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Everything posted by tracer

  1. Yes, I thought about that after I uploaded the mod. I hope next mod I complete, I won't have to make any changes,if I can get some folks to test it for me. I don't know why, but I missed the "pinkys", I guess after you have spent so long working on it you tend to over look the little things, that end up really stinkin out later.
  2. Doesn't some of the quality have to do with the system (including monitors) and the settings of that system,monitor settings, vid settings?? If a individual has a lower end sytem,(not to offend anyone, but "cheaper") would'nt that have some affect on the display? You can have a kick butt vid card, but if your mainboard is, well low budget, wouldn't that effect your display quality??
  3. Here's the link http://www.panzerwalze.de/introframe.html to the site you wanted.
  4. Thanks for the feed back,Oh yeah, I redone the mod, thier is a 2nd version at the mod data base, I fixed the track problem.
  5. I redone my "battle worn" PzIIIJ after Lou2000, pointed out the pink spots on the tracks (thank you Lou}. Just wanted to say sorry to all those who down loaded the first version (I know that some folks are on 56k and it takes a while}, and for now on I will find some one to test my mods out before posting,
  6. Thanks Lou, I Tried to touch it up a bit, but I guess I didn't get it all, thanks for the feed back
  7. NICE PICS!! thanks, I like the finland one the best.
  8. OOPs no pic, oh well it's at http://cm.cozog.com/ I think I'm getting better at modding thanks to Josh (who's really given me some good tips}and Gordon, and for the feed back from Bullethead and a lot of other people on the forum,thanks. Made the Pz look all grimy and oily and put some minor damage on it.
  9. I was wonder how to post a image in the forum,(I know stupid question)I looked through the topics and have'nt found the answer
  10. If you download the demo, there is a manual with it, might help you understand the commands and such. But it is a manual with the demo, won't tell you everything, just basics.
  11. sounds, good, I forgot about options like they had in CMBO as far as damage and such. Thanks for the feed back.
  12. Yes, right now it is http://cm.cozog.com/ as far as CMBB mods are concerned, there are others out there to, like http://cmoutpost.net/lists/Catalogue.htm yhis is only a few but have a lot of CMBB mods
  13. Looks easy enough to understand, and is pretty striaght forward. But there is one thing I learned, you can't assume that everyone knows a lot bout puters. Only thing I would add is how to find the CMBB directory,( you know, right click on start tab, go to explore, find CMBB program file, etc.)I think you have a great idea though. I would have been glad to have that knowledge when I started playing CMBO, and heard about mods.
  14. Thanks for the help and for the feed back on the mod I just did . Yes I was going to put a option like a4100.bmp, just like Andrew, and Gordon, Josh, and all the other modders inCMBO did.
  15. LOL Bullethead,I will do my best. I tried varying the Camo colors a little, because I've read that a lot of times the camo weas applied out in the field on tanks, and vehicles, and helmets. I even read that after 1943, the Wermacht issued OD green paint to the armor units.
  16. I wasn't getting upset at mastergoodale,not by any means. Like I wrote earlier, if there is a better WWII combat sim out there, point me to it. Thanks
  17. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to mod Tactical numbers on to tank turrents. You Know, like 808, or 309, etc. Any help would be greatly welcomed.
  18. I've been wargamin for a while now (started with Avalon Hill games)and I have played a lot on the puter. My question is this, can anyone tell me were I can get a game that is as good as CM?? I don't mean a game with edge cutting graphics and crappy game play or one with edge cutting game play and crappy graphics. In my opinion (opinions are like butt holes everyones got one),I think CM is a game that has the best of all worlds in it, it is as close to a battle sim that you can find out there, as far as command and control it can't be beat, and hey what's wrong with the graphics?? I think they are pretty darn good. I f anyone can point me to a game that covers as much as CM, I'd go there don't get me wrong, but I just have'nt found it.
  19. I just completed a PzIIIJ with a dirty look to it. Go check it out at http://cm.cozog.com/. I think I might be gettin a little better at modding. I used Gordon's "Mud Tutorial" as a reference, it has a road dirt look to it. All feed back is very welcomed.
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