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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. How about the sounds of whizzing shell fragmets?, now that you are into this, you must know that we are insaitable. [ May 22, 2003, 10:05 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  2. You just go ahead and use your CMBO tactics for all your QBs they will work just fine.
  3. Originally posted by Seanachai: GETTING FORGETFUL?, GETTING FORGETFUL? Do you forget to change your underware? to put out the cat? to buy another case of Night Train? Send me a turn you sterno drinking, blockhead!!!
  4. Yankees 7 Red Sox 3, sorry to hijack....no I'm really not sorry Yankees 7 Red Sox 3. Stick that in your Fenway Frank bun!!!
  5. Oh...but you didn't knock out the StuH. Three penetrations...no serious damage. If only you were that lucky in real life, huh? Guess the "pull out" method just isn't as effective as they gym teacher said it was... </font>
  6. Malakovski is an edge hugging bastiche. After 15 turns in the first battle of the wonderful "Seelow Heights" operation, I encounter no German resistance, other than a few mines, and barbed wire obstacles, which forces me into the quagmire of mud which is 90 FRIGGEN PERCENT of the map. His units are so close to the far edge of the map, that the recoil of their weapons could cause them to teeter off and fall into the area marked "Dragons live here" on the screen. Gamey Pillock!
  7. A better reason could not be found for avoiding that town, thanks for the tip.
  8. Originally posted by Malakovski: No one ever had "that" talk with you when you were a young lad? You see, boys and girls are different, and when one thing leads to another...well, things happen....and the boy puts his thing...go look it up! or better yet ask Seanachai he knows everything! [ May 16, 2003, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  9. Ja Steve , den wir nicht in den Fremdsprachen mehr sprechen . [ May 16, 2003, 10:35 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  10. One thing to remember about the Japanese, and I guess you could include Boo_Radley as well; they hate EVERYONE, (not bad thing, I'm sure), far more xenophobic than even the Chinese. Anything they export, including movies and cartoons intended for Gai Jin (that's us), will no doubt be confusing, imponderable and lacking in anything that a westerner could fathom. They do this on purpose, and claim that we do not understand because we are too immature and lacking in culture. It is a gigantic Japanese private joke, and they make millions on it, because we eat all this stuff up. Go to a book store that caters to Japanese living in America, or better yet take a trip to Japan. The action comic books are filled with rape, sadism, murder and dismemberment, all things that political correctness has long since eliminated from public display in this country, they think nothing of it. They view things from a different social perspective based on their mores and culture. They are very nervous with Americans or anyone who can speak Japanese, because to know a language is to know the culture. As much as I have tried I cannot get into those Japanese fantasy cartoons, they are just too far out, and they dont translate well into English. (Neither does Boo_Radley for that matter, which is why I suggest he commit SEPPUKA with a toenail clipper, I would even second him, just for the pleasure of watching him writhe in pain.) But I digress...... The Kurasawa movies on the other hand are more understandable, because they deal with simple concepts of good an evil that all cultures can relate to,(except maybe Boo , because the understanding of even simple concepts requires some intelligence...at least above the level of an arthropod...perhaps up to the development of a prehensile tail . Thusly the discovery of remains of early Ohioans in the tar pits. ) I am constantly distracted, I apologize... The Japanese tend to apply spirtuality and deep thought to everything. (I'll explain this later Boo ) They really work at it, imagine being a "salaryman" in Tokyo, you commute three hours a day to work, so most of the week you live in the city, and sleep in one of those "rabbit hutch" hotels, kinda like the living quarters for the workers on IO in the movie "Outland", or a typical Ohio suburban community. (Why does that keep happening?) You're jammed into the Metro with 4 million other people to get to your office, your boss requires you to go out drinking every night to at least two AM, so you have only 4 hours of sleep. You withdraw into yourself for some peace and quiet, you only hear your own breathing, and you visualize an open landscape, with solitude and peace, unlike the hustle and hurry, pollution and noise of Tokyo, or say Akron, for that matter. You can do this at will, because to display distress or annoyance in public or at work, will surely cause upset to your team and a loss of face for you. (Get it yet, Boo ?) So you are talking about an entire culture (the men and the women have different methods) that is able to control all emotion and outward expressions of negativity in public in order to live in harmony. Yet they are capable of expressing themselves in the lowest human terms in books, magazines and movies, that would make even Larry Flint shudder. (Sort of like "monsters from the ID") wakari masu ka? Boo, Panzer Leader?, et al.? [ May 16, 2003, 08:41 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  11. That Boo_Radley arrival thread was about as venomous and wit filled as the "Honeybunch" novels.
  12. Could never see myself agreeing with Olde Joe but this time I have to. Boo since you seem to be the keeper of our lineage, my squire is one SgtGoody , a tactical retard, to be sure, but at least he has the good sense, not to post too often in the MBT ! Pillock!
  13. Malakovski blathered: If you can possibly tear yourself away from your furry/feathered friends FOR ONE MINUTE!!! You might want to resend turn 31. With all those skills you have aquired, one would think you would have figured out how to use E Mail properly, rather than just learning how to mark your territory.
  14. Your wit cuts like the dull end of a plunger. Your barbs sting like medium sized drops of rain. Your confusion, utterly typical. You might send a setup, a nice scenario perhaps, if you could navigate the blindingly complicated process of clicking three or four buttons in the right order, but alack, if you cannot tell a name from a curse, how shall you tell a setup from, say, your own right buttock? And that is the last thing I want to receive in the mail. Although you might be more amusing gimping around without it. Yes, much more amusing in fact. Very well, I am willing to sacrifice for the amusement of others. I demand either a setup, or your right buttock. Amuse with your inept tactics, or amuse us all with a self-inflicted handicap. I'll have my hazmat suit ready. </font>
  15. Minnesotain toad. Minnesota ice fishing Gnome, there is a resemblance. You might be on to something Mr. Boggs.
  16. Well, let's see, former squire, how you're doing in our present battle. Even after knocking out my two StuGs and then assaulting my position with 4 T34's, some kind of tankette a couple of armored cars and I don't know how many troops, I'm still holding you off with a handful of men and one gun. You could screw up a free lunch. </font>
  17. AAARRGGHHHHHH What are you SAYING man!!?? Have you no SHAME? No sense of privacy? *vomits violently* Oh ... oh...the pain the pain...Never before in the history of human communications has there been such a dreadful image conveyed, as this...this *vomit* ..this dreadful image of you and your "size twelve" and Boo The mental image is too much...must wash...eyes ...with iodine. </font>
  18. I have gotten nothing, Dear Lady , which is the usual fare available in here. Boo is nowhere to be found, Im saving my size twelve for him. P.S. I knew it was you all along, many clues you left along the way gave you away. P.P.S Do you really keep Scotch Mist in your petticoats? Interesting.
  19. Well Utah's loss is certainly California's...er...loss as well. Couldn't happen to a nicer coast. Don't drink the water out there.
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