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Everything posted by laxx

  1. Heh, I doan have a movie of HQ units against KV, but I have a movie of Flammer+Sharpshooter+TankHunter against a KV. Check out http://www.web.ms11.net/retro/Trg-Anti-Tank-Ger.mov You will need quicktime player to view this. cheers! laxx
  2. YECoyote, what's a Panzy General ? Is this what you mean by Pansy General ? So sorry, English is not my native language.... :eek:
  3. wow, we had members who were grass-fetish, very civil group and mostly old-timers from the CMBO faction. then the group splintered into sun-flower-field-fetish. still very cordial and nice. Then we had ampulomet-fetish and all hell broke loose between the black and white discoloration issue. Before the dust settled, another horse-fetish lobby sprung up and demanded cossacks be modded properly, a rival group started demanding that horse-drawn-field-kitchen be modded too. And now, we have Telephone-Pole-Fetish!
  4. "In all seriousness, we did plan on some Easter Eggs for CMBO. Unfortunately, we never had the chance to code them up. Same thing happened for CMBB. Blasted development schedules!!" Battlefront, yah rite ! I doan believe that you guys doan have a back door to unlock "thereisnomonkey" god mode, or "greedisgood" unlimited ammo...oops those are for WarCraft III.
  5. hey, use halftracks next time.... "Obersturmbannfuehrer (SS Lieutenant Colonel) Jochen Peiper was one of the most sensational figures of the Battle of the Bulge. ...... Later, on the Eastern Front, he had pioneered daring armored tactics. At the head of a small group of tanks, he would raid deep into the Russian rear, shooting up supply columns and wreaking havoc. ... But Peiper was ruthless. He would put two or three halftracks at the head of his columns and then charge deep into enemy territory. The halftracks would be sacrificed but the tanks behind them would then take out whatever defenses had been flushed by the halftracks."
  6. interesting quote on Jochen Peiper and his tank tactics: "Obersturmbannfuehrer (SS Lieutenant Colonel) Jochen Peiper was one of the most sensational figures of the Battle of the Bulge. He was handsome, daring, intelligent -- and only 28 years old. He had risen to his command through a combination of talent, drive, and political reliability. He had been an adjutant to Heinrich Himmler, the head of the Gestapo. Later, on the Eastern Front, he had pioneered daring armored tactics. At the head of a small group of tanks, he would raid deep into the Russian rear, shooting up supply columns and wreaking havoc. He always managed to extricate himself from apparently hopeless situations. His legendary exploits had made him a hero in the German army and gained him rapid promotions. But Peiper was ruthless. He would put two or three halftracks at the head of his columns and then charge deep into enemy territory. The halftracks would be sacrificed but the tanks behind them would then take out whatever defenses had been flushed by the halftracks. " lifted from a text file of the game patton strikes back.
  7. Under no circumstances should you play with Fog of War set to None. Sure you can see the enemy, So can the enemy see you. At the very least, set FOW to partial....
  8. i think your tank rush was unexpected, and perhaps judged by your opponent as gamey. I doan think there is any other way to further tweak the scoring system, and I guess scoring points via VL is a "feature" not a "bug". I do not think it is gamey, heck, if my troops are exhausted and time is short, I would do a tank charge, well, maybe not as coordinated as putting up a advance tank in front. Perhaps, one can prevent such misunderstanding by having anti-rush-at-closin House Rules ? cheers! laxx
  9. Name: Russian Roulette Map Size: 800x800 meters (default) terrain: flat, no vegetation German: StuG IIIG (Elite) Russian: IS-2 (Regular) Position: Place Stug III and IS-2 directly facing each other exactly 688meters apart Play the IS-2, set view to Level 1 (lowest level), move to the front of the turret of the IS-2 such that all you see is the StuG III in front of you and a red line to show that you are targeting the StuG. I played this to test out the "Is-2" sux theory. The first time I tried, I had a fright when the Stug round flew directly into the screen and ricochet. Especially when you have the sound volume up. This is a Russian Roulette as the Slow Rate Of Fire of the IS-2 will cause the StuG will pump in about 3-4 rounds before you can return fire. Which Round will get you ? Who will die first ? laxx [ January 16, 2003, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  10. Congratualations! You Won one of those "butter-finger" gunners in the TacAI calculations which occurs in 1 in a Million games. This is part of a 3-easter egg combination. first being the Klutz Gunner, second which is even more rare is the Brittle-As-Eggshell-SturmTiger, and the third I forget, something about a HamsterGruppen screen saver. LOL!
  11. Winter Wonderland Or Hill 312 as Germans Is definitely not for beginners unless you are sort that likes steep learning curves. My suggestions for beginners are: - Lonely Country as Germans (defender). You will win even if you do not use tactics. Question is how high can you score ? Total or Major Victory ? - Citadel Schwerpunkt - This is found in the demo, or you can download it from the Scenario Depot (http://ns9.super-hosts.com/~dragonlair.net/combatmission/) Play as Germans (attacker), this is a good scenario for practising tank tactics. Should be a walk over as Germans, but remember to stay close together. - Death Ride of the 424th as Russian (defender). - Found in CD, this is an easy game as Russian. Again, question is how high can you score. Close Quarter duelling between TIgers and Joseph Stalins-2. - Totenkopf as Germans (Defender). Good use of combined arms (infantry, armor, support) Playing defender is mostly easier than attacker, unless you are playing some historical scenario like Tiger-Tiger where the Russians had difficulty against the tigers. My 0.02 cents worth. [ January 14, 2003, 03:10 AM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  12. OGF Keller, I volunteer to be the medic. Where do I sign up ? btw, a couple of comments since you are a scenario creator: * pls give ample number of turns unless historical, but I understand alot of battles took longer than 25 mins (turns) * doan assume all players are grogs * historical would be preferred, but i understand a lot of research is needed cheers!
  13. hi, here are my observations: - if you want to draw fire, any flame tanks would do, they are usually the first to draw enemy fire, as troops are terrified of them. (have not tried, a flamethrower sitting on a half-track yet). - if you want to recon by fire, if you are playing russians, the M17MGMC Halftrack is most excellent, , it has 4 MGs and enough firepower against most German armored cars and half-tracks. if you are playing germans, you could consider the Wirbelwind (it has 4x20mm cannons and better armor than the Russian M17 halftrack), however the Wirbelwind is only available in later '44. - oh yes, i like to destroy buildings with AFVs if they looks suspicious enuff. While the enemy may still lurk inside the rubble, they will most definitely incur casualties or panic. good luck and share your findings. [ January 13, 2003, 09:38 PM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  14. hi Troy Spiral, you waited too long! in the CMBB demo, there are 3 "demo" type games, like the earlier poster, it is meant to showcase the different features of CMBB as compared to CMBO. Demo Tutorial Russian Combined vs Germans infantry in a 2:1 force ratio. Read the text file which comes with the demo on how to win this tutorial. Citadel Schwerpunkt A sample battle of Kursk. Armor incursion into Russian steppes. Yelnia Stare Weakened Germans defending against a combined Russian Battalion. You need a fast computer for this scenario. For further readings, you should try the Scenario Depot (http://ns9.super-hosts.com/~dragonlair.net/combatmission/), also, if you are a CMBO fan, you should check out the "Chance Encounter" conversion to CMBB, also found in the Scenario Depot. cheers and Good Luck!
  15. Hi, Monty's Double : Well, you are right. It depends on year, terrain which is deployed. I won't argue with you on firefly or jumbos but I wager that T-34 41 model is comparable or better than Sherman I or II (M4A1) based on 1941 build. Of coss, we could argue on the definition of "better", ie. on kill ratio, specs etc. Straif You are right too. CMBB taught me that it is okay to sacrifice troops to achieve the overall objectives. Before in CMBO, losing troops eg. like crossing a wheat field, I would do a tactical withdrawal. MikeyD Do you know what Sherman tank was used in the original CHance Encounter, the 1945 April (CMBB version) has either the M4A2 or M4A2(76)W. Thinking of trying it with Sherman instead. (if you have the scenario lying conveniently around, could you send it to me at laxx@myrealbox.com ?) [ January 13, 2003, 08:57 PM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  16. ** as if you need a disclaimer for Chance Encounter** I was playing Chance Encounter in CMBB as Germans just for the heck of it. (for the newbies, Chance Encounter is a CMBO training scenario (also found in CMBO Demo) for the Allies. There is a modded version for CMBB by Tom Klimisch, but instead of Shermans and US troops, t-34s and Russian troops are used). Having not played CMBO for a while,the differences are obvious: * Maps are so much smaller in CMBO, initially I thought there was a conversion mistake for the whole map to be so contained. * HMGs can suppress the whole company. In CMBO, two HMGs could not stop a determined platoon from crossing the wheat field. * StuGIIIs are deadly. I remember the initial CMBO discussion on tactics of how 3 StuGs could overcome 5 Shermans. Now, 3 StuG beat 5 T34s in frontal slug-fest. ( I think T-34s are better than Shermans, I wonder what would happen if I substitute the T-34s back to Lend-lease Shermans). * Well, in the original Chance Encounter, everyone commented that it was a very balanced game, now, I think to be fair against AI Russians, you need to give +25 to +50% and +1 Skill level, IMHO. Cheers!
  17. I mean, to be fair, it was quite a unique review as it spends a paragraph explaining camera views and the mini-battle movies which makes cmbb unique. I found it funny that watching history channel makes him a good judge of wargame authencity. And hey, I wouldn't be "trying to charge six platoons of men across an open field towards some trees on the other side" Good review though.
  18. Grisha! i read the first installment like 2 months ago... I am glad you are faithfully transcribing it into the web form. two cheers for Grisha! laxx
  19. sgtgoody: "I usually play with my wife standing behind me with a list of household chores that need to be done." that's sick....ohh i see....play the game and your wife is behind you...okay...i understand now...sorry, i am not a native speaker... just joking ... more offensive intended...
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