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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Hey Hubert, I too have the dreaded pink screen....man is it ugly Help!!!! bradtap@aol.com
  2. JJR, I'm at bradtap@aol.com. I'll need to get 1.06. Been doing a home improvement project and minding the store. Should be ready by tomorrow. Get Agamemnon, that'll be 16.
  3. Simple, each equation would represent the idiosyncracies of that nation's characteristics during the WW2 era. Obviously for the USSR, having more land, the tiles would not trigger the randomized surrender until they reached a certain number. Different Cities/resources would have more value, than say a swamp tile. When the accumulation of tiles reaches a certain threshold the script would be activated, a low percent chance at first. As more tiles are conceded to the enemy the % chance the surrender would occur will increase. Think of it in terms of the way Research levels are acquired, except the chits you buy are the tiles you possess or the enemy controls. Now the equation, level of script activation and % randomness to occur, would be different for the UK, France, USA, etc. You could even pursue this further and have it dependent on certain diplomacy actions adding another variable to the equation. Complication generates an unknown factor to the conducting of the conflict in a manner similar to the way it was. What we want to avoid is that complication in the user interface and the actions required of the players, other than contemplation.
  4. As I have stated many times before, there should be some inherent value associated with any homelands' tiles. IRL the defensive forces try to take advantage of terrain and limit the amount of the country that is occupied by enemy forces. Sure, there are times when some ground is to be relinquished for strategic/tactical reasons, but for the most part, space is always yielded grugdingly. Other than an inherent MPP value to the majority of an homeland's tiles, there could be a random percentage of surrender based upon a formula that accounts for the remaining friendly tiles or the enemy occupied ones or both. In this way, there would be some randomness to capitulation, but still with enough knowledge to try an avoid. Now homeland defences would have an incentive to resist giving up land needlessly and represent a more realistic scenario to the game.
  5. Didn't you know a thread with this title would insight 5 pages? Gotta luv it! :cool:
  6. Don't you guys get it..its not the governments, its people, we...are the governments. The people are responsible, you and me, not anyone else. Look in the mirror, there lies the problem, stop transferring responsibility to general entities. Its about us and it starts there. Just look at the accusations that fly around this forum about cheating from time to time. The difference of opinions, the unyielding perspectives of what is really the truth. Oh yeah ....we are so trusting of one another....and then you expect governments to be. What a joke! Remember this forum is just a microcosm of the world, ....get to the root cause.....look in the mirror.
  7. Well SO, it might be a piece, but its not the conclusion. First problem is it will take much energy to produce, gather, process and distribute. Some of the infrastructure is compatible, but others will have to be expanded. Another problem is ethyl alcohol is hygroscopic and water and the internal combustion engine don't mix to well. Although some H2O is tolerable, it has a nasty habit of dissolving undesirable compounds into the fuel system. These undesirables have been used extensively in the processing and cleaning of hydrocarbons as a matter of chemistry and their ability to be separated down stream. ie, water and hydrocarbons don't mix. Now with the introduction of ethanol, a completely water soluble compound, there will be all sorts of contamination throughout the infrastructure that will have to be cleaned up. That cleaning and subsequent separation and disposable (hazardous waste) will cost a bundle. So you see its not so simple. Believe me, it used to be...simple...but now, with all the regulations, taxes, unfungible grades of fuel, the complications are half the increase in the cost, not the production of fuel. We've created new industries, mostly unnecessary, but with a purpose. What is that purpose? Well I'll sight the mult-million pages of tax codes the IRS can't even figure out, much less us common folk. Confusion? Distraction? Control? I don't have a crystal ball.
  8. Changing the Ops move feature, other than playing with railheads, will drastically alter the game balance from the Axis perspective. If you want to go down this route, my best suggestion would be to limit the amount of units using op moves/turn from Russian terrain. This is enough to simulate the absence of infrastructure in USSR. The ability to interdict rail movement already exists in the bomber role of reducing cities to less than 50% efficiency, denying op moves to that location.
  9. I will agree with one thing you allude to A234, there is rampant stupidity on this planet. Maybe I should burn coal or better, wood? Maybe my grass clippings and all the other stuff I chunk into my compost pile. All things starting off equal, possibly there was something more efficient, but with limited technology and insight, people usually take the road of less resistance. What's plentiful and easy to get, makes sense to use it. We build an infrastructure to acquire it and distribute it, add that to a new resource of energy. Its simple, when it becomes economically efficient, it will be incorporated, albeit slowly, because there is competition and competition is good, like SC gaming. Its commerce and commerce improves the human habitat or go back to your cave, naked in the cold. What are you going to burn there? Maybe you'd rather freeze.....or.. no....wait for global warming.
  10. You guys are so comical! All this reactionary stuff about economics, global warming, hunger, oppression, disease, etc., on and on. That's just the point, "on and on". For over a half a century I've been getting up listening to the doomsayers, and life goes on as it did before. Just as my Grandpa used to tell me about the coming debacles that never truly unfolded into global calamity. And they just keep on coming, fear mongering.....it just kind of makes me smile now. Ridiculous......when it gets really bad, something will be done about it, or if its so bad nothing can be done, then everyone is in trouble. When everyone is in trouble..."no one"(notice that its two words) is in trouble. Who is it? What is it that feeds on all this media generated fear? The sun comes up and I go about my business, but this measly existance could end in the flash of a millisecond. So What? I enjoy it for what its worth, another "Day in the Life". Don't worry, be happy!
  11. I got one for $1.839 the other day. In retrospect back in 1971 I got one for $.189.
  12. JJ, now you've done pretty good up to this satirical comment, simmer.....we must account for all opinions. TJ, absolutely agree, one of the most insightful comments, of a political nature, I've ever read from you. For what its worth...my compliments.
  13. Do I really need to? The title tells me that I've already, as has the rest of us, watched too many movies....err... propaganda. I'll do an in depth examination back to the creation and allow my common sense to arrive at the conclusion.
  14. I took it seriously, Liam. Let's get some variabilty into these bombers, you can't buy that many anyway. Define the role, "Bombers"? Level, Strategic, Dive, Tactical(CAS), Recon, Naval, interdiction. Define AFs? Fighters and Fighter bombers(CAS), interdiction, recon, naval. CAGs? Naval(includes ASW), Air superiority, recon, interdiction, cas. Define the primary and secondary roles and assign the combat values accordingly.
  15. Ha! Talked to a mechanic that got the special certification to work on electric cars. You can't do it yourself, much to dangerous for electrical discharge. Can you imagine the lawyers getting a hold of this, another overly complicated device for a simple solution to get rich on. Just let the market solve it, it always does. Its all about "free" and "innovative" commerce.
  16. Just have a menu you can enter the tile coordinates as the CAP selection.
  17. Good one Gwg, how about in shades as supply deteriates, supply 5 medium brightness, below 5, duller and of course the brightest, greater than 5. Wait till you start getting into the mods, another game altogether.
  18. Rambo, the game's already out, but with a new agenda, SR 2010, by Battlegoat.
  19. I kind of like the Malta effect as is, it makes it tough for the Axis and you need to make a conscious decision to neutralize it. Is this not historical? Now if Gibraltar falls, well that's subject to debate, there's still the African Loop to get supplies in. Now I will admit, the effect seems a little robust for just a corps garrison. I was under the assumption that it increased with an AF and even greater with a bomber, but as it is now, those deployments are unnecessary.
  20. Damn....my condolences Lars, but sometimes we must sacrifice ......life can be so tough. Try to have at least a little fun. :cool:
  21. Hey Lars, if you want to go sailing, the Carribean is the place to go. Many more islands and diverse cultures. More ports of call. Costa Rica is for surfers, land excursions, deep sea fishing, beach babes, etc. Course either is wonderful.......I'm getting all dreamy eyed just thinking about it......what with these 40 degree temps and rain down here in S. Texas from the "Global Warming".
  22. BRO, there is no greater entertainment value you get then the pitiful little monetary compensation spent on SC2. Join the party!
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