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Green Hornet

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Everything posted by Green Hornet

  1. I've done some searching on the topic but couldn't really come to a conclusion on whether my system might be affected by downsampling. I've been playing CMBB for a few months and have to say that I'm not really seeing much of a difference in the graphics from CMBO. I'm concerned CMBB may be downsampling but I'm pretty sure there's no reason it should be. I'm on a 2.4Ghz PC running XP with a GEForce4 Ti 4200 (128mb). I had my CMBO fully modded so I guess it's possible that I just won't notice much difference in the CMBB graphics. I've played around with FSAA and anisotropic settings but I didn't really notice much difference. I hesitate to switch video drivers since the game is, functionally, working perfectly. So my question? For those of you who also used to run fully modded CMBO games, did you notice a big improvement in the graphics when you switched to CMBB? If so, are there some tips anyone can give me on getting the sharpest graphics out of CMBB since I'm just not seeing much difference? Apologies in advance to those that think this should have gone in the Tech Support forum. It was a toss-up in my opinion...
  2. wvfoos, Gridded terrian is not part of the shipping version of CMBO (or CMBB). In order to get gridded terrian you need to download and install a mod that supports this. A mod is simply an altered set of bitmaps that can be used in the game. In this case, several nice folks have gone to the trouble of creating a gridded version of all the grass textures in CMBO. You would need to go to one of these sites and download one of the gridded grass mods that can be used with CMBO. CM Mod Database Combat Mission HQ Copy the bitmaps into your CMBO\bmp folder (maybe backup original bitmaps first) and you should see gridded terrian in your game. Good luck.
  3. Glenn, Not entirely true. The winter and non-winter bitmap numbers are not the same, but they're close. I believe all winter bitmaps for uniforms and vehicles are preceeded with a "1". For example, the non-winter german helmet bitmap file is 5015.bmp. The winter version of the german helmet is 15015.bmp. I'm quite certain almost all of the uniform and vehicle bitmaps follow this convention. Terrian bitmaps, however, do not follow this convention for winter vs non-winter. Lastly, my own 2 cents...I love CMMOS. I used to do exactly what you are doing and try to rename/manage the bitmaps manually. It quickly became a headache for me. I found CMMOS to be a fantastic tool for switching mods. Note I said "switching" mods. I love to change mods periodically to give my vehicle/terrian/etc a different look and feel. If you are just interested in picking your favorite mod for a given vehicle or grass texture and sticking with it, then CMMOS may not be worth it. Good luck, whichever route you decide.
  4. Gordo, Are you sure that the Andrew Fox kubelwagon mod you downloaded is in CMMOS form? I don't see it as an available CMMOS Mod on CMHQ. Where did you download the MOD from? It's possible you downloaded the mod, but unless the bitmaps are named according to the CMMOS rule, CMMOS will not recognize it. I'm not at home right now so I can't look up the rule for the kubelwagon, otherwise I could give you more details. If you haven't had any more help in the next several hours, shoot me an email at the address in my profile and I can try to help you out tonight. I'm US West coast time.
  5. Lake Stevens, WA. It's about 20 miles N of Seattle. Nice to know there are a few regional CM'ers out there.
  6. This is great news, Ben Bittner's CMBO skies were WONDERFUL. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread as I would love to see some new CMBB skies as well. Thanks to everyone for your work on this.
  7. Glen, and any others that might be wondering/thinking the same thing... I don't imagine you will have a hard time finding CMBO opponents. I still play CMBO and currently have 14 PBEM games going at once. I've never had a hard time finding opponents and even with the release of CMBB there still seems to be plenty of CMBO opponents out there...
  8. Sorry...double post [ February 10, 2003, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: Green Hornet ]
  9. Well you are correct. Once you've download as many of the winter vehicle textures as you can find, you will notice that a few of them have never been modded for winter or are very hard to find. The M24 Chaffee only has one winterized version that I know if and it was not converted to CMMOS format. The M26 Pershing only has two winterized versions that I know of and only one of those seems to be available for download anymore. The Scipio version is hard to find. Neither was converted to CMMOS. Remember that just because a mod isn't CMMOS compliant dosen't mean it won't work. For winter vehicle textures, you should just need to copy the bitmaps directly into your CMBO\bmp folder and the winterized textures should show up.
  10. Some of my personal favorites that I don't see how I could do without - Marco Bergman's Shermans Fernando's Panzer IVs, Vs, and StuGs Andrew Fox's Uniforms, Jeep, and Pershing Ed Kinney's (Tanks_a_lot) Buildings Gunnergoz spring speckld or Magua Normandy grass I better stop now or this list will get way too long.
  11. markl, The MDMP mods for CMBO are great, but don't stop there. There are more CMBO mods out there available for your enjoymanet than you can shake a stick at. With a little time and effort you can have your CMBO looking absolutely fanstatic.
  12. There's a few combat sound mods here - Tom's Combat Mission HQ But I agree, it seems the availablity of some of these sound mods have gotten a little tougher to find. I've got a ton of sound mods for CMBO on my hard drive at home. If your search proves fruitless, send me an email at the address in my profile and I can a see what I can do about zipping some of them up and sending them off to you.
  13. Looks outstanding. I want it nowwwwww!!!! Keep up the excellent work. Anxiously awaiting its availability....
  14. Welcome, Glenn! You'll find the Combat Mission games will not disappoint. With a plethora of scenarios and mods (created by a number of outstanding folks) available for download, you'll have countless hours of enjoyment. Catch up on your sleep now before the CDs arrive. You'll find most everyone here on the board quite helpful. As you'ver done already, do a quick search for any initial questions since there is a wealth of info in these archived threads. If you can't find what you're looking for...ask away.
  15. Awesome! awesome! awesome!!! Thanks Andrew. This looks outstanding. I love it! I'll start using it immediately...
  16. You and I dream a lot alike. I would defintely and happily buy both!!
  17. If you haven't had a chance already, check out the thread on this forum called: "CMBO Scenario packs and the "CM Big Oracle" here" It points you to a compilation of wonderfully useful posts on tactics, etc, all wrapped up into a nicely formatted HTML page. Or just go to the site directly: Chema_Cagi's Page
  18. Thats! the one I've been looking for. Steve, you don't know me from Adam and I'm not a very prominent figure on this board, but I'd love to use that one in my sig unless you object for any reason. If nothing else, to remind myself that losing in CM once in a while ( okay, for me, a lot ) is okay provided I work to make the best out of an adverse situation.
  19. Excellent stuff! Looks fantastic. I'll be looking forward to getting this one. Many thanks for your efforts. Staying tuned...
  20. I agree with Firefly completely. Not gamey at all. Terrian around, and the distance between, VLs quite often dictate how I approach the battle.
  21. I've been reading some rather "unpleasant" threads lately so I thought I'd go ahead start a thread of gratitude. I wrote something very similar about mods in AndrewTF's Mod FAQ and Etiquette thread. I sit here on my lazy butt waiting for these awesome mods and scenarios to come out to enrich my CM experience. Downloading them from convenient web sites with a few mouse clicks. I've never had it so easy. :cool: Basically, I'm asking complete strangers to spend their valuable time creating something that is going to bring me hours and hours of enjoyment...for free. When I was a small boy I learned that when someone gives you a gift, don't complain about how it it's wrapped. You say "thank you". So, to all the scenaio designers, web designers and modders out there. A collective THANK YOU. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by this CM fan. ps - please don't hi-jack this thread and turn it into an ugly debate. Read it as it was intended.
  22. An updated version of CMBO with CMBB's engine? I'd pay $50 and buy it in a heartbeat.
  23. Looks like you guys got things figured out. Great! Cool flags S.Dog!!!! :cool:
  24. Well, here's what worked for me... The bitmap image size for all of these flags is 231 x 126. The original CMBO flag bitmaps are 127 x 63. So I shrunk your bitmaps down to 127 x 63 and they showed up fine in the game. Strange, because I thought you could increase the size of CMBO bitmaps to get better resolution. I'm definitely no modder but could it be because these new flag bitmap sizes are not increased at a constant ratio? A 50% increase in size would be 254 x 126, not 231 x 126. :confused:
  25. I gave them a try as well. I can view them in somthing simple like the Windows paint program. However, for me, in the game they are appearing as solid white rectangles. Strange, the bitmaps look to be fine. [ January 04, 2003, 08:19 PM: Message edited by: Green Hornet ]
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