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Everything posted by tracer

  1. Great mod and great site you have to, put it in my favorites, thanks foxbat
  2. I'll help if you need me to, www.rbellerose419@yahoo.com
  3. What nividia driver version you using??The 30.82 work the best the 40. series stay away from not certified yet and I tried them out and man they are buggy
  4. Jagermiester. I agree, they do tend to have a "showroom shine" to them and I'm working on it right now, thanks.
  5. I've don't know a whole lot and only have done 2 mods, but I did learn that photo shop, to me is much easier to use then paint shop pro.
  6. OOps, good mod site but not CM mod data base, here's the link to it, (sorry)http://cm.cozog.com/
  7. Thanks for the feed back, and well (I did'nt do it fast, (wish I could). These days I've been blessed with the life of Leasure. My business(after years of bustin butt) finally took off. I sold it, and now I can spend time doing what I like. I always liked wargamming (among other things) and after modders work they have done in CM, and having bulit models and diromas, figured hey this looks fun. So now I can spend as long as I want (my wife permitting, LOL) on modding. I just hope I can get as good as people like Gordon, and Andrew, and Josh, and gunslinger, and the rest of the modding community. Her's the link to the mod data base for people who can/t find it, one of the great site, among others out there, http://www.afv-uk.net/cmoutpost/
  8. Your card has a nividia chipset,and the 30.82 are the latest certified drivers out there. I have used the drivers on dell systems and they work fine,(I think even better then Dells). Hoipe this helps
  9. WOW!, excellent work, one question though. I was wondering if there was a way to transfer some of the mod schemes from CMBO, over to CMBB. I know the tank models can't be transfered, but what about the color schemes??
  10. After recieving a lot of good tips on modding, I have revamped my Camoed PzIIIJ. I also found out that photo shop is a lot easier then paint shop pro 7 to use, LOL. Anyway, I posted it at the "CM Mod Data Base". And as before all feed back is welcomed and appreciated very much. I would really like to thank Gordon and Josh for thier help, hopefully one day I can be as good as them at modding,(yeah I know, dream on Tracer}
  11. WOW!!, great work!!, One question though, how do you keep your wife ( or girl friend ) from leaving you? I start trying to get into modding, (and when your stll learning it's tough), next thing you know hours have went by and your other half is ready to kill you, LOL
  12. Got your mod, and ot looks real good (on my machine), thanks for the mod
  13. Man, and people complain about CMBB, crap go and get WWII online, then you'll have something real to complain about, LOL
  14. Oh, forgot to mention that it's a big WWII online hang out
  15. I found a great tank tactical studies, page. I talks about tactics in using tanks like the PZ III for assault and defending also gives a good tech back ground of differnt tanks and thier "Kill Zones". some good pics too.http://www.vaughnsgarage.com/pziii/pz3%20stats.html. I hope it helps some of you "hard core" wargamers on the forum. I found it very informative and the great thing is you can use these tactics in CM games
  16. depends on your budget, and your prefrences. Go out and shop around on the web and find out the specs. I know by what I've read on the forum that people who have dells and are using ATI cards have been having probs with CMBB. I perfer the nividia chipset cards ( Geforce 3s,and 4 series) I have put a lot in for customers and rarely have any issues with them. but like I said earlier, it depends on the person. I hope it helps you out, but go to the support forum and read some of the vid issues concerning dells, you will be surprised at how many dell and vid card issues there on compared to others on the forum.
  17. No prob, just passing it forward, so many people on the forum have helped me out when I needed it.
  18. If you need a card that will support it. I have a new in the box Gigabyte TNT2 32meg AGP (nividia chipset) card that will support it on the shelve. I will let it go for $25+S/H. If you want to know more about the card go to www.giga-byte.com to see it's specs. It's not the most up to date card, but it handles all the games out there that I know of except battlefield 1942.
  19. Well that is the answer to why you get a 3d intializing eorror. Maybe you need to uninstall your drivers and reinstall with the most up to date ones. If that does'nt cure the problem check and see if your vid card supports directdraw, 3d, and texture acceleration. I have'nt gone and checked on the model of card you have. If it is a older one it may not support the game.
  20. yes, but a big explosion is a lot better . I was just wondering, the game is still great.
  21. I will tell you one thing that is impressive, seeing a MG42 in the flesh firing, man the ruskies either had balls or were more afraid of thier commanders, to human wave a MG42. And yes speakers don't do it justice, not even close.
  22. Hey Voxman, I answered your post in tech forum, I have the same mainboard and vid card, only difference is it is a AMD 1.5 CPU, My monitor is a KDS, and I don't have that problem, is your monitor kinda old??
  23. I have the same brand main baord, and same card, the only difference is I'm running a AMD 1.5 gig, don't have that problem, my monitor is a KDS. Might be in your monitor, seeing how we are running the same vid card.
  24. GJK, man what a improvement!! thank you very much. Oh but one thing, don't mess up and leave the "a" at the end anymore,after all I'm getting this for free, LOL , thanks
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