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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. I mentioned nothing in my post about Nazis, you added that. I was discussing the fact that Soviet Monuments were being defaced by the Bulgarians. I didn't say anything about Eastern European countries being allied with the Nazis, again that is an argument that you want to make. not me.
  2. The Russians should offer to remove the monument at their expense, and take it back to Russia. They must have put up similar statues and monuments all over Eastern Europe. The countries that were subjugated by the Soviet Union until its collapse do not have to honor their conquerers. While defacing the statues is not the way to go either, they should offer the Russians the option to take them home, or see them removed by the home country. I don't believe that any sovereign nation should be forced to have monuments honoring their former enemies on their soil.
  3. I personally don't trust internet sites with the .ru extension. Unless I know that the site is reputable and legit, I won't go there. It seems that the Russians are behind a lot of the hacking of corporate systems here in the US. I may be paranoid, but I'm not going to give them the opportunity to screw up my PC. While the results of poor Russian attempts to translate things into English may be amusing, I'm sure they would roar with laughter about any attempt I might make to post in Russian.
  4. L.A. is a great big freeway Put a hundred down and buy a car In a week, maybe two, they'll make you a star Weeks turn into years. How quick they pass And all the stars that never were Are parking cars and pumping gas Does this song remind you of all your dashed hopes and dreams Joe?
  5. San Jose? Didn't that nearly fall into the sea once? I'd hate to see all of that silicon floating away to China.
  6. One of the major causes of increased carbon in our atmosphere. Perhaps if the Environmental Crazies thought about nuking Wisconsin we could clear up the climate change issue once and for all and stop blaming China, India and West Virginia for polluting the planet.
  7. He is one to talk, he can't even get your handle written correctly. Doesn't mean he lacks an opposeable thumb, but your handle is prominently displayed many times throughout this thread. It could just mean he can't read.
  8. I have no idea what you are talking about. As Joe Shaw always says, no screen shot, never happened.
  9. Get serious Joe, these game dumping events took place back in the CMx1 days. You have been gone playing WWI dog fighting games for years now. Just to keep it real, why don't we get together and play a battle in the new arena?
  10. Probably more like your closed eyelids were inhibiting clear vision, Propofol abuse can be dangerous.
  11. He actually sends you turns!!! I find it curious that anyone would even lower themselves to play CM with you. Over the years you have bailed on me, and stopped sending turns on at least a dozen occasions. Understanding that his ancestry is aligned with yours ng cavscout has now adopted your MO and has stopped sending turns in our current Red Thunder battle. Perhaps he has realized that climbing the hills are not as easy as he originally thought they would be, but nevermind. I'm sure that once he rises from his current stupor he will do the right thing.
  12. Keep the door locked, and we will never have to be diappointed by his arrivals ever again. There will be no living with him now since he has taken a new Squire, sperke or whatever he calls himself, being the first new Squire of the Pool in several years.
  13. I see you didn't pick up on it, but once again posted a lame retort! You are losing it Old Man. {{{{Name not spelt, but bolded]]]]
  14. A mere test, bringing to light the fact that your mind is a vast wasteland of petty thoughts and lack of panache'. Anyone could notice the misplaced forward slash, but only the true superior intellect could appreciate the subtle, yet biting comments of the post in its entriety. Someone that you are most assuredly not.
  15. I'm more inclined to believe that the quote from the prophet speaks more to "passing" as it relates to "passing gas", and Shaw[b/] besides your drivel encrusted posts, farting is probably your next most prolific activity. As far as what dogs and donkeys have to do with interfering with the prayers of men, I will leave that to theological scholars to determine, and remember you were the one who brought up sashaying donkeys.
  16. "Live and Exotic", could mean all sorts of things. I saw a similar sign at the reptile house at the Bronx Zoo recently. Could he be in to that?
  17. CMBB had sewer movement as well. I wonder if BFC will roll that into future upgrades of RT.
  18. I sent you a file three days ago.....I re-sent it. Maybe you can check your inbox this time.
  19. Haven't seen any activity back from you either, Sparky
  20. Hey! You are certainly a good judge of character......for an Aussie that is.
  21. City scapes once again prove deadly for armored vehicles. I agree, the tide is turning in your favor, my friend.
  22. The Japanese are quite enamored with their early historical periods. They are, as a people, bound to tradition and reverance of people and events of their past. As a nearly homogeneous population, it is easier for them to relate to their common history, and therefore have a keen understanding of their past and their current place in the world. Of course the early 20th Century was not kind to the Japanese, mostly their own fault IMO. However it does not surprise me that they would create such an extensive and long running historical drama series.
  23. John, you brought that to my attention a couple of years back if I am not mistaken. Thanks again. The Meiji Period was a tumultuous time in Japan. The Satsuma Rebellion had recently taken place, an event where the old Samurai attempted to halt the modernization of Japan, and were eventually defeated by the Western Trained Army. The Tom Cruise movie "The Last Samurai" is loosely based on this period. A lot of the important precepts in this document were sayings and ways of behavior explained in the Code of Bushido, that all Samurai should follow.
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