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Everything posted by tracer

  1. 3rd version of the tri color stug with options http://www.cmmods.com/ get it here
  2. Version 2 of my my Grille Marder series mods put into one pack, also the Wespe WILL BE CHANGED, they all share BMPs together, so your getting a crap load of Pz in one pack, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
  3. damn devil you got the char history down to a "T"
  4. Happy new year to all!!!, no matter where your at, and to the Battlefront clan.
  5. I used Gaytrek's "dusty REN35" mad as a base for this winter mod. it's here http://www.cmmods.com/
  6. Winterized the italian Pzs. I used Gautrek's "dusty L6/L40 mod" as a base for this winter mod.
  7. Well, hey, that's why I always make it a option, and a quote from the "Blues Bros" "what do expect for nuthin, a rubber biscuit??
  8. Well, if I'm not mistaken, all of us give the option to have certian symbols on vehicles. I don't know if the capt has in his mod zip or not. I think he is new at modding and didn't realize,I'm sure he would put the option in a "update option zip" if you asked him to
  9. took my tri color mod and winterized it http://www.cmmods.com/
  10. Those trees are awesome!! great work and thanks for the mod
  11. well it doesn't have to be work Noobie, after all we already include it in the zip. I was just wondering if a standardized readme could be used, that way all the pertinent info could be included, you know, to stop plagerism and such, and it doesn't have to be a long drawn out thing, just something standard so everyone know exactly where to look to find the info.
  12. they are here http://www.cmmods.com/ hope you like em
  13. Got it, thanks Gautrek, and as you pointed out, the "flag" that was used (and I forgot to mention) came off of Gautrek's Pz38t, where his men stoled it from Steve "the big cheese's" Pz39t. I have ordered my men agian to put the flag back, but they still do not obey, so I have transferred them to the Eastern front.
  14. Oh one thing if you don't already know. I found this out the hard way, when you put Tactical numbers on a turrent, one side looks real good, but the other side is BACKWARDSm so, I was told to use numbers like '101" or "202", so it would mirror on boths sides, or just put the number on the back of the turrent.
  15. Posted a option for my winter SDfKz 7 gun tractor mod, it's a rcognition flag. My men took it off a Pz38t just sitting around, it's here http://www.cmmods.com/
  16. so what would all the modders think if we used Gaytrek's readme format??
  17. I been playing a winter scenario, They just looked out of place so I had to mod em
  18. It needed winterized so here it is http://www.cmmods.com/ hope you all like it
  19. ???? Cog, I'm ashamed of you, look at your own site man!! I just posted several,LOL
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