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Everything posted by Lou2000

  1. EXCELLENT ... I've been trying to argue the case for a dedicated multiplayer site in the "what does the community need" thread and then this pops up ... talk about a happy coincidence. Just signed up and Looking forward to the scenario finder and AAR sections getting up and running. :cool: .... good to see the proving grounds back in action. It was THE place for mods and I'm sure it will become THE place for multiplayer CM and scenarios Lou2000
  2. POS - I certainly believe you are a Legend in your own mind and its clear from this and other threads that you have a high regard for your own abilities ... pity your adoring fans have not come forward in support of your claims ! and you seem intent on avoiding Fionn's challenge. However interesting though this is........ this thread was started by MG-42 to find out how he could contribute to the CM community. I doubt any of this is helping him decide. So in a vain ( vain not vanity) attempt to bring the thread back to MG's intended purpose.... =============================================== MG-42 .... having read all the relevant posts my choice would be for a website that combines tactics/tutorials AND a multiplayer portal (NOT another CM ladder) into one site. The tactics ( if written by the right people) could provide a good core base of information, but due to the time taken to produce this type of information I believe new (good quality) tutorials would be fairly slow to apprear... Thats where I believe the multiplayer part would benefit the site .... It would provide a place for likeminded players to meet and put into practice the lessons learnt in the tactics discussions and tutorials, which in turn could generate user AAR's to provide more site content, by allowing the 'average' CM player to see how others have interpreted and implemented the various tactics ... and thats one big part of any lesson .... Not just being given the info but applying it and developing it into an individual style of play. If Fionn (or another) gave a detailed tactical description of how to advance over a given map and 10 people tried to apply that advice on the same map ... I'm sure we'd see 10 slightly different approaches to the same problem. So to summarise, my vote is for ..... Tactics for core content. Multiplayer for putting things into practice and developing a community around the site. (hopefully we'll now get further relevant posts) Lou2000
  3. Though I'm not too bothered about ladder play, BoB looks like a good place to find reliabel PBEM opponents ..... something I seem to have a problem with and end up playing the same people often becuase I know they'll stick with it to the end and return moves fairly quickly .... I've recently posted a suggestion in another thread about a website dedicated to finding such opponents ... but there wasnt much support for the idea .... I take it the only way to join BoB is still via the sponsor method - - pity as i dont think I know anybody on the members list Lou2000
  4. Well I've had no more results in so i'm assuming not ... though from what I know there are quite a few matches at about the same stage - so we should get a bit of a rush later. I dont think my game against CSM will go the distance .... good use of suppressive fire from mortar and armour is causing my infantry some major problems and now his inf are making their move ......
  5. Yeah its me in Loughborough ... so we have already played a couple of games ...... Hmmm not sure unless you used to be 'Veteran Gamer' (from Plymouth) but I'm sure you didnt as you'd never have posted .......... "I'm the latest in a long line of prophets before me who have graced this hallowed forum:- Veteran Gamer ,Scatterbrain Kid,Licensed Fool,Headshot,Gutshot.." :confused: (Unless of course you were all of those people, which would explain how you managed to beat them all ) As I remember Veteran Gamer's force picks were always armour heavy and the tactics involved an armoured rush for the flag. Effective the first time but once you know its coming its easy to defend against .... I'm sure veteran gamer only played 'unrestricted' games and nothing like 'mechanised' (or others) that would limit the amount of armour he could use as that would destroy his 'tactical' play Lou
  6. This should be interesting.........the 'self proclaimed' Vs the 'widely recognised' CMBB guru. Fionn lets his reputation preceed him ...... Poor Old Spike claims to have the experience ... and in another thread says he can 'talk the talk but also walk the walk' ...... time to do the walking Spike I have just one request ..... an AAR from both players discussing the tactics used and why ! If ever there was a reason to include a multiplayer element in the new website, getting players like this together has to be it ... Incidently - -no offence meant to either player regarding CM ability etc - I'd welcome the opportunity to suffer a major defeat at the hands of either of you :cool: ... best way to learn Lou2000
  7. A while ago I saw it in a shop in Beeston (Nottingham)... dont know the name but its near the bus station ! Game in Loughborough had it .. but I've not looked in either for a while, so maybe they are sold out.
  8. Think how I feel .... the whole forum knows I can only get a kill because of an error That does it from now on I'm only going to play drunk -----> I doubt our game will run the whole 30 turns the way my inf are getting pounded ... and dont talk to me about mortars :mad: just how far off target can they get !
  9. Well so far the views expressed do seem to support some change to the force composition, weather and a slight adjustment to the game length. To allow others to post any views I'll give it a couple more days before I offer up some adjusted settings but I'm thinking towards SteveS suggestion of Axis Mechanised (399 armour pts) versus Soviet Guards (423 pts) or Soviet Cavalry (609 pts)for composition. Maybe 'overcast' for the weather ... to preclude the air support and dropping the game lenghth to 27 turns variable. Nothing firm yet though and still open to suggestions for or against these (or other) changes ! =============================================== As for the Green1 Vs Red1 battle ... little changes ... CSM is still pounding my infantry with his armour, I still have little to counter it. Though I did get a kill on a T-34 .... due to a slip of the mouse by CSM .... 'reverse' instead of 'rotate'.... ...does anybody remember the scene in Braveheart when the Scots turned, lift their kilts and bared their arses to the British ... very similar, very confusing but not a mistake he's likely to repeat and he's making up for it now Lou
  10. If anyone fits into this category and would like to play,please get in touch with me </font>
  11. Need a bit of feedback prior to round 2 games ..... After reading various posts and emails,and doing a bit of experimenting within CMBB, there are a few questions that I'd appreciate some feedback on ... (in no particular order) 1. Weather setting = random. Should this be changed ... we all accept bogging and rain etc .. but it can slow up the action in a game. Would we prefer a clear or overcast setting ? 2. Force mix = Combined arms / mechanised. It has been suggested that the Germans will have a few problems with this due to the points available. I've done a couple of test setups and there does seem to be an imbalance in the amount of armour each side will be able to pick. Would it be better setting to unrestricted, armour or anything else? IMHO this one does need looking at - the Germans could be seriously out gunned ! 3. All rounds have Trees: Moderate throughout Hills: Modest. Would you prefer a bit more variety ... bigger hills or more trees for cover .. or both. 4. 30 turns variable. These games can take a while to play ... is this lenght about right or should we go for 20, 25 turns etc 5. Any other points you think are worth mentioning Your call guys ... as long as all games are played with the same settings then things will be as even as they can be in a QB. There is no problem with making some changes at this stage but I want to get things sorted out prior to any round 2 games kicking off .... Oh yeah and BUMP from page 2. Post your comments ! Lou2000
  12. Rex, If you are after some free webspace try a search here ..... (no popups, ads or adult stuff)Free Webspace ....there are hosts offering free space for personal or business use ... some upto 999 megs without any ads ! I dont know if they are any good or how reliable / fast they are, but it may be worth a look. Lou2000
  13. Just to make my point a little clearer .... When I talk multiplayer ...... I'm not talking a ladder site. I'm more interested for the reasons Sgt_kelly stated ... finding regular, reliable opponents. And like sgt_kelly, I've played with the idea of creating one ... but as I've not touched html for over 2 years I know there is no way I could do it justice. Lou
  14. Blanar, Nice looking cammo job .... are the turret numbers optional ? I only ask because somehow they just dont seem to fit with the rest of the paint job. Better than I could ever do though .... [ March 24, 2003, 02:00 PM: Message edited by: Lou2000 ]
  15. Just a few points for consideration on the options so far. I'll try not to be too biased towards my own suggestion Mod Host - A large,fast mod site would be excellent, but IMHO Best left alone .... for all the reasons you stated earlier, especially webspace and bandwidth ... a mod site without enough of either will soon die ! Multiplayer website - Well obviously still my preference. There isnt so much a problem with finding an opponent, but unless its just me I always seem to play the same people ... now there are a couple of opponents I'll always call up for a game. But its always better to play different people as we all have individual ways of playing. I like moneymaxx's suggestion of a time-out for the 'open' or 'available' flag. This will prompt people to return regularly to the site to update their status. A forum for 'Game Talk' would also generate regular visitors and new content. An AAR section would also keep the site fresh with new items to read .... A good AAR would also add a tactics element to the site making it easy to see what worked and what didnt in a given situation ... not just an 'experts' view of how to fight, sometimes you can learn a valuable lesson from how somebody lost ! And as already pointed out .... multiplayer is 'THE' future of most games ... and CM is no exception. Tactics - Another good idea ... I like it ... But ..... there are a number of sites that already have tactics and tutorials, including popular sites like 'boots and tracks' and 'combat mission hq', though neither of their tactics areas are as organised as they could be and dont get updated very often ... Why ? Is it because once somebody has seen/read the tutorial they rarely return to that page .... how much 'new' content will there be ... as your site will be relying on 3rd party input. Dont get me wrong, I'm not against a good tactics site, the idea is a good one, i'm not sure exactly how you envisage the site looking and presenting the info, im just not sure how much new content there will be after the initial launch and how often people will return once they have read the first infantry, armour, combined arms tutorial etc. The BFC tips and tricks doesnt seem to get much traffic ..... is there a reason for that ? To finnish - though my preference is the multiplayer, you say you 'love tactics' so it may be the best choice for you to do ... people do things best if they enjoy the subject !! Im just trying to throw in a few thoughts on what is already available and what has the best chance of not just getting people to visit the site - but getting them to return and contribute ! Whatever you decide to do, it will be welcome and I wish you the best of luck with it ! Lou2000
  16. Its going to be hard to find something that hasnt already been done or covered on another site and as I'm sure you are only too well aware, one factor to take into account is the amount of bandwidth your site will have available. If you are thinking about hosting mods .... it will need to be fast enough to cope with the demand. I actually find CMMODS OK for finding what I want just by using the 'list by....' option, however it isnt the fastest (even on broadband) - but it works ! And CMMOS mods are taken care of at combatmission.com . A CM forum has obviously already been covered So unless you want to try to become 'THE' CM mod site, what is left .... well this is only my oppinion but maybe a site dedicated to multiplayer CM. I know we have the opponent finder forum but perhaps somewhere that could go one step further, where players could list their preferences for battles type and size and leave them available as a standard set of prefs.... PBEM or Ip, Allied, Axis, Any, prefered battle type, prefered points/map size, premade or QB map etc and an indicator to show if they are currently seeking opponents or have a full playlist. Im sure somebody will point out the Tournament House that has a similar 'open' & 'closed' flag for games... but I have had NO response from anybody when trying to establish a game and never had anybody try get in touch to start one. You could even include a message area or even chat. An AAR section. An area where scenario designers could post multiplayer scenarios for testing & comments. A list of links to recommeded maps .... though probably better not to host them unless the map designer is happy with that. I know im not alone in thinking that CM multiplayer is the best way to experience CM ... but I do feel it is the area least covered by websites etc. If you go down that route .... drop me a line as I have another suggestion, well a request really ! Lou2000 [ March 23, 2003, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: Lou2000 ]
  17. Another game over...... SteveS & Sandy's game came in as a draw (51% - 49%)... However going by the scoring rules SteveS goes through as the winner with 971 points against Sandy's 940. Congratulations SteveS but VERY unlucky Sandy - 31 points in it :eek: Must have been a good game. Hope we get some details on this one. Tournament pages updated here .......NOWT Hopefully we'll get a few more results in shortly .... We have still only had results from Blue vs Yellow games. So come on green and red ! Any games that are dropping behind - it would be good if they could roll out a few more moves ! I have no intentions on calling time yet, hopefully ALL games will get to play to their conclusion ......but if any progress can be made it would be good. Lou2000
  18. It seems the game had reached a point where you both agree it was pointless ( and no fun ) to continue .... (we've all been there before !) Perhaps a mutual agreement by both players to hit the ceasefire button would be better that a surrender then the game wouldnt score all one sides units as 'captured' ... but would still score all casualties and flags etc I dont know if either of you have any saved emails/game turns that would let you try that and see what effect it has on the game points ! Otherwise the prisoner points can either be adjusted ( but how ? ) or as this wasnt stated prior to any games starting we can leave them as they are - - I'd be interested in any views on changes to the rules so they can be used in the next tournament. I've been thinking about doing a second one but using < 1000 point games - smaller battles and a bit quicker. Maybe even letting the AI pick forces, so you have to fight with what you are given. Otherwise similar tournament and teams. .... once again, make your feelings known gents Lou2000 [ March 19, 2003, 04:06 PM: Message edited by: Lou2000 ]
  19. Ok the results of NickT and Firefly's battle are in and the webpages have been updated to show the current points !! So far we have only had results from Blue Vs Yellow games. Both Blue victories. NOWT NickT's individual score or 2909 puts the blues well up, 1614 of his points were from 'Prisoners' so maybe surrender isnt a good idea from the view of gaining points !! Out of the two games it's one game to the Allied and one to the Axis, so even on that score at the moment. Anybody have any thoughts on how long the round 1 games should be allowed to run ?? If we can decide a cut off date that suits most people then any games not finnished on that date both players hit the 'ceasefire' button .... If you have any thoughts post em, I'm open to suggestions. Lou2000
  20. (2 games done 6 still running !) Well done NickT ...... I have your email but the attachment isnt working..... Can you resend the jpg or just the points scored by both allied and axis ... see earlier post for the points needed. Once i have them i'll update the tournament pages. Unlucky Firefly, it sounds like a close run battle ... i wish i had some of that 'lumpy' terain, it would have stopped CSM Hollis's T-34's doing their long range bombardment on my inf Lou2000
  21. Go to you Combat Mission 2 directory (CDV version directory name) and just delete (or move) your Prefs file. Next time you start up the game you'll be asked to choose a new resolution. You may also want to try the tech support forum for similar questions ... lots of good info there .............danm beaten by a few seconds lou2000 [ March 15, 2003, 03:02 PM: Message edited by: Lou2000 ]
  22. Another patch ...... Ya just know that everybody is going to start jumping up and down and asking for more models, more features and will this be fixed, will that be fixed. BFC would be better calling it patch 1.02a rather than giving it a new patch number then people might realise that it's intended as a fix for a particular bug not a 'game upgrade'. ( This is not directed at ham ... I understand his ) You only have to look at the number of CM 2 / CM3 (or whatever you want to call it) ideas threads currently doing the rounds to get an idea ...... (sigh!) i'd rather see another 'peng' thread than another one of those
  23. Excellent ! Not just the Matilda, but the fact that Gordon is still out there modding ! Lou2000 [ March 15, 2003, 02:23 AM: Message edited by: Lou2000 ]
  24. Patience Jiggles .... I have a feeling I'll be with you soon Like Prester John, Im currently having some Russian armour problems ... We are at turn 11 and CSM Hollis has his T-34's sat back hitting some of my infantry ... thankfully not causing too many casualties .... but the 10% the AI took from me all seems to have been my heavy hitting armour and left me with the light stuff - - All is not lost (yet), it'll just take a bit of time (and luck) to try turn this around ! How are the rest of the battles coming along ... Green's where are you !! Lou
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