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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Originally posted by Gus: Sorry, Gus, may I call you Gus?, these stories are made to be told by warriors around the meadehall on a cold night with the sun low on the horizon. The stable boys cannot hang with the men, I'm afraid. Perhaps Boo_Radley would like to regale you with tales from the Ohio Outback, (near Akron), or you could wait for the tornadoes from Ohio to skip into Hoosierland, that might float your boat. I have no time for this now.
  2. Then you have been told wrong. But you, being the green, wet behind the ears, hair full of hay seeds rube that you are, no doubt believe all that you are told. So believe this. You will NOT receive a set up from me until I have my new computer. Hopefully, sometime this week. At which time, oh former squire, I will yet again send you crying off to your mommy. </font>
  3. Send me a new set up...only you would be able to recognize ineptness....after all, you are completely inept...or so I have been told.
  4. Originally posted by Moraine Sedai: Must have something to do with Southern Genteelity Yankee women are far more direct.
  5. Originally posted by Moraine Sedai: The answer is quite simple Dear Lady. Men like to fish, and they usually do it unaccompanied by the fairer sex, if a women really wants to catch a man, she needs to go to places where men congregate, i.e. the stream, or the boat, but in order to stand out and distract said man from his pursuits, she must make herself look as if she is going to dinner at the Waldorf Astoria. After all what man is going to notice a women, in a flannel shirt, floppy hat and waders?
  6. Yeah, I can see it, a B-17g, with the port outboard engine feathered, and the tail all shot up. The "Miss Lizzie" nose art is unmistakeable, a classic photo from WWII. Is that a UFO just off to the right there?, I can just barely make it out. Dope!!! [ July 28, 2003, 12:12 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  7. While we are on the subject Some intersting facts.
  8. No, actually this has become the Welcome to the demented world of Boo_Radley Thread , and we were waiting for you to stick your ugly head up like a prairie dog at sunrise.
  9. Dear Lads, this tripe from a liver-spotted, pork belly, who once said he enjoyed playing PBEM with me because I replyed to turns, ON A BETTER THAN ONCE A MONTH BASIS!!!, then he just drifts in and out of a PBEM like a bad smell on a hot day, you can get a hint of the aroma, but then it disappears.
  10. Setup is on the way to you, now, if you have trouble, remember, the computer has to be plugged in. </font>
  11. CavScout I would love to add you to my trophy case of Squire heads, why dont you send me a setup. I have no preferences, other than make it something after 1942, I can also put a red pin in Wisconsin, as another location of a soon to be defeated opponent.
  12. Seanachai wonderful news about your mother, I am truly happy for her as well. I hope she contiues to have good health. Mother's are wonderful creatures, they forgive our most vile transgressions, it it obvious that your Mum must be a saint, to have put up with the likes of you for the majority or her adult life would ensure her canonization.
  13. Preview pics look great, Panzerman, cant wait for the finished product. Your work is greatly appreciated.
  14. You mean.... us lot is related to you lot?!!! *gack* *gulp* *ggggggaaaAAAAAAAaaaaack* *gulp* Sorry, just trying to swallow the bile that keeps repeating on me. Mace </font>
  15. I enjoy a TCP game where it takes a few turns to move into the action. Part of the fun for me is the anticipation that something is going to happen. IMO I am in no rush to get into action in either PBEM or TCP, watching the battle develop before thew contact occurs can also be fun a rewarding.
  16. For those of you who feel the pressures of daily life, and the extra stress of dealing with the gits in the MBT give this a shot, it may help you; Stress Test
  17. Originally posted by Boo_Radley: If you stopped spending all your money on those frilly sun dresses you love so much, you'd have some money in the budget for a new machine...bah! dress wearing Pillock!!!.
  18. I think this Dr. Love character is a charlatan, I mean how good can any relationship be, if you have to keep talking to the other person? [ July 21, 2003, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  19. 50 TURNS!!, Boggs , do you think you be able to stay awake that long? Just imagine the attention span you are going to have to maintain in order to complete a game that long. Do you think you can get passed four turns before you tip forward and begin drooling on the keyboard? [ July 21, 2003, 10:28 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  20. Nidan1 Arnold Schwartzenegger 82 % Dr. Love thinks that a relationship between Nidan1 and Arnold Schwartzenegger has a very good chance of being successful, but this doesn't mean that you don't have to work on the relationship. Remember that every relationship needs spending time together, talking with each other etc. I wonder if he will have time for me, now that he might be running for governor of California? [ July 21, 2003, 07:50 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  21. Originally posted by SirReal: The life of a down-trodden, seat sniffing, neer-do-well must be getting to you at last, sir. I never exaggerate!, I never pontificate, and I never hug edges, you in your myopic haze must have me confused with someone else. If you re-read our AAR you will see not a single feline of any type in my order of battle. It was the blood, sweat, and sinue of the Landser that defeated you handily.
  22. Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Joe , you can probably find him out in the snow....is there snow in Sweden at this time of year?....flagellating himself with pine boughs, in the fine Swedish tradition of shame and disappointment. After I handily thrashed him in our recent battle, I doubt whether you will see him anytime soon. He will be polishing my boots for quite a while, poxy serf that he is.
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