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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. This was my first shot at providing a scenario for an ROW tourney, and it was a big thrill for me. Especially to be in the company of veteran designers from past ROW events. I designed Highlanders in Hell, feel free to ask anything you want, or make any comments...I have a thick hide and a good sense of humor. Don't forget...this thread is only to discuss the first round scenarios. Round two is most definately in lock down.
  2. The lucky side.... I wanted to add, after further contemplation, that there are so many variables in a modern combat situation, that make all discussion of the personal weapon of the participants, somewhat moot. BigDuke6's question above is totally hypothetical and tries to compare modern armed combat to the Gunfight at the OK Corral. An infantry platoon on a mission is not in a vacuum, no matter what personal firearm they are carrying. There are supporting fires, leadership roles, tactical considerations, human errors, unexpected situations, all of these, and more, play a role in who simply comes out the winner. Most home grown groups such a Hezbolla, Al Qaeda, and others, are simply nothing more than well equipped and funded street gangs. There is no comparison to them and a purposefully trained military unit. Their choice of weapon is dictated by economics first, and personal choice second. The reasons they dont pick up western small arms, is probably more due to the fact of ammunition problems or unfamiliarity rather than a choice made based on the weapon's capability. A simple debate on the merits of two different assault weapon designs, has IMO morphed into something far more complicated and point of view based. It is however an interesting discussion, even though it is totally off topic. [ June 24, 2005, 07:34 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  3. All I know, is that some young fellow from North Vietnam was able to place a 7.62x39 from an AK-47 (probably, could have been an SkS, don't know for sure) into my left left thigh, from about 70-100m away. He could have been aiming for my head, but who wants to quibble about that? In any event, I was not able to respond with my M-16. The point being....and adequately discussed here..is that both weapons have their place in history...and put into the hands of a determined, dedicated person can kill or maim...which is the number one purpose of a weapon, IMO.
  4. I have noticed also that conditions of low visibility....such as darkness or thick fog, increases the effect of surprise fire on moving infantry. Of course the new sneak rules can cause you even more harm when caught in an ambush, if your poor pixel troops start crawling towards the source of their pain, rather than away from it. I believe that is a factor of the friendly map edge , which is determined by the scenario designer. BTW, Berli did spring a nice ambush, but as he indicated it was a short lived moment of glory for his men, who are now being pounded into goulash after exposing their positions.
  5. Any of you blokes allergic to the sting of Jackjumpers....no???? too bad.
  6. Congratulations....and good fortune to those who have moved on to the next round!!!
  7. Yeah, and then ask for a 33 beer to wash it down with, and say that if you get one, you will love the owner "long time" If that doesnt work, tell the owner that if you don't get one you'll come back with your friends and trap the restaurant staff in an L-shaped ambush.
  8. You didn't need to flashback that far... only as far as our last game. I seem to recall some British infantry walking into a near perfect L shaped ambush. Not many walked out </font>
  9. Thanks for the flashback.....Thua Thien Province, RVN....May 15, 1967, oooh it hurt!!!!!
  10. Weren't you Dariuz Kowolski a few days ago????
  11. True, you would probably need as many blind playtesters as you would have as contestants.
  12. Stand back gents..... the in...tu....llectuals are going to stun us with their capacity to bloviate.
  13. Don't let us detain you....don't you have discussions about sucession to attend to?
  14. Kingfish I don't believe anyone is suggesting that the scoring be changed at this point. Put away the long fingernails I would like to add my 2 centavos into the Dawg situation. While lurking through the ROW threads for these past few months, one thing struck me.....while most of the posters seemed to be having fun in the tournament, Dawg's posts indicated a certain JOY and excitement that none of the others had. That being said...I think it is a real shame that because of this scoring discussion, a person who obviously had a great time with the whole ROW experience, is now experiencing much less than that. I hope he understands that this type of discussion is common in the CM community, and that no one, and I mean no one...is attempting to demean his achievement in the tournament.
  15. Heh, the place I ate at was light years better than Denny's. I hope that it's still there and as good as I remember and that you find it. But after 29 years... I remember it as a friendly lilttle place for the 12 or so hours I was there. But I can't think of any place I'd want to live in the Central Valley. Too hot, too dusty, too flat for me. I could also say something about hick farmers, I suppose, but I'll refrain as that might smack of elitism. In the Navy they'd say you are a plank owner. Glad to see you aren't just interested in getting a high paying job. The world could use more of that kind of idealism. Hope you don't starve. Michael </font>
  16. That certainly explains it.....it also explains why you Aussies, are so far away from the rest of us.
  17. What's a pissup ??? We used to construct urinals in Vietnam using pieces of pipe, or old discarded artillery round containers....we called them pisstubes . Is this something similar that Aussies do on weekends, when they are bored?? Will someone who understands this gibberish please help out. Is it something like saying... go piss up a rope ???
  18. Hauntingly familiar....don't you think????
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