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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Big Al, I like your APs for naval vessels(2 weeks is about right), just make sure the screen scrolls quickly cause it is a PitA to go back and forth since the end of the movement is off the initial screen location of the unit. The only problem with loops is that they preclude your opponent from intercepting.
  2. Well John before you commit perhaps a little more detail is in order. I want tripleA to be effective against TAC and fighters also. I also prefer they be an upgradeable tech category for units, we will be doing away with IW and AT combining them into HW(heavy weapons). HW will cost a lot more being the two are combined along with an increase in the research MPPs for each level. Actually I'd like to see all the tech categories increase in terms of the MPP allocations as the levels escalate. Now, this means that TAC and fighters, as well as bombers will have to go through a transition also. No more AT for TAC, it will now be denoted by GA, ground attack, and all air units will have the ability to upgrade GA resulting in an increase in CTVs for SA and TA. And John, you've already got an AA increase for ships, its called NW, naval warfare, it will just be extended to include defensive measures for fighter and TAC attacks. Summary: corps, army, SF, and engineers will have a Mobility, Heavy Weapons, and Anti-Air category for upgradeable techs. Tanks= Mobility, HT, and AA. All air units will have Ground attack, LR, with specific NW for TAC, specific advanced air for fighters and finally heavy bombers for Bombers. What could be better than this? You've now entered another realm for strategic consideration and expanded the rocks-paper-scissors concept.
  3. Crap acrashb, just hotseat against yourself. Do a turn, then go off, do something else, play other campaigns, later, come back and do the other side. This is how I test a game. Remember to take notes, Nupremal/Vypuero is very receptive to user observations.....just like Hubert! One more question, did you note a delay when selecting with either left or right mouse clicks?
  4. Isn't that Yosuke Matsuoke, Japan's foreign minister and perhaps...I'm guessing, that he is signing Japan to the Tripartite Treaty.
  5. Thank you acrashb, I just don't have the energy to argue your astute points, well said. Your post mostly reflects my mindset of what these regimes underlying ideology was all about, simply put, they are about the collective good(as the politico defines it and is exempt from) and not the individual's pursuit of happiness and enhancement.
  6. Ohhh and by the way...my apologies to all that have sent me PMs over the years, I just now noticed them and accessed them, some as far back as 2008.:eek: Sorry.....and Bill(pzgndr) my friends call me Brad. I'm not very attentive to accessing my email either, its like answering the phone, but I do check occassionally.
  7. Hang in there John, I think most of us realize the model for tech advancement that you have previously laid out is the best so far. We just got to get Hubert to see the light. Tell you what, I'll keep supporting you on the tech model and you come my way and help me solicit for the anti-air feature....deal! Isn't that they way they do it in politics? OOOps...nope....my mistake, they use bribery and threats.:mad:
  8. Currently I'm OK with the max 2 LR, reason being is those damn double strike CVs. They can cause enough havoc along the coastal regions, give them another tile and whoa Bettsie! If the land unit strike for CVs could be toned down some, then I would have no problem. Simple solution and historical also is just apply the max range(operating) of WW2 aircraft to the scale of the map, that should be the highest level, OK...maybe one more. As far as land movement is concerned, I'm in the camp that units should be able to move at least one tile, but I also believe there should be terrain that some units can't enter. Take SC tanks for instance, a mech group in reality, they shouldn't be able to enter mountains or swamps unless along a road or rail tile. Now I know that the roads/rails of the SC map don't present the extended infrastructure that is invisible at this scale, so perhaps there should be a mechanism that allows the designer to use the graphics but set the tile as unpassable, to motorized, mechanized units. That way you can present the substructure(invisible) in place at the time, yet the feature of APs can't be taken advantage in terrain that would preclude real movement of the forces. My thinking is mountains, desert, swamps, etc. and certain perceived impassable terrain should be able to be crossed by the smaller SC units, like corps and special forces simulating their ability to leave their motor transport and heavy equipment behind.
  9. acrashb, how about a little experiment? You don't have to play the mod, just DL it, tinker around, and let us know how your CPU runs it, simple! Then perhaps we can conclude how powerful a system we'll need to run it. Don't forget to post your specs. Then you can delete it.
  10. I think you right on here David and I'm looking forward to trying your campaign out, especially with the double strike fighters and TAC. There's just so many great mods with this fantastic Hubert created game engine and not enough time to explore them all, but I ain't dead yet. As I peer back into the early days when I jumped onto this SC bandwagon, there were times I experimented with other games but somehow I knew, recognizing Hubert's committment, that this was a game I could play and help improve for the rest of my life. Not that there may be something on the horizon to eclipse SC, but at this point in development, I'm going to pat myself on the back and say "good decision".
  11. John, Italy is a German minor. See the build Q, they're subordinate, they're at war with anyone that is at war with Germany, its different than the previous versions.
  12. Interesting, I guess the invasion and disemination of Poland was a misconceived coalition, cooperating, league of occupation between two powers that would never conduct themselves in that manner?:confused: Oops...my misconstruction of evil...sorry. So what do these "families" exchange as wealth is transfered and who has control of that medium of exchange? And is it really debt if its built upon a substanceless, misconstrued medium. Isn't it really all about faith or the definition of how its perceived.
  13. How about being able to select a number of majors up to 6, with either the players or the AI taking control of any number of those, all starting out with the same amount of combat forces and resources. Now you can either use diplomacy to influence the minors to your side in which case they'll contribute more armed forces and MPPs with better supply (8) or you can take the conquering path and receive some one time plunder but low MPPs and supplies(5) with the possibility of partisans showing up. The amount of partisans and sabotage(lower supplies) can somewhat be influenced by the other players/AI using the diplomacy chits to create more unrest as well as occupying certain key locations. Key locations examples being like port blockages, raiding, bombing, amphibious assaults that result in temporary occupations, etc. with an actuated pop-up like a news event. EXTRA....EXTRA.... joint UK and Canadian amphibious forces launched an early morning raid on the French coastal community of Dieppe. While reports were somewhat sketchy there was a noted growing unrest that swept the occupied territory in support of the Allied operation.
  14. Ellis puts the USSR armed forces at peak number to 13.2 million with approximately 30 million total mobilization. 11 million of those were killed and missing, 6 million POWs, and 6.7 million civilian casualties. On the otherhand, USA peak was 11.877 million with a total mobilization of 16,354,000. USSR, by far, had casualties greater than all other combatants combined.
  15. Hey yolo...may we play your campaign too!
  16. Right on Robby, and dhucul don't you back off for a minute, keep the solicitation enthusiastic, you're on the proper path. Let's play Risk.....with the SC game engine.
  17. OK Hubert, now I want my own personal mod too, with anti-air upgrades attached to units and resources, IW and AT combined to be Heavy Weapons, and double strike fighters and TAC.
  18. Yeah you're right EE, maybe the initial level with +2 experience to the AI is the way to go, cuts down on the unit density and promotes more strategy instead of just a big unit rush.
  19. Nothing I'd like better than to conquer the World as the EVIL, but unfortunately a very elite group of Allies got away and are sitting on the BB "Paris" in Heraklion harbor smoking cigars and sipping fine French Cognac, thumbing their noses at the rest of the world.:cool: They are untouchables, what dastardly plan could they be hatching, the world wonders.:confused:
  20. Yeah Nupe, I kind of prefer your PT world configuration. I'm running vista with a dual core and 4 gigs of RAM and the scrolling is a bit slow, even the left/right click select has a delay. You can jump around the map using the minimap but lots of details, especially the loop arrow locations, can't be discerned on the mini map. Be nice if we had something in the middle scale to jump around on, more like the war map. But really a nice job Nupe, as usual your out on the "cutting edge".
  21. Actually this feature was in PT and was easy to exploit. Since you could keep most of the Japanese inland in China fighting the Nationalists, the coastal areas were ripe for USA invasion. So you get a toehold on the coast of China within TAC range of Seoul and force the Japs to move their capital from the home islands and viola, the TACs take out the unit occupying and your paratroops jump in, game over! The same way you capture London in an early Sealion. Like taking candy from a baby!
  22. It might need to be a little more than intermediate and +1 to the Allies if your playing as USSR / Germany, maybe 1.5 to 2 on the experience level.
  23. Welcome to your first???? SC anomaly....a rare occurrence....but....more to follow.
  24. Come on kirk, you don't PO me, sure I might be a little disappointed that there's a world full of sheople that don't pay attention, but hey...nothing I can do about that but recognize it. I was once a newbie to this game and missed a lot of the obvious, I was once younger and missed a whole lot more than a few game details, like life's details, and they hurt a lot worse when you miss them.:eek: I'm older now and I can read this manual without visual aid, but I work in a lab and I examine a lot of small increments of measurements, like scales on mercury thermometers, so I'm trained...conditioned. That being said, the print is a touch small, but under a bright light, readable, not bedtime literature for sure, nor the bathroom either, but if you were looking for gold I bet everyone wouldn't be having such a tough time. I'm going to printout some of the PDF file.
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