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Everything posted by Lou2000

  1. Reozil, What version of CMBB are you using ? US or CDV and what patch level ?
  2. I have just posted an AAR here ....CMBB War Diary . It is my first AAR and I'd appreciate some feedback on the format and also on the battle, in particular the setup. I have tried to keep the pics small enough to load easily but with enough detail .. let me know if they are too slow ! (its hard to tell on broadband ) Please try and judge the setup in the way we all have to do them ... with EFOW and without the benefit of hindsight ! Its much easier to spot the mistakes after the fighting is over ! The CMBB AAR with scores has not been included as it doesnt give a fair reflection of the majority of the battle ... but if people would rather see it then I can add it at the end. WARNING ! The battle is hardcampa's HC-Clear Winter Days and may act as a spoiler !
  3. Having just seen the map Jiggles and myself will be fighting on .... It could well be a bloodbath ! .......Ah well back to the setup ..... Axis again !
  4. I've just returned the setup file to Jiggles for our round 2 game. I may have to pay Amazon.com a visit ..... Its the only way I'll get to read the book that Apache has offered for the winner
  5. Actually with 1620 ....YOU got the most points .... So CSM will be waiting for a setup from you !
  6. If its for off line viewing and you want to include graphics you may get away with wordpad .. but it isnt ideal. You will probably need MS Word, HTML or PDF type files. If you want to read & write MS Office compatible files (without MS Office) you could try this ... Office alternative Its 100% free. However the whole suite is about 17mb to download, but shouldnt be too bad with a download manager running. Much smaller than MS Office but with all the functions most 'non-business'users are likely to ever use.
  7. Nevermind, I suggest trying IrfanView for your graphics files. Its freeware and can handle most graphics file types and can do the majority of editing functions. I'm using Paintshop Pro (trial version) - but only because it has a few features that I've wanted to use. I still IrfanView for most basic editing ... because its much smaller that Paintshop and its FREE. You'll also find some freeware html editors here ... HTML editors .. Web dwarf and Trellian are WYSIWYG editors and look easy to use .... I'm hoping to put my AAR up on the web once the battle is over so I've downloaded both but not tried them yet.
  8. Just posting for interest The History chan has a program starting at 09:00 about 'tank crews' in WW2. I watched it last night ... it concentrates on Sherman crews in euorope/N Africa and show the MAJOR problems they encountered. Also has some Pershings. Some really good footage ... and shows just how unsuitable the Sherman was in the early days.
  9. Nevermind: Yep her advice is bad ... NO I dont take it.. And as for the Tiger on the hill .... Would that be the one that sent 3 of your T-34's into reverse gear from a range of 1200 mtrs Sgt_kelly: She's not offering advice (yet) but she's actually reading this as I type (honest .. damn thats scary :eek: )She's actually read the whole thread ..... Oh the shame of it Madmatt .... Any chance of another forum being opened ? How about a Combat Mission Widows forum !! PS This posting has been vetted and approved by 'High Command'
  10. Hell you guys think you have problems .... My wife has ocassionally started watching my PBEM turns ... She actually offered 'advice'... She's even asked if I'll show her how to play :eek: Now my 12yo son wanting to play CMBO is one thing .... but the wife - Not a chance!!!! P.S. I'll have to be quick on this posting I've just got 2 PBEM turns in and shes heading this way
  11. A while ago I was playing with an intro music mod. Apart from using it on my installation I didnt do anything with it. Its here if anybody wants to check it out. This is only a small sample clip..Intro sample (mp3) - 304kb Right click and 'Save As...' or just click the link and play it direct from the net. Its the Russian Red Army Choir singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic in English. Yeah I know its not a very 'Russian' song .... but they do make it sound suitable for the game (IMO). The full thing is about 12mb as a wav file .. I can upload it, but only if its going to be worth the time. [ April 18, 2003, 02:04 PM: Message edited by: Lou2000 ]
  12. I think the 25th of this month was mentioned by BFC as an availablility date for the strategy guide. I dont know if there are any plans to bundle it ... but it may make sense to do that. As for why you waited so long .... for that there can be no answer
  13. Ahhhhh (sighs with relief) I know of a willing volunteer if you need one when it comes to the testing See you when it's back !
  14. Thanks JasonC, Interesting reading (as always)... Any chance you could compile a full list of your similar postings/advice and put them up in the hints and tips forum - or maybe get them put on the web somewhere. I'm sure there are quite a few people who would enjoy reading them !
  15. The site seems to have been down for a few days. I hope its only temporary !
  16. Reozil, You've been kinda quiet recently .... Thought the suspicion that you are using a PIRATE copy of CMBB had made you run for cover. Reozil's last thread ! Did you ever find out where you could download a free copy of the manual ? Still a strong potential for .......
  17. Settings and results updated here .....NOWT AFAIK the remaining 3 games are all progressing well and shouldnt take too much longer - no need to rush it. ================================================= Dec '43 North Combined Arms German - Mech Soviet - Infantry Quality - Medium Allow Human Casualties - 10% Ammo - Full Sewer Movement - Allowed (but N/A due to map type) Meeting Engagement 1500 points Map - Medium Handicap - None Rarity - Standard Time - Mid day Temp – COOL Weather - Overcast / Breeze Map: Terrain - Farmland Trees - Moderate Hills - Modest Damage - Light Turns 27 +/- variable Extreme FOW ================================================= These are the final settings for round 2 - Good luck !
  18. OK Green1 Vs Red1 is complete .. Another stunning victory for the Russians. CSM played a good game with excellent use of his armour and mortar teams in suppressing my troops. I knew from the start I was going to have major problems with the armour that I had ...There was little chance of taking the Reds on in a one on one battle. Due to the flags being in scattered trees and me having open ground in front of them, I decided to try get there early and fight it out in the thicker woods on the other side of the flags ...... I never got there ! Caught in fairly open ground it wasnt long before the HE took its toll and most of my guys ran for home. Good luck to CSM in the next round.. My humiliation is complete I'll updte the webpages shortly .... We'll use the settings as posted earlier but with COOL ( :cool: ) for the temprature. With the scores as I have them two round 2 games can start: (Highest scores doing the setup and picking sides) Mr Byte (1620) Vs CSM Hollis (1550) Jiggles (789) Vs Lou2000 (224)
  19. Thanks - Great work :cool: I'm using your original trees and they look excellent .... this will really give my a 'winter wonderland'
  20. I'll be playing both BB and AK. I've tried going back to BO but somehow its just not the same ... I wonder how long it will be before somebody tried a meta-campaing covering the whole war. (Or a version of Campaign rules) Having groups of people fighting in NW Europe, Italy and the Eastern front !! Perhaps with people moving between games as their units get deployed between theatres ! :eek: I imaging it would be a nightmare to administer!
  21. There are a number of options, but without knowing your PC (or mac?) config or the reasons for the swap ... more space .. faster drive etc it would be hard to suggest the best option... assuming you are using windows. o you need the new drive for extra space ? If so why lose the old drive - just install the new HD as a second drive, leave the OS on the original drive and move your program files over to the new drive. You could aslo put your windows swap file on the new drive .... having it on a different drive to the OS can give speed increases .. but depending upon your processor, ram and what programs you are using, its debatable if you'd actually notice. Once you have the second drive up and running there are a number of programs that will allow you to move installed programs to a new partition. Partition magic 8 should be able to do most of what you want.
  22. If you are looking for somewhere to start modding ... you may also want Gordons mud tutorial, mike8g's vehicle bmp spreadsheet, Kingfisher's 'modders' series and Voidhawks annotated vehicle bmps .... all available at cmmods. Voidhawks mod shows you each vehicle with numbered bmp's in a very nice 60's psychodelic paint scheme .....it would really benefit from turning into a CMMOS mod though ! Well those are all the things I'm using ... however I wont be releasing anything until I can get somewhere near Mr Noobie or Panzermartins stuff ... Yr in for a loooooong wait
  23. There was an excellent modding tutorial posted in the forum a few months ago ... (last Nov i think). I think it was done by Gordon ... but not sure, and was in 3 or 4 parts ... I did a quick search but couldnt find it. I remember saving it all as a .doc file ... but as my PC is down for another day or so I cant check to see it I still have it.
  24. Martyr, My real concern is what do BFC put in and what do they leave out ? You can be sure that if they put in everything some consider to be adequate, other wouldnt and it would only be a matter of time (probably days) before the 'BO+ wishlist' threads start to appear asking for extras in patches. As for my 'all or nothing' comment. IF people could just accept the BO type objects in the game as being a bonus then that would be great ... but you know it isnt going to happen ! I'm not against the idea ... I'd love it ... but how long before we see this ........... 'Why didnt BFC include .........' 'BFC please give us a ....... so I can create a BO scenario covering ........' (fill in the blanks as you see fit ) Perhaps a way of doing it would be to release the CMAK on one disk and include a 'bonus' disk (like they did in the original BO) with the extra objects on and a few scenarios included ... that way it would differentiate between the 'full game' and the 'bonus' pack and they could state that ONLY the full game will be patched/supported etc.
  25. I think most of that will be controlled by the year setting ... the North Africa campaign was over before the invasion of Sicily got underway in July '43 and it was Aug '43 before they crossed the Messina straits onto the Italian mainland (errr ... I think thats correct !) Crete would have to be handled differently though. As for the BO type terrain / units ... I still think that unless it can do 'everything BO' ( Oh if only it could :cool: ), it shouldnt try to do 'bits of BO'...... It will be interested to see an 'official' BFC comment.
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