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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hpt. Lisse

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Everything posted by Hpt. Lisse

  1. Are you running the latest Omega drivers?
  2. You tried the "disable one core" option in the menu? Are you running Vista?
  3. Sorry Spartan, I was replying to Avirex, etc. I would be investigating the driver for the ATI Express 200 chip (Other ATI folks have said that you need the latest Omega drivers - Do they support the Express chipset?)
  4. Hey Uwe, Someone just posted this, thought it might help - "Performance Tip: All ATI owner download latest omega driver or else the game runs like C**P, and all Vista user get dualboot and run the demo on XP, just tried the demo on Vista (2.2ghz AMD64x2 2gb DDR2 7800 GTS 256mb) and i can say that it was not a nice experience, i will test the demo on some other computers at work tomorrow and see if i can work out why some ppl get so poor performance."
  5. Gents - Having no problems with an Operton 2.6 dual (didn't disable the 2nd core in game menu) and 7900GT... Question - have you installed the offical AMD dual-core patch? Right here Worth a try.
  6. Ah, Uwe my man! An early Vista adopter?!? You know better than that! Could be a an early DX10/ATI driver/Vista fart, I'm guessing.
  7. Alrighty then. > All smooth with 2.6 GHz Opteron dual core (without having to disable the 2nd core, but my system does have the AMD dual-core patch running.) and 7900GT at 1680x1050 WinXP. > Camera is taking some work, but getting there. > I think the graphics are great, esp. for a realistic real-time simulation. And I haven't tried anti-aliasing yet, etc. AFV's are sweet, pieces flying off from hits, some neat animations. Issues: > Allied locator tabs need to be changed to a different color than green (blends in with the trees, etc.) > As others have noted, CM's and TOW's ballistics and damage probabilities aren't even in the same ballpark - I have no idea which is more realistic. To wit: There are waaayyyy too many gun hits occurring in TOW (again, at least compared to what the CM series taught us.) Every time I play the demo battle, the JagTiger and first Pather's guns are knocked out within 1 minute of the first shell being slung. Every time. Even when the reinforcing armor arrives... their main guns become useless very quickly. > Oh, I noticed that tanks w/damaged main gun but working co-ax MG refused to engage infantry targets with it. (Yes, the turret was still rotating, no one wounded, etc.) TOW greatest moments (which may be is greatest weakness, too) are when you're down there with your troops. Grabbing a couple of guys and having them man an abandoned IS-2 - ha,ha,ha, eat this 122mm shell Ivan! You! And you! Pull out your anti-tank grenades and close assault that T-34/85! Blam! Tears of joy, I tell ya.... but 'ol Hpt. Lisse can't be everywhere at once. And wherever I'm not, the men (or machines) suffer. So can it be made manageable, is the question. Can I assign groups, hop around, hit the pause button, and micro-manage the hell out these troops. With practice, I'm sure the answer is "Yes," I just hope it remains fun to do so. I'm glad that everyone at 1C stuck it out, and that Battlefront brought it home. [ April 18, 2007, 03:46 PM: Message edited by: Hpt. Lisse ]
  8. Interesting, interesting... waiting for pre-order download...
  9. If I'm not mistaken, Uwe, this IS the old E3 trailer from '03 or '04, isn't it? I agree with both sides here - fun in some ways, highly misrepresentative in others... Edit: Yup, had it copied over onto the new hard drive, I had named it "B-Command E-3 vid" dated 05/03.
  10. I think this is most likely a limitation due to a 6-year old graphics engine. If 1C had known this whole project would have taken so long, perhaps they would have taken a year to import the whole shebang into the GEM engine. (Can the GEM engine even handle TOW distances, etc.?) There were simply key moments in the dev cycle where 1C decided whether to push forward with the heavily modified IL-2 engine, or scrap it to build something else (big $$$, esp. with no return on 6 years worth of effort.) Is there a way to trick this? Could "Bunkers" have assigned slots, which are filled w/a squad's small arms, etc.? Could the TOW audience deal with simplified/abstracted building occupancy? Only time will tell. But I wouldn't call these (esp. 6 dev years ago) shortcomings "Bad game design."
  11. Elmar - What is your processor, OS, memory, out of curiousity?
  12. Don't be fooled by the model numbers, ColonelBlimp - your 7600GS is 2 or 3 generations newer than the old 9800 Pro...
  13. Maybe this preview article will help answer a few hardware questions. From the Armchair General preview.
  14. Any chance of stepping up to the 7900GS vid card? 20 pixel pipelines instead of 12 for the 7600GS, and the all-important step up to a 256-bit memory bus (highway between the GPU and it's memory) versus 128-bit for the 7600. It'll set you back another $40 (after rebate) though...
  15. As an individual who has built all of his own systems the past 7 years using only AMD processors, I find your statement ludicrous. (my last Intel - 486dx66.) Over numerous generations of AMD-supported motherboards during that time span, there's been a dog or two (1st-gen 266 comes to mind, and my NForce2 mobo died after 3 years due to bad capacitors.) But the procs themselves have withstood regular OC'ing (I ran my Barton 2500+, 1.83GHz at 2.2GHz for 3 years, then threw it in my roommate's box after that - still running. My current socket 939 Opteron 2.6 dual-core runs at 2.8 without any increase in temp or problems.) The new Intel Duo 2 Core is a great processor, one anybody should be proud to own. I suspect the game isn't over yet for AMD - when I re-build a year from now, we'll see what the market provides.
  16. Hey, any one of you IL-2 experts wanna throw in on the Offical System Requirements thread? People are curious to know if the IL-2 graphics engine is more of a CPU or GPU based platform.
  17. That Intel Graphics chip is a notorious dog... but here comes Schrullenthaft to explain why. "That hardware-related special effect stuff, it don't render it out so good..."
  18. Here's another good comparison article for GHz CPU speeds, etc, from Tom's Hardware. Check it out Man, those NetBurst P-IV's suffer... We must also keep in mind that some graphics engines are more CPU based, while others depend more on the video card... who is a resident IL-2 expert?
  19. Yeah, it's deceptive, because the LCD looks great (zero dead pixels for both) and offers HDMI for XBox'ers (or DVD, or whatever.) Enjoyed widescreen F.E.A.R when it arrived, etc. They just ain't built to last, or so it seems. Check w/micro center, you may have to RMA it through Sceptre...
  20. Just to clarify - I'm using a X-22WG Gamer. After 4 weeks of use, the DVI input at native resolution (1680x1050) began to artifact severely. Used the VGA port for a day, but not nearly as crisp. Unfortunately, I was just outside Newegg's 30 day refund policy, so they simply sent me another one. This unit seems to be factory packaged (i.e., not been worked on/repaired,) so I'm expecting another failure, to be honest. Did not use/try the HDMI port (though many report this failing at the same time the DVI does.) Sure, try another cable if you have one around, try the VGA port (though you won't be happy w/it.) I know this LCD has great specs, Cabe, but I suspect it's a bad production run. My advice - return it for a refund (where did you buy it?) and get a different brand. Let us know what happens.
  21. Cabe - I own the same LCD monitor, and like it alot for native widescreen games. It does make me miss my NEC 21" CRT for CM, though, as the monitor must (as previously mentioned) force a stretched image or use black area for pixel for pixel representation. Also, be advised about the sceptre models inputs bombing out - usually the DVI and/or HDMI fail - this is my second one so far. Read the user reviews at Newegg for the skinny. Schrullenhaft - no widescreen hack from you for CMX1? What do we pay you for!
  22. Crank up the difficulty level, Kalibri... or are you beating the AI that badly at the max? (not a good sign if so...)
  23. As far as realism is concerned, what makes you think some ground-pounders would have the know-how to operate an abandoned foreign tank?
  24. Just a note about the sound. Taking the sound into even a decent camcorder via the on-camera mic ain't exactly studio quality - and that's not taking into account whatever the demo guys have their sound settings at (over-driving the bass, etc.) Tho that "crack!" seems to be absent...
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