are exempt from it. :confused:
  15. Come on Bill! Its not that tough to compute potential tile supply levels, but you need to be careful in case Axis is employing "AirAxis" strategy. We want...We want??? Personally, I consider it an insult to my intelligence to have to have tile supply levels projected onto the map.
  16. Ha Ha! I knew I could count on Terif to dispel the AirAxis myth.
  17. I've been awaiting a thread with this theme, but I have a nice little twist to it. WARNING....this could be a game breaker! Do not read any further if you value the balance of SC2. You have been warned! Bombers are the single most powerful unit in SC2. They must be nurtured and for all of you that think its a tough go with the Axis, it is. But Bombers pretty much lock an Axis victory if you use them effectively. First you must buy all three early and the Italian one needs HQ support, you'll need it anyway, so get the HQ early also. You've got to get LR and you'll need all the Luftwaffe units. You will also need to research infrastructure for the Germans....this is a key issue. Now with what.... 8 AFs(incl AeroRegia) and 3 bombers you form a fire brigade of 3AFs and 3 Bombers, that leaves 5 for USSR. During the winter you can use them in the South, during the summer if there's no Western Allied invasions, use them in Russia(8 AFs make for fast gains). Opping back and forth at the hint of an Allied incursion, using bombers for recon all over the map, supported by HQs(one Italian, one German) and 3AFs for attacks, its all over for the Allies. Let them invade, the bombers will kill their supply.....and the Allied Navies are toast with the Naval attack the bombers have. Just remember, bombers don't do it by themselves, you'll need the proper force mix for each application and that includes some ground pounders and naval elements too. Sorry!!! But this will probably change with WaW, that's why I decided to post it. I'll hold back on the proper order of conquest for the Axis(just in case), .......got to leave something for the imagination. I call it "AirAxis" in memory of our old friend Zappsweden.
  18. Never invade Norway as Axis, let UK dilute themselves on the effort. Opens up Sealion. If you have other plans, sans Sealion, Axis can easily defend Sweden expansion.
  19. Blashy....damnit you're getting on my good side. Exactly "right on", the more purchases of unnecessary items, the greater your tax liability. The rich who can afford the more lavish lifestyle and purchases pay the greater proportion of taxes. Its easy, you just incorporate the greater expense into your plan to purchase. No bureaucracy to waste tax dollars on collection/returns, and all the other administrative duties. We already have it, its the sales tax, just increase it and allow every man woman and child an allowance for the necessities. You think you might be a little more discriminate about your purchases? Nahh! Bad idea, too efficient, makes sense....stupid me!
  20. If I may be so bold to make a suggestion. Play PBEM, and knowing targul is a vet and peter is not, I (a vet) usually like to telegraph my actions to the new SC player in each turn exchange. Explaining to them the hows and whys of what I'm doing thrown in with some of the other possibilities since you can't do them all. Encourage them to ask questions about your moves. It makes to bring those newbies along faster, turns are slower, but this is about teaching. Good luck.
  21. Ooopps! Sorry ND. SO...belay that suggestion in the V&D&A thread.
  22. Sorry you're such an angry person SO, chill out. No one minds paying taxes for the improvement of the infrastructure and a secure environment to pursue happiness, whatever you definition is of that. We don't mind paying for the consequences of our own decisions, bad or good, we just don't want to pay for others bad decision making, especially when we adise them differently. Just like us, they should pay for their own mistakes. You have a problem with that? No one is resorting to name calling here, we're just airing our own observations and perspectives, which you seem to be very astute at. Remember no one is perfect, we all have our faults, and in the end we pay for those, one way or another. What would be really nice is if we could all find that delicate balance to live by and not step on each others toes, which I'm sure is unintentional most of the time, we just don't hear that side of the story much. Look how tough it was for Hubert to find the balance of SC, how many years did it take to get here? And still some won't ever buy into that premise and so we move on to WaW, some people will never be satisfied. Should I say most? That's why a lot of us here are infatuated with the past, we may have overlooked being a recipient of that balance on our way to the future. Now I hope I haven't said anything unfair here, but being imperfect, possibly I did just tread on that ground....sorry. But just to be sure...how about you go find a high cliff to jump off of....Bon Voyage
  23. Hi Peter I am Texan and I live in Corpus Christi. Enchante' d'faire votre connaisance. Je parle une petite Francais.
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