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Everything posted by tracer

  1. I know this may sound stupid, but I noticed that there are no slings on the rifles, I happen to have the M91/30 and K98 rifles, including he PPsH sub gun, and they all have orig. slings, I was wondering if it is possible to mod these to the rifles in the CMBB game??
  2. By the way Battle Front, 9 of those sales were do to me,do I get a cut?? LOL, I did it for me so I could have some peope to compete agianst here at my shop on slow days with some of my customers who in fact are addicted to CMBB, and the wives hate me now, thanks a lot I have created monsters.
  3. Oh Yeah one more thing, that 75 AT gun posted on the west side of the map kicks some major rusky butt in the first battle, the armor covered arc is deadly
  4. I have a brand new Gigabyte TNT2 32 meg AGP card on the shelve here at the shop, I know for a fact it will run both CMBB and CMBO on your machine with a VIA chipset and 500 MHZ machine, check and see if your board has a AGP slot on it, if so, you can have this card for $25+ S/H
  5. The 40 series drivers are buggy tried them out and man there are all kinds of bugs and they have not been certified, go back to the 30. drivers and you should be fine. This bug also happens with other games
  6. Your right this is a great operation. I'm starting the second battle nice little surprises that keep you on your toes. Great job on the map also.
  7. It is a dell {Hell} prob they are suppose to have a bios udate to correct this problem at thier support site and yes Matt is correct, I have had some customers with similiar issues with other games, It is in the Bios of the mainboard on these specific machines.
  8. Anything is better then nothing, thanks for all your help guys
  9. Win XP had some issues with the AMD chipsets causing a problem with the refresh rate on some monitors, it tried staying locked to 60HZ, as Mad Matt explained the service pack 1 at windows updates corrects this problem.
  10. the 38.82 drivers work great using the nivida chip the 40. series works but when you first grt into the game you won't see any writing on the battle screen so you have to alt-tab out and come back into the game, I've stuck with the 38 drivers and all my games work fine
  11. I really dont do much work on MACs, {for obvious reasons}, but go to www.cnet.com. When you get there go to software scans, what this site does is it runs a scan on all your software and will let you know if there are updates for them and will also have them available for you to download there, it's a great site and I'm sure it will have the driver update fort your vid card and anything else that may need updating, and the best thing is it's free
  12. What kind of video card does the system have?? PCI? 8meg 16 meg??onboard??sounds like your vid is not initializing
  13. Well if a list of instant messenger names could be posted some where, anyone who wanted to find a opponent could go to that post and get the names, and what service they use be it yahoo messenger or aol, that way during the week if you are on line you will see if anyone else is online that is under you "CM group list", they will be online and you know they are there and you could instant message them and ask if they would like to get a TCP/IP game starteed. Maybe a site like the "Scenario Depot" would post the list. That way you could get a good scenario to boot, hey that reminds me "Boots and Tracks" might post it to.
  14. The Dell sounds good, but is the video on board or AGP?? make sure you check this. A lot of the off the shelve systems have onboard vid, thats not good unless you have the money in 2 years to buy a whole new machine, due to the fact you will not be able to upgrade your video card, because IT IS ONBOARD. If you are a gamer you might want to look into getting a custom system built. You can upgrade these, say you start with a 1.5 cpu and 256 meg of ram and a ^$ meg AGP card, with ehis system you could upgrade a year or 2 with buying a bigger CPU and more ram and you won't have to buy a whole new system. Just make sure when you have it built , to see how far it is upgradeable to, get on the net and shop around you can get all the components you need at a hell of a price. For example I picked up a Micrstar 1.5 gig board with a via chipset and onboard sound for $40, you can build a hell of a system for $700 dollars, and the parts are warrantied!! I hope this helps in your decision
  15. Well first thing I would check are my vid card settings and make sure I have latest drivers. also check and see if you are running at 4 times AGP. If you know a little bout puters you might want to go into your Bios and check you settings there,if you dont know much bout em find some one a friend maybe that can come over to your house and make sure your bios settings are set right, and maybe be able to set them at max output
  16. describe systems specs and eorror code {what does the screen tell you example; fatal error 00012,}
  17. With AIM you just make a group, lets say "CM opponents" then when you add some one to your buddy list you would put them in that group. When that person or persons are online you will see thier names under that group name, and you can message them if you would like to get into a game of CM.
  18. I hope not everyone has AOHELL, I'm on DSL and man it rocks!!. You know yahoo is free and it's AIM is much better and also the BIG CHEESE already has a group for CM there. The site is www.yahoo.com And yahoo instant messenger is free
  19. I would love to get into a TCP/IP game, but I'm really not much for PBEM games.
  20. This battle was set up just right, I first thought comming into town that the ruskys were putting up a weak defense, but after getting into town and at battle 2, look out!! The russians were comming out of the wood work. The biggest surprise was in the last part of the OP, they ate my panzers up, they had one hell of a defense on the other side of the Lopan river. My panzers came around from the east side of town and bam!! the russians took out 4 panzer, surprise!!seems they left the best for last, Great OP!! you did a great job, thanks and I hope to play more of your creations
  21. Thanks MikeyD, I will go there and get them
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