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Everything posted by laxx

  1. Anyone use HTs as fast recon vehicles to draw enemy fire ? at first i thought it would be gamey until i read that Joachim Peiper used in the russian front, this was discussed earlier ( http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=004687#000000 ) i tried it several times, either HT or the faster armored cars.
  2. 3 additional questions: - I am stuck on the MG Carrier (english) M17 MGMC HT (american) Lend Lease, how many crews does it have. - What is meant by "crew", is it the number of people that is needed to operate the vehicle or does it include the passengers as well. I found that some sites quote differently, ie. 251/1 is 2 +4, this is easy to understand, but when the 251/2 HT Motar is listed as 8, does the 8 include just the driver and persons to operate, or does it include passengers as well. - lastly, more of a discussion than question, optics are listed as : regular, good, binocular, long range, v. long range, dual mag, and narrow. is it possible to give these optics a rating from 0 to 6 or are the types so different that you can't really compare them ? eg. 0- regular, 1 - narrow, 2 - good, 3 - binocular, 4 - dual mag 5 - long range 6 - V. Long range higher number is better. TIA. [ February 21, 2003, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  3. kake, this forum is dominated by alot of grumpy old men who have set themselves too high a Grog level to be frivolous, cheerful so plain fun. of coss, there is *nothing* wrong to be a GOM, ( I mean, after spending the better part of last nite searching/verifying the no. of Tank Crew details into a spreadsheet, i feel like a mini-GOM myself). So, doan get upset, no name calling, just accept this as a quirk in this forum. I remember starting a thread on gamey tactics and got blasted/condemned/banished by the GOM. Cheers!
  4. posting cancelled. i found the answer to my question.... [ February 20, 2003, 07:59 AM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  5. Hi, thanks for the excellent advice, as usual. I have decided to classify the vehicles into: Light Tank Medium Tank Heavy Tank Armored Transport Unarmored Transport Armored Halftrack Armored Car Tank Destroyer Assault Gun Tankette/Recon (of coss there are many permutations (such as Flamethrowers, Infantry tanks, Light/Medium/heavy Tank destroyers etc). For simplicity and search/sorting in the final program, I think it would be best to the above. a. All except the SdKfz 250/1 and SdKfz 251/1 are either Armored Cars or Armored Halftracks. SdKfz 250/1 and 251/1, I am classifying in to Armored Transport. b. With lend-lease tanks, all the Shermans, Valentine and Churchill are Medium Tanks. While the Stuart is Light tank. and The matilda II is a heavy tank. Even though the Churchill tank is a Heavy Infantry support tank, most sites seem to classify it as a medium tank. Comments please. laxx
  6. Hi, a. is the BT-5 medium tank ? some refer to it as a medium, while some refer it as Lite. Any thots on T-26, BT-7 ? b. I have classified the Pathers as a Medium Heavy Tank (from Achtung Panzer site) Actually, is there a authoritative site for Russian Tanks. I am quite confused jumping from one afv site to another...
  7. NightShade: Heaps and heaps of thanks. Your suggestion above is probably a more complete classification and I am thinking of taking up your suggestion, will you around to help out with forseeable Q&As ? Two more questions to ask you before i rush off to make changes in the "Vehicle" camp: (a) I noticed from the Achtung Panzer site, that names with country of origin in brackets like "Hetzer 38(t)" or "T-34/85 M1944 late 747®" are valid Names. Is "TA Assault (PzIII)" a valid name or is just "TA Assault" ? ( What about Captured or lendlease Tanks in the Allied Camps ? Did they have a name like "StuG IIIF(g)" for Captured StuG originating from Germany ? or just simply "StuG IIIF". thanks once again.
  8. Hi, I am populating Chris' excellent CM2 spreadsheet into a filemaker pro database , and I am following his classification on AFVs: Tanks, Tank Destroyers, Assault Guns and "Vehicles" and "Armored". I have some questions which needs help: (a) Currently, "Vehicles" include half-tracks, armored cars, trucks, tankettes, jeeps etc. What other practical sub-classification should there be ? or is it okay to lump it as a single cat called "vehicles" or "AFV" (Do trucks count as a AFV ?) ( Are tankettes considered as Tanks, in the context of CMBB classification ? Case in Point is the T-38, i noticed it is sometimes called a tankette but is this AFV related to the Panzer 38(t) ? © the current database for all vehicles under Hungary, Finnish, Poland, Italy are classified under "Armored". Can someone help to tell what these are (Tank, Tank Destroyer, Assault Gun, Vehicles (HT, Armored Cars, Trucks)): Hungary: -------- Toldi I Toldi IIa Toldi III Turan I {35t} Turan I late skirt {35t} Turan II {35t} Turan II late skirt {35t} Zrinyi II {35t} Zrinyi II late skirt {35t} Nimrod (AA) {Landsverk} Csaba Ansaldo CV-35 Italy: ---- Carro Amato L.6/40 Semovente L.40 da 47/32 Carro Legerro CV-33 Romania: -------- R-2 {35t} Vanatorul de care R-35 R-35 Renault : tank T-3 T-4G {PzIVG} T-4H skirt {PzIVH} T-4J skirt {PzIVJ} T-38 TA Assault (PzIII) : tank destroyer or assault gun ? TACAM R-2 TD {35t} TACAM T-60 TD {T60} BT-7 M1937®: tank T-26S M1937® : tank T-60 M1941® : tank R-1 Tankette 222 late Armored Car (AA) : vehicle 251/1 HT : vehicle Malaxa Carrier; vehicle T-37® Tankette : vehicle thanks! [ February 19, 2003, 01:08 PM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  9. Panzer76: Ouch! Since you are the StuG grog, can I ask why does the StuG III (early) cost more than the Stug III (middle) or early middle, about 158 vs 130 points ? Especially when it lacks a MG ? This is a 1943 engagement. Kanonier: I am using the grided grass mod, found here: http://www.cmmods.com/web%5CCMMods.nsf/d329c6a48ec6a36f85256c5f005fd0d9/2d0c6b067d73651d85256c7a006c4021!OpenDocument [ February 13, 2003, 06:54 AM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  10. i wager that the centre tank is a t-26, but the left-most tank looks like a small kv
  11. Downloaded here in Asia perfectly, unstuff for Mac and run without problems. I like the Armor-Only QB, lots of phun! thanks BFC!
  12. Hi, just a post to say that I played several QBs on ME, and Axis Probes with 2 of the two maps yesterday, most excellent quality. thanks!
  13. Hey, I liked the Hetzer in CMBO (cheap, first-shot, and low silhouette), but it was kinda different in CMBB. I did a test from the above comments of the StuG III: Quick Battle Meeting Engagements Allied Armor vs Axis Unrestricted. Mid-day, Map used was imported from TshaplinkaME.cme With 1000 points, I bought 7xStuGIII vet, and 2 light armored cars Regular. I found out later that the AI bought 9xT-34 M43 and 1xISU-152. Well, the results speak for itself, result: one german armored car lost from the scouting expedition, 10 russian afvs destroyed.
  14. Heeheehee very funny.... ....i can imagine grognards complaining that the noobies are using gamey tactics in CM:LOTR.
  15. LtBull, thanks for the links. interesting vehicle, 251/22:
  16. BTW, I noticed that there is no such thing as unity among wargamers. A little bit like MacWorld where you have artsy-fartsy types mingling with unix geeks, the only common denominator is a love for OS X. Well, in our case, Combat Mission. Hmmm, we have noobies, grogs, twitchers, mod-sluts, tnt-chuckers....
  17. LD: Good show! i mite add from a previous post: 12. There are NO Horses for Calvary Charge. 13. Neither are there field-kitchens, Medics, Amulances or Sniper Companies. 14. There are also NO additional tractors, gun carriages. 15. Be thankful that Ampulomet color is gonna be fixed, quit complaining that it looks like a hugh cigarette... [ February 09, 2003, 09:18 PM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  18. Well, feature-creep will always be a thorn on the developers' side. Previous requests includes: More serious requests: - Tractors and Gun-carriages - non-generic tankette/small tanks mods - True snipers company Newbie Requests: - Field Kitchen (!) - Medics - Blood and Gore and Death Camps - Turrets Brewing Whiner's Request: - Ampulomet modding (yeah, fixed in 1.02 patch) - Horses for Calvary ...etc! and now, CMBB won't be complete until it fixes the "significant point" about the Sd.Kfz.251/22 .... ROTFL! [ February 09, 2003, 08:53 PM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  19. yup, i find that enemy troops suppressed under fire will surrender or break quicker when I have AFV doing a flank shot.
  20. hi all, as you are probably aware from a previous thread ( http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=005721 ), I am in the early stages of building a vehicle database for all CMBB users. What I am doing is creating a standalone desktop program to view, add, delete, edit, search, sort a ready-made vehicle database. The program will also allow you to add pictures into the each vehicle entry. The raw data files I am using are modified from Wolfe's excel spreadsheet (with his permission of coss): - http://www.web.ms11.net/retro/CM2TANKS-Mod.xls contains the tank references, this is finished and ready for importing into the database. - http://www.web.ms11.net/retro/CM2GUNS-mod.xls contains Cannons, blast values, penetration tables etc. I need help in the CM2GUNS-Mod.XLS: 1. delete the rows where the guns are not Vehicle mounted (ie. ptr, artillery etc). 2. link the gun spreadsheet to the Tank spreadsheet. This is achieved by filling in the TANK column in the Gun spreadsheet. For example in CM2Gun-Mod.xls, there is an entry called 37f/L21, Renault R-35 Gun, so the entry under tanks would be D:3, D:184, D:308 for both HE and AP where "D:3, D:184, D:308" are the three references of Renault tanks found in CM2Tanks-mod.xls. The Renault example is easy, but I am no grog about which tank uses the 20/L55 Kwk30/38 and which tank has APCBC, APC, and which year etc... So, any volunteers for this community project ? Just download the modified spreadsheet and change the Guns database, once it is done, email me at laxx@myrealbox.com. Prizes will include sneak peaks at the program and favorable mentions in the "Credits" as well as becoming a Gun Grog is not already one. Btw, the early-pre-alpha-likely-to-crash version can be found in the first link, it also contains some crude screen shots. The standalone proggie *will* be on Mac. The final database is based on FileMaker and interchangeable on Mac or Win. laxx [ February 07, 2003, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  21. Hi Wolfe, 1. thanks for the permission. 2. My current to-dos: - Merge the Tank spreadsheet with Gun spreadsheet, this will provide things like, blast values for different ammos. Not the most "efficient" way but the least hassle once it is set up. The data is historical, so unlikely to change. - Finalise the structure: some extraction of abbreviations into separate fields. Maybe add placeholders for additional images (I realise this could be a killer feaure, for users to add their own pix of tanks).Figure out weather is there a need for penetration charts (?) since it is only available for German forces. - Work on interface, program flow etc, data input checking, integrity. SgtGoody - hi, how do you propose we collaborate ? We could share info since Wolfe "Chris" has given permission to use/mod his data. - we could collaborate on the standalone filemaker thingy if you like. cheers! [ February 05, 2003, 06:33 PM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  22. Hi, (a) The raw version of the standalone proggie can be found at: http://www.web.ms11.net/retro/CM2TANKS.sit (3MB) It is unfortunately only for Mac only (os9 or osX) as I do not have the runtime license for Wintel. ( Users with FileMaker Pro who wish to download the database only can do so at http://www.web.ms11.net/retro/CM2TANKS.fp5 Users of Wintel who do not have Filemaker Pro can download the trial software at http://www.filemaker.com/products/try_filemaker.html , the trial expires in 30 daze. © Utimately, the data is a raw import from the CM2_tank.xls spreadsheet, I have modded the XLS spreadsheet with the following changes: - Removed the Classification "Armor" to either Tank, Tank Destroyer, Assault Gun or Vehicles. I did some check up on the several sites, some of the vehicles i had to make educated guesses, eg. Romian TA Assault (Pz III), I had no reference, so I placed it in Assault Guns. Armored cars, Half-tracks are classed into Vehicles. - Removed all references to Artillery, Guns etc, including Flamethrowers, Motars, Sharpshooters, Tank Hunters etc. I wanted just the Vehicles and/or AFVs. I did leave the assault boat and trucks in there - Added several fields, Country, Side, Type. - The link to the modded XLS spreadsheet can be found at, I have not gotten permission from Chris Hare to mod this spreadsheet: http://www.web.ms11.net/retro/CM2TANKS-Mod.xls - If anyone can make changes to the spreadsheet for better accuracy or more granular classifications (eg. crew size, Armored Cars, Half-Tracks etc) , please send it to laxx@myrealbox.com, so that I can use it to do a raw import to filemaker. (d) What you can do with the runtime filemaker: - You can add, delete, edit entries - You can add, delete Pictures into each afv/vehicle, maximum of 3 pictures per record. (go into View->Forms-> CTRL-Click on picture, option to import picture, movie, sound or record sound) - You can view via table, list, form format. - You can sort via any column (ctrl-Click the column bars) or Build Complex sort - You can Search for items. (remember to press cmd-J to reset the found records). And potentially build very complex search criteria (eg.show me all vehicles, that are Axis, Not from Hungary but are tank destroyers). I have not made any significant changes to the program, so it is very raw. I am learning FileMaker, so I intend to spruce it up as I go along. Btw. I did not change the original abbreviations in the entries, so if it is cryptic, please refer to the original legend found at http://users.erols.com/chare/cm/ [ February 05, 2003, 08:29 AM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  23. A couple of quick questions here: (a) the t-38 tank used by Romania retroffited with a 37/L48, is that a tankette or a tank ? ( is Chris Hare, the author around ? i made some mods while importing. and want to ask for permission to use his data into file maker. SgtGoody: I am almost finished with Importing CM2_tank.xls into the Filemaker, and will make available shortly (with some modification), otherwise, it is ad verbatim import.
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