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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Boo try re-seating your modem card. Open the PC case, remove the mounting screws, and pull the modem out, then put it back in and try it again. You could also remove and reinstall your modem drivers. I know this sounds like a big task, and with your limited abilities it might semm very daunting, but it really is pretty simple. Edit: You could also spend a few bucks, you cheap bastard ,and get a high speed cable modem or DSL service, get with it its not July of 2000 anymore. [ July 09, 2003, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  2. Thank you for your efforts. I like this MOD very much.
  3. Its about time we got a new MOD for the JDPZIV. A friend of mine once said that the MOD in game "looked like flourescent mold"
  4. Let's see, 7, 8, 9, 10, yup ten, all my fingers are in place, even after a 4th of July remeniscent of the famous "Shock and Awe" that the good ole USA rained down on the hapless Iraqis. Luckily fireworks are illegal in the state of New York. I would shudder to think of the mayhem that would take place if this was not the case. I swear that someone in my neighborhood was launching JADAMS. People had to disable their car alarms, the concussion from these huge explosions was so powerful. But, what the hey, we are the most powerful nation on the face of the earth, if the common man can't level his own block, and shatter windows miles away, what good is all this freedom we have? Hey grab a Bud Light, and fire off another stick of C-4!!!
  5. Life at the Front,or how SirReal learned the lesson of false Pride (cont) The Russians are attempting to advance now, a T-34 is knocked out by a Landser with a panzerfaust, the other Russian tanks collide with each other trying to get out of the line of fire. Russian infantry attempts to rush the German positions, but they have at least 100m of open ground to cover...the Landsers hold their fire until the Ivans are in the killing zone, then they open up with a furious barrage. The Russians hit the ground, but they have no cover, they are cut to pieces and sent fleeing in panic. At least another company of Ivans is spotted, trying to infiltrate the center under the cover of smoke. The listening post reports of their movement and hastily withdraws back to the main defense line. The Jaeger company attempts to move SP guns to better firing positions, in order to draw the fire of hidden AT rifle teams of the enemy, as of yet they have not been spotted.....(cont) [ July 04, 2003, 02:06 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  6. Well, as a German native speaker living in Britain, I have more than my fair share of exposure to crap German accents in war movies. Still, it is better than getting them to try and talk German (Alan Rickman in 'Die Hard': "Schiess dem Fenster". Indeed...) I have even, on the basis of my own crap German accent when speaking English, been asked to perform as (to wide acclaim) Herr Flick in a short sketch at a company away-day (Brits will know what that is). People should just learn the smuttering of German or Russian needed to get by in CM. That would have the added benefit avoid the most embarassing mistakes in scenario briefings and titles. Ugh... </font>
  7. Life at the Front,or how SirReal learned the lesson of false Pride (cont.) The Russians continue to move forward, this time on a different part of the front. Several platoons of infantry are seen advancing to the right of the original Russian attack line. One of the Jaeger platoon's Marders explodes in flame, probably struck by a hidden AT rifle. Russian tanks, attempting to negotiate the muddy terrain, find themselves exposed to the fire of the Landsers in the forward positions. They attempt to reverse, but are seen to collide in confusion. The volume of fire increases, as more and more Russian troops come into view. Screams of pain and cries for help can be heard from the Russian lines. Concerned by the loss of the Marder on the left flank, the Hauptmann radios for support. As long as the Russian tanks are bogged in the mud, with no room to maneuver, there is time to replace the Marder, but that could change rapidly... The Hauptmann urges the Landers to continue to increase the volume of fire, the left flank seems to be the main axis of the Russian attack...(to be continued) [ July 03, 2003, 07:36 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  8. Dingo: Don't you dare try to mount me mate!! Noba: Roighto, I wasn't tryin' to mount you, bloke, I was just trying to steady m'self, been pub crawlin' all night ya know. Dingo: Soddin' Aussie blokes, why did God have to put us on this forsaken continent, why couldn't I have been born in Ohio, or even New Zealand, where I could have spent my life being a lapdog instead of having to check me six every twenty seconds. BTW, the plural of Dingo is Dingos , you illiterate twits.
  9. Meet the next Senator from the great sovereign state of Wackhio. His constituency consists of people with the lowest IQs south and west of Dearborn MI, and his manager is none other than our own Boo_Radley. Let's all hitch our future to his wagon. Incest in the Oval Office is only a heartbeat away.
  10. Life at the Front,or how SirReal learned the lesson of false Pride (cont.) The front is now alive with activity, as at least a company of Russian infantry, supported by armored cars and tanks, advances into the open. The Jaeger platoon knocks out at least one AC with their light gun, and the rattling of MG and small arms fire sends the Russians scurrying for the saftey of the wooded area. Artillery falls on the wooded area and the screams of wounded Russian troops can be heard over the noise of the firing and the conitnuous booming of the thunderstorm. A Russian platoon attempts to return fire, and the Leutnant gives the order for one section of the line to open fire in order to supress them. Russian tanks are spotted negotiating the soft terrain to the left of the woodline, the panzerschreck teams wait for the range to close...to be continued
  11. Life at the Front,or how SirReal learned the lesson of false Pride (cont.) The driving rain continues to fall, the rumbling of thunder punctuates the sound of the steady falling rain with startling regularity. The Landers grow nervous, the Hauptmann told them that the Ivans were in hot pursuit, why havent they shown themselves? The men of the battalion rearguard hunker down and scan the woods to their front. Suddenly the sound of incoming shells mixes with the natural rumbling of the thunderstorm, the Landsers steel themselves, but from experience they know that the rounds are falling far from their positions. Clouds of gray smoke blossom across the landscape, the Ivans are laying a rare smokescreen, usually they assault without them, they have learned during the years of deadly combat. Earthbrown figures appear, running from the woods towards the wheatfield. The Leutnant gives the order for the HMG to open fire. Ripping bursts of deadly fire streak out across the wheatfield, several distant figures fall, but now the smokescreen obscures all view. The Landsers wait....... [ June 28, 2003, 05:34 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  12. Hey Boo what you do is lay down in the driveway with your head on the threshold of the garage, raise the door up and down on your head, eventually all will become clear, and you can send me a turn!
  13. lenakonrad take care of yourself, I hope everything works out, I will miss your inane postings. Sayonara
  14. Actually I was planning to do the entire Wilderness Campaign, I was going to ask for your help, but then I realized you don't have an opposable thumb. Do you think you could operate a finger puppet with your prehesile tail? Thank you Boggs , dont listen to that poofy provacateur. </font>
  15. Actually I was planning to do the entire Wilderness Campaign, I was going to ask for your help, but then I realized you don't have an opposable thumb. Do you think you could operate a finger puppet with your prehesile tail? Thank you Boggs , dont listen to that poofy provacateur. [ June 24, 2003, 09:57 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  16. Niiice. Better than nice, in fact. It's really a lot of fun to read an AAR in progress while playing as the other side. Too bad it has to lag the game some, or Nidan will risk giving away information to me while the game is still underway. Anyway, keep up the great work, Nidan! Even if you turn out to have all the tactical sense of a grease-smeared doorknob, you can still get by writing stories! /SirReal </font>
  17. Yes ,or the subtle meaning of some words ,like for example Heimat... </font>
  18. Nice website, I have down loaded the first scenario, and I will be happy to provide feedback. That's why I love the German language, all those different ways to say "the" the Oak, the Tree, the Wood, all different genders. [ June 23, 2003, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  19. Life at the Front,or how SirReal learned the lesson of false Pride (cont.) A warm, muggy rain continues to fall, as the Landsers nervously fidget in their defensive positions. Although the rain and mud will slow down the enemy, the Landsers also know that the thunder and the pelting of the rain will mask the sounds of the approaching Russians. Suddenly a hollow cracking noise is heard on the right flank, the unmistakable sound of an enemy AT rifle. The small round ricochets harmlessly off the armor of one of the vehicles, but startles the crew with its suddenness. The vehicle reverses out of range, but the situation is clear. The Ivans have advanced silently and are now in visual range of the German positions. The Landsers strain their eyes and ears towards the wooded areas in their front, hoping to catch a glimpse of the enemy.....to be continued. [ June 23, 2003, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  20. Getting some ingredients for an Ohio style fiesta, were we? [ June 22, 2003, 09:22 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  21. You're dating Gaylord Focker? Now there's an image that sends shivers down my spine. [ June 20, 2003, 10:50 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  22. Pleased to make your aquaintance Miss Kitty (sounds like a line from an old "Gunsmoke" episode)
  23. Hm. Assuming a bit much, are we? Well, since I can be expected to have less experience than you, perhaps not an entirely unwarranted assumption. We shall see. Looks to be a very nice AAR, anyway, so please keep a copy offline. I'd like the whole thing when we're done, if you don't mind. Bah, how could you possibly mind, since we all agree you don't have one. /SirReal </font>
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