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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. El pajaro, mas stupido, sabe' volar. Estoy orgulloso de ser, Argentinio. [ November 07, 2002, 07:34 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  2. You spell the same word incoreectly twice in one sentence - and different each time! WoW, that is quite a feat there, lass. Or did you mean to say "I am Eminem." In which case, STFU!</font>
  3. When I was in the Marine Corps in the 60's we were taught in infantry training to advance in "fire team rushes". When we got to Vietnam and the real bullets were flying, all of that seemed to go out the window. From my personal experience it boiuled down to the courage and leadership skills of individual Marine Officers and enlisted men. We all had basic infantry training, but the "book" was quickly forgotten, when the first shouts of "Corpsman, Corpsman" were heard. The following is a quote, from FMFM1 on Maneuver Warfare, which is fairly recent. It makes some good points: "Because war is a clash of opposing human wills, the human dimension is central in war. It is the human dimension which infuses war with its intangible moral factors. War is shaped by human nature, and is subject to the complexities, inconsistencies and peculiarites which characterize human behavior. Since war is an act of violence based on irreconcilable disagreement, it will envariably be inflamed and shaped by human emotions. War is an extreme trial of moral and physical strength and stamina. Any view of the nature of war would hardly be accurate or complete without the consideration of the effects of danger, fear, exhaustion and privation on the men who must do the fighting. However these effects vary greatly from case to case. Individuals and peoples react differently to the stress of war; an act that may break the will of one enemy, may only serve to stiffen the resolve of another. No degree technological development or scientific calculation will overcome the human dimension in war. Any doctrine which attempts to reduce warfare to ratios of forces, weapons and equipment neglects the impact of the human will on the conduct of war and is therefore inherently false." How would you build human reactions into a computer simulation? I think BFC has done a damned good job. Based on personal experience and a lot of reading, infantry reactions in CMBB seem pretty accurate to me.
  4. I am a simple man, and anyone from Sweden ( a small socialist country, but I like vikings) who is a lawyer ( I hate frigging lawyers, too many of them in the world) would normally be ignored by me. But!!!!, anyone who quotes my idol, Homer J. Simpson, , has got to have some possibilities. Keep it up Leutnant Hortense, you might just make it.
  5. Can I be envolked, too? Always wanted to be part of the volk...*sniff*...maybe have a little wagen of my own...</font>
  6. Pardon me Herr Hubris I was earlier referring to the Manhattan Transit Bureau. I was envolking the Olde Ones who sleep in the subway tunnels beneath the streets of NYC, and eek out a meager existence by panhandling and eating from garbage cans. I was in no way directing my comments to the Olde Ones of the MBT .
  7. What the hell would YOU know about rules and furthermore Bauhaus has far more standing around here (sit down Bauhaus, different kind of standing) than you will ever HOPE to have. Joe p.s. What the hell is "profilically" anyway?</font>
  8. Apparently this Brahouse individual was once a typical lackwitted, bottom-feeding member of the Cesspool. From various posts there seems to be some agonizing over the conditions of his return. Some pillocks advocate his return, others seem to think he must pay some recompense before being permitted back into the fold. He is obviously crying out for consideration... I for one consider him a twit, he seems to be terribly marked by strikes from a ten-foot poll, however if he sends me a set-up that I can't possible lose, I will reconsider my opinion. There are rumors that he does not have a copy of CMBB, CMBO will be fine with me, as long as I am given Elite Waffentruppen, and huge tanks with which to crush him. What say thee, Olde Crusty Denizens of the MTB? [ November 07, 2002, 11:19 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  9. By Berli's Flamin' Beard!!. Where the HELL did you spring from, lad? Was it Seanachai's loins - AGAIN? Well, whatever and as it may be - you have attempted a challenge - pissweak tho' it is - a very SMALL challenge in fact. Are you a Kanigget? Are you an Olde One?? Yet YOU want to set the rules for this battle? Nay lad. It JUST WON'T DO.. <BIG><BIG>*BOOT*!!</BIG></BIG> Aaah! That felt GOOD!! The boot has been sorely missed these past weeks... I shall send you a penance shortly. Oh, did I tell you the story about how, when I was a mere SSN scum floating aimlessly within, I was set a most malodorous task - that of winning the impossible - in the form of Jabos!?? Have you heard how I skillfully manhoovered my plucky Flosschentruppen around the pillock Hans's Uber defences of 35 AT guns and five squadrons of crack B17 bombers? And how I scored a MAGNIFICENT 73 to 27 loss - ostensibly one of the <U>best performances in THE HISTORY OF THE GAME</U>?? It's Cesspool Legend now, lad, and you will soon learn WHY!! Sharpen your bayonet, lad, for FEAR and TERROR are about to visit your sorry spotted arse. Sir Flamin' AJ</font>
  10. Did you actually count them? When it comes to reparte' 30 lines is far too many, actually you could be described as a boob using only one sentence....... anyone who counts lines in a forum thread is a boob! Hows that genius?
  11. Who are you? Are you a knight? Then shut the feck up? You have not earned the right to voice an opinion on this matter. So now, go play with your "Ken and Barbie become Swingers" play set and leave the rest of us alone.</font>
  12. Who are you? Are you a knight? Then shut the feck up? You have not earned the right to voice an opinion on this matter. So now, go play with your "Ken and Barbie become Swingers" play set and leave the rest of us alone.</font>
  13. Oooh, another cat fight...hair pulling, eye scratching, clothing all askew, I love it...can I have some popcorn while I watch?
  14. It seems that since all the CM players on the "Sub Continent" are whipping my fan.... oops, not going down that road again....whipping my arse, I might as well add Sir Flamin AJ to the list of opponents who are crushing me. I throw down the gauntlet AJ , can you pull yourself away from the flock long enough to give me a go? CMBB QB,ME Variable Rarity 1000-1500pts Central front, terrain of my choosing. I will be the Germans. I don't know what time it is in Aussie land right now, and whether or not you will see this right away, but who cares, eventually you will, when you recover from your cheap wine induced slumber, accept my challenge, or be forever labeled as the slack-jawed, knuckledragging, neer-do-well that you are.
  15. Hey, I'm home taking a few days off, and I'm bored, Send me some turns, will ya!!!!
  16. Originally posted by MrSpkr: Watch out!!!! one of the pilotless CIA drone planes is circling WAXAMACALLIT!!!!
  17. Wow, I didnt realize my gams were that nice, those other two things are pretty good as well.
  18. No wonder the sun finally set on the British Empire, if Babbette Boy and Avid Moron are any indication of Britain's mettle, the world is in for it. Cookies and chickens, sheesh.....! [ November 04, 2002, 04:28 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  19. OSGF Sorry, mate. Dogs have all of the qualities we wish people would have.
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