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Everything posted by Flesh

  1. I've uploaded a bicolour StugIIIG late to the usual place: CMMODS It's based on the excellent StugIIIG pack by Mike Duplessis. Here's a screenie.
  2. Bruno, thanks for the comments. These mods were quite difficult to do, as I had to solve the "strip off the default tricolour camo" problem. In fact, I think this may be the first ever Pz IVH mod for CMBB, due to the aforementioned problem.
  3. I know they look dark compared to other mods. I wanted a high level of contrast between the two camo colours, it seems to result in more effective camo. Anyway, I'm thinking of releasing silver/bare metal versions of these mods. If I do, others can produce their own camo schemes. Thanks for the feedback!!!
  4. I've just posted bicolour versions of the Panzer IVH and Panzer IVG (late) at the usual place: CMMODS I posted the Panzer IVG yesterday. Anyway, here's some screenies of these mods. Panzer IVH ---------------- Panzer IVG (late) ----------------- BTW I know they have the same camo scheme, they're a sort of "Mod Series", if you know what I mean. Edited: to correct spelling. [ June 03, 2003, 05:12 PM: Message edited by: Flesh ]
  5. tooz, it took me about an hour or so of tweaking to get the batch file to do it's stuff. I then spent about half an hour tidying up the text a bit with a text editor. Michael, I mailed it to you too. I used the mail address in your profile. Did you get it?
  6. I've just posted a bicolour Panzer IVG at the usual place: CMMODS I was fed up with the default tricolour camo. Anyway, here's a screenie. [ June 03, 2003, 11:20 AM: Message edited by: Flesh ]
  7. I can mail it to you, if you like. Bear in mind that it's just a plain text file, with no fancy formatting. Somebody else can pretty it up and convert to a PDF, Word document, html or whatever...
  8. I went ahead and did this. I wrote a batch file that parsed the contents of all those text files and created one large file with all the BMP numbers. Anybody interested?
  9. There's lots of colour photos of the Eastern Front available from this Russian URL: http://angriff.narod.ru/fotopage/fotocol.tit.htm They look like scans from "Signal".
  10. Bogdan, you asked for suggestions, so here are mine. With regard to the Tiger, it looks like you added your camo layer directly on top of the silver/bare metal background layer. As a result, the grey parts of the tank look like bare metal, at least to me. I would suggest that you add an additional layer between your camo and background layers. Fill this layer with a blue/grey colour and set the layer blending to "overlay", "hard light" or "soft light". I usually go for "soft light", as it seems to produce a smoother and less grainy appearance. You may have to spend some time adjusting the fill colour before you get it right. With regard to the Panther, the camo does look a bit too blurred. I would suggest that you apply a filter to the camo layer. Try either "sharpen", "sharpen more" or "unsharp mask". Anyway, I hope you don't mind me saying all this.
  11. As far as I can tell, the red tint is hardcoded. I seem to remember DD mentioning that he contacted BFC about this. You might try asking him for any info he might have. In my experience, it's easier to create green winter/steppe grass. The red tint will convert it to a sort of golden brown, mixed with green. If you create a yellow or brown winter/steppe grass, the red tint can cause weird colours to show up when your grass gets tinted, e.g. purple spots. This seems to be caused by an excess of red in the grass. Anyway, good luck with your modding...
  12. Michael, the steppe grass is BMPs 1570 - 1589. These textures are also used as winter grass. When used as steppe, they are tinted red. However, the steppe textures only appear when a map is *mostly* steppe terrain, otherwise the standard grass for the season (summer or winter) is used for any steppe tiles that appear, with the addition of the steppe "doodads". I hope this answers your question.
  13. Michael, here's the URL for the English version of the page in question: http://home.tiscali.dk/haaest/Hassel-Hazel/Texts/English/01chapte.htm Anyway, I hope this helps.
  14. Lee, you can find a Humber mod on this site: Tom's CM HQ Here's a tip - when searching for a particular CMBO or CMBB mod, try this site: CM Outpost It's an indexed catalogue of mods that features thumbnail previews and links to the sites that host the mods.
  15. Here's a couple of links on this subject. http://newsmax.com/archives/articles/2003/4/29/135936.shtml http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2002/6/4/110510.shtml Just thought I'd attempt to provide some more material for this interesting discussion.
  16. Try this link: http://www.combatmission.com/cmmos/Der_Schweinestall/Der_Schweinestall3.htm On that page, scroll down to "DS_Grey_Tanks_CMMOS", which is Gordon Molek's dunkelgrau tanks series. The file contains dirty/dusty versions of the tanks you're looking for. It's a big download though - 27.6 MB, as it contains lots of tank mods. Also, don't forget that it's a CMMOS mod pack, so you'll need CMMOS.
  17. Just uploaded a brush mod to the usual spot: CMMODS BTW DD also did a brush mod, so you might wanna check out his one too. Anyway, here's a screenie of my brush mod.
  18. The new version of this mod is up at the usual spot - CMMODS Oh, and thanks for the all the advice guys!!!
  19. Zimorodok, you seem to have me confused with somebody else - I'm not r0tten. Anyway, your "silver" series was a big help with this. It makes painting a camo scheme on a plain vehicle really easy. Thanks for releasing these files to the community. Also, your tutorials were a good source of info. I've followed your advice with regard to the markings. I think I'll make the markings optional for the next version of this mod. Here's some screenies:
  20. Coincidentally, yes I do have a brush mod that would seem to fit your requirements. I designed it to compliment my grass mods. However, I'm still tweaking it. It should be ready in a few days. Also, I have a new grass mod ready to go. I'll upload it in a day or two. So, keep watching this forum and CMMODS.
  21. I've adjusted the markings. I'm not sure if they are quite right. Here's some screenies - let me know what you guys think.
  22. Gautrek and Tracer - okay, I'll tone down the markings. I'll upload the updated version ASAP. Thanks for the tip.
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