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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. I've been thinking about what would be the final straw that would break my back and I would actually buy this SC WW1. Now since I don't do WW1 and as a matter of fact, level bombers were used quite often to bomb naval vessels in WW2, with devastating effects I might add. And now that naval vessels will be able to upgrade anti-air, how about that final research slot in the Bomber unit be used for naval warfare?:cool:
  2. Don't mess around with the "expert" setting +2 experience as you will not condition yourself for an H to H game. A great challenge? Sure, but it doesn't provide you with the skills necessary to compete with another player. Obviously you have mastered the needed mechanics to win the game on the medium difficulty and that is good enough. It is now time to graduate "grasshopper" and start your quest to bathe in the radiance of the SC "force" that all "Strategic Commanders" ultimately strive to attain and the human drama of competition is the only road to that goal.
  3. Right click on the Unit, select "properties", note the AP = action points. If the unit is in supply>5 then there will be no number in the parentheses and you will see the full movement allowance expressed in APs. If there is a number in ( ) then that is what the unit would have if it was in full supply and the number before it is the currently availble APs, it is not in full supply. Now right click on the tile you want to move to and select the terrain type filling that tile. Note the required APs for moving into that tile. If the unit does not possess the required APs to move into that terrain then the movement cannot be conducted unless that is the tile with the least amount of required APs of all the surrounding tiles taking into account enemy ZoCs AP requirements. In other words a unit can always move at least one tile per turn, but it may not be the one you would like to move to.
  4. Hubert, don't you think your walking a "fine line" of over divulging for this release? I mean a retreat option? WTH!!!!:confused: What will the AI do with this, other than "Elf" it up! This SC release is really "out of character".:cool:
  5. Already has been and for sure there will be another.
  6. What about making this a DE based on a condition position for the IJN CVs? ID some tiles in the N.Pacific that the CVs must occupy for the Decision Event to fire, Japanese player either decides to attack PH or not. If not, the USN gets the appearance of BBs at PH, if so, then the USN gets the BBs later at a MPP cost to raise and refurbish the sunk BBs.
  7. One thing I did learn, although its been awhile since I've played the base campaign, that as the Allies it is necessary to engage the Axis from multiple locations. Invariably the game unfolds as historical with the Allies nipping at Axis weaknesses until finally their strength is eroded away enough for the coup de grace, D-Day. No need, unless the USSR is in very dire straits, to be in a hurry, scout your options, use the CWs as probing forces and strike where they are weak. You must gain parity with Axis experience before you engage him on the internal fronts of his homeland, Germany. When you think about it, it's kind of remarkable how Hubert, Bill, and company have compelled the Allied player to follow the historical strategies in a "what if" game that SC GC impersonates. Once you get the hang of it JG, I'm sure you'll really appreciate the multitude of opportunities that Nupremal's mod brings to the SC table, similar in the basics to the default campaign, but with oh so much more room for maneuver.
  8. Come on aesopo, more realistic combat model? Like what for instance? For this scale, I think SC has just about got that part right. Remember, more complications equate to more incompetence in the AI model. Then we're going to have to listen to disappointments about that. If anything, for this release, I would like to see a bit more depth in the diplomatic model. I've been thinking about a few things that would involve the players more in the process of diplomacy. If any feature in SC goes unused in my games its the diplomacy mechanism. Maybe once or twice a game I make investments to sway countries' leanings. So SC players, what uncomplicated additions would assist in a greater player involvement in diplomacy, based on the model we have now? My thinking is something passive, on the lines of the active convoy deliveries of MPPs. Let's face it, trade is what makes the world go around, and all we have in SC to simulate that dynamic is MPPs, so it has to be something that equates to an enhancement or reduction in trade favors in the form of MPPs when countries commit certain acts. They must be variable in nature and parallel the delivery nations' governmental philosophies and/or their ability to provide attractive goods/services, and perhaps can be activated or curtailed by decision events. So :confused:??? Comments?
  9. I agree with your AI philosophy, and I must say, I believe your mod is the best at presenting a competitive AI. I would really like to play your campaign H to H and there's no better challenge then playing the developer, but right now I've just started a mirror with Nupremal/Vypuero and have two others that began after the patch, all with Nup's mod. We got busy at work, I'm doing 12 hour days, and already I'm getting behind, but if things slow down, I expect after the first of the year, then, yes, let's do a game. Keep me updated with revisions so I can stay somewhat familiar with your campaign's idiosyncracies. Send them to my work email, btaylor@camincargo.com, my Wifi at home(bradtap@aol.com) is fricken lousy, very slow the last few weeks, but my T-line at work screams.
  10. That's the thing about these large, sophisticated games like WitP, WitE, and soon MWiF, it will take forever to play, likely years to play against a human. We've all just framed SC as the only "practical" solution, great against your fellow playing partners, a good AI, and the game plays smoothly so you can have a life enhancement instead of something that never gets finished, meaning the game patches will likely never address all the problems. Big Al, I'm kind of wondering about giving your mod a run through on H vs H, instead of the AI, do you have any comments about balance? And Bo, at least in the Old Folks Home, you'll be aware(hopefully), heck, I'll probably be dead. Also consider yourself lucky if "jack wagon" is the most derogatory term your wife uses to describe your character. If mine used that description for me, I would consider it a term of endearment!
  11. Yeah Big Al enlighten us! You know what I don't understand Bo, is you keep messing around with those inferior products, like SotP and ToW over in Mamby-Pamby Land, wasting time that could be spent on SC. What's a matter with you ...you jack wagon!
  12. I'm assuming bowen, that Big Al is talking about a unit script, something different as far as an image for those two units, but I'm not sure. So maybe it's me that is misunderstanding.
  13. Damn it Bill, you guys are too good to me.....I'm not worthy! Now I may have to buy a couple of copies, maybe 3, since my long term email buddies are balking about anteing up.:cool:
  14. This will probably be a tough one for the AI to deal with, not likely to see in the future either, but I like the idea. What we need is the anti-aircraft slot for ground and naval forces and then we can go double strikes with all air units. Combine the IW and AT to HW = heavy weapons and replace the TAC AT tech with GS = ground support and add FB tech = fighter bombers to fighters. More air techs raises the cost to enhance them and double strikes reduces the unit density since the air units will be able to perform like twice their number.
  15. "What do you think of the Mech and SS units? They look great but not sure if it makes a real difference." Haven't seen them yet, not far enough into the game, but sounds like a nice addition, really like the map. Thanks:)
  16. Big Al, we'll need a fix for Canton. Partisans appear, then city retaken, port remains allied. I've got a save if you want to take a look.
  17. Nope JG, I just finished the DL and every game I had going is a "read file error".
  18. Something like this contemporary era will have to be handled very carefully due to nukes, or better yet, just keep the genie in the bottle.
  19. For a longtime now, I believe you(Hubert) and I have been on the same wavelength for SC development and again your post seems to reflect just that premise. I remain supportive of your gaming endeavors and I still believe there is some mail in the envelope that hasn't been read yet, ie SC can get better, whether it's SC3 or further expansions of SC2. Our fellow SC brethren will have to reckon with the fact that the large leaps in innovative mechanics will perhaps come up a little short of the past expectations, as I stated. None the less I still believe the true SC enthusiasts will continue to support you, Hubert, with their patronage and ideas but with some increase in grumbling, it's just human nature.:cool: One thing I wish you to recollect, remember SC1 didn't start out with such an extensive editor and I see no reason, although it would be nice, that SC3 should include anything more than a rudimentary editor as the new mechanics are hashed out. Obviously, being a master game programmer, we can depend on you to write with the flexibility that culminates with a similar editor the now famous SC series possesses. That's good enough for me, and I suspect good enough for the other SCers also, so don't let that(editor) stand in the way of progress on the SC3 front. The "deja vu" I want attached to the progress of SC3 is the same as the original, why mess with success!
  20. SO, I've heard the user interface is not that well developed in comparison to SC's? Other than that, it seems to garnish a loyal following.
  21. As I stated, not a big fan of WW1, but allowing for these new feature incorporations, wouldn't it be a good idea to update the old SC1 European original with this edition. I'd imagine that sales would likely pay for the additional time needed for the development, and either Bill(101 or pzgndr), I'm sure, would be the proper candidate for the creator of such a scenario. The map is already there with some minor tweaks it could be our old European Theater, or ATR with the SC twist. I for one will vote with my money, but if you want me to buy, I'll need the WW2 theater, how about Nupremal or Big Al, what say you?
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