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Everything posted by panzermartin

  1. Yes some enhancment in LOS/elevation display would be welcome. The LOS tool is taken from the turn based days but now the game is primarily RealTime. Just try to play a desert armour battle with subtle terrain elevations not visible from all but the lowest camera. Not possible in real time.
  2. Hi and welcome..we have an Xfire group for multi games: http://www.xfire.com/communities/cmsf/roster/
  3. Congratulations Steve and co! Thank you for paying attention to our comments and requests. Sometimes our criticism is a bit on the hard side, but thats because we love these series so much!
  4. Well its easy, just have one near the monitor..
  5. Please just please add multiple textures for Normandy. If the quality keeps getting better we might well use the 3D models just for virtual scale modelling
  6. Just wanted to comment on the quality of the brit vehicles models, they look great! Everything is there, from the red fire extiguinsers to various external loads and rear view mirrors. I particulary love the details on the light recces. Kudos to the graphics team!
  7. Ah thanks guys, sounds like some thought was put in H2H play as well, which is great news. Also, its good that UK hardware is a bit weaker than USarmy/marines, it would make balancing scenarios a bit easier. I got sick of making custom battles trying to take out the javelins from Bradleys, Strykers etc to no avail.
  8. Haven't bought the module yet but planning to do so but I just dont want another bunch of "played from blue only" scenarios with new toys, since I'm only interested in H2H play and use the AI just for training/testing purpose. From some screenies maps seem excellent but are there enough , well thought and balanced 2 player battles in this module? Also, do QBs have any significant improvement? Thanks..
  9. Oh, I like the T34/85 idea I think most fun scenarios are US infantry only with no support (even no Strykers) vs some red militia with technicals or some obsolete tanks. When 25mm auto cannons, 40mm grenades, tanks and javelins get in to play the game becomes an uninteresting shooting range. Just try red on red with old T-55s. Its a whole new game and an indication what Normandy has in store for us. The most interesting aspect of modern warfare-blowing stuff up- isnt satisfying enough because this is the weakest part of CM graphics. Special effects. What's the point of blowing T-72s with 120mm when every explosion is the same bitmap, you have no visual damage modelling (turrets flying etc) and burning tanks look like candles on a birthday cake? I also have to agree with secondbrooks here. Game is overall lacking drama because of the setting. Doesnt have the feel of an all out war, a fight till the end, an all or nothing struggle, all things that seperate good art from excellent art and good games from epic, like CMBB. When you play it, deep in your mind you feel you fight for a lost cause, a war that is already over and won by the US side. A war probably with obscure motives, fought by mercenaries and clueless insurgents. I love the realism and groginess of CMSF but part of myself is a normal gamer who also enjoys the atmosphere, the background story and a robust and balanced gameplay with no asymmetries and complicated winning conditions.
  10. I treid to copy my hotkeys.txt from the game but the demo keeps crashin
  11. Yes no worries At least we monkeys can now do other things than just pressing F5 till the release
  12. Is that list all the new features we expect to see? No mention of new hunt animation for instance is noted.. Edit: Oh, sorry, it says "some" of the new 1.2 features.
  13. oh cool! But I can only dl at 150k/sec
  14. Blast throwing away soldiers would be nice. It didnt bother me in CMx1 due to abstraction but in 1:1 you want to see everything getting as real as possible. Would require a ton of animation work though.
  15. Guys, I have some bad news from insider info: "One of the refresh monkeys broke in the BFC lab and ate part of Charles brain in a jar. Unfortunately what is left of the tissue is only capable of coding an RTS with health bars and LOS limited to 50m". Brits delayed??: "This affects the Brit module release as well. A last minute glitch found in the inf AI code is beyond fixing. Steve, Dan and Madmatt have joined forces to patch it but they only managed to convert the whole british infantry to bren tripods by mistake". Now, who's monkey was that??
  16. I'd love to see detailed stats of battles. Kill lists and casualties details sound great. If hardware permits would be nice to even learn not only where private was killed/injured but what actually got him (shrapnel/AK/Sniper rifle). Will help to add some soul to a game that somewhat lacks atmosphere and connection to the player.
  17. Maybe all those refresh monkeys blocked the servers?
  18. Personally I'm not asking for more exotic equipment. And yes mausers would be more fun after these 13 men Marines squad that can bring down a block within few seconds My expectations for CM:N are completely realistic. I've said it again..the base engine is impressive and keeps improving patch after patch. CM:N would be a dream game if most of the above list makes it in. Oh and Steve has promised the return of missIDs, a so cool feature dropped from CMSF. And lets not forget the huge skin moding possibilities (german armour/inf anyone?), with possible multiple skins. So yes, the ultimate fantasy game
  19. Aha, now I understand why you defend CMSF..so you are waitng for the dutch army Well I dont blame you. NATO would be a certain buy for me too. Would be a perfect addition to make some aegean conflict scenarios with Leo2s, maybe Leo1s, Marders, AT hummers, BMP-1s, BMP-3s and even cypriot T-90s. Symmetrical, balanced and with a variety of terrain from hilly/rocky islands to flat valleys. But please dont get me wrong. Good scenarios do exist! They are just the exception to the rule. For instance I like MikeyD's approach with a lot of Red vs Red infantry battles, old T-55s and refreshing ideas and maps. Every scenario plays differently. I'm more bored of the specific textbook "go from A to B and try not to break more than two eggs" types of scenario, like we even care for folks invading foreign soil This automaticaly makes the game look very limited to me and other ppl I suspect.
  20. Well I get your point. I dont like PBEM so I'm limited to my RT experience which multiplies the pace of the game-no time really for mind games, impossible to do this with no pause and no TCP/IP wego. But doesnt sound a lot different than CMBB's mind games with AT guns and tank ambushes. The difference is in CMBB unpredictability continued even when you revealed your assets, with lengthy shot exchnanges, ricochets etc. Luck could turn the advantage into disadvantage, terrible sometims but huge fun too
  21. Who said CMSF is awful? Sorry for sounding like a thick head but its more than a matter of taste here and its not only a WW2/modern debate but a deeper one. CMSF more or less was a testing/training ground for the upcoming big thing which isnt other than the family of WW2 games. It was and still is a WIP. CM WW2 would be a WIP too but with a smoother curve from what I can tell. I'm happy too, playing the game but funnily I'm more happy installing each new patch. For instance I waited for 1+ year to get a working TCP/IP function. I dont see how this would stand on even ground with the Normandy title which I expect to be an excellent game out of the box and superior in EVERY SINGLE aspect of gameplay. Here is a shortlist of features promised for CMN that WONT make it in CMSF : -Authentic and fully researched historical setting. -Rather balanced oppositions and hardware. -Complete new QB system with cherry pickin and other goodies. Now we get some funny combos of TOW-2 vs hordes of conscript AKs and the march of the light UAZ brigade. -Both sides will receive the same care when desinging missions. -Possible stock campaing from the "bad guy" perspective. -Improved inf AI, animations etc. -AT guns -Ground AAA -On map Mortars -Hit texts -kill stats -Slower pace+less lethal weaponry = more unpredictability -Random weapon allocation among squads -More varried terrain -More variety in buidlings -More vareid weather -Dynamic Water -Bridges -Complete overhaul of the vegetation graphics. No more disappearing trees once shooting starts or when drawing vehicle paths. -Improved FX graphics. -Unlimited potential of expanding the series covering the whole WW2 period. -Pausing for online games (at last) -Possibility to find more than one buddy online at the same time to play a TCP/Ip session. -Possibilty of ladders and tournaments and all this stuff that is missing from CMSF and makes playing against the AI feel like watching paint dry. And the list might well get much bigger once the game is released. I dont see how someone who thinks this would be a better product belongs to the WW2 vs Modern type of camp. I was one of the most enthusiastic regarding the shift towards modern. Middle east and all this cool russian (firstly) and then US hardware ought to be presented in a wargame. But now its time to go back to traditional values :-)
  22. Once Normandy comes out, CMSF will evaporate. I mean you would still like to play QBs with hordes of humvees vs BMP-2s, or GAZs artillery spotters vs Strykers? Its not only about the equipment, new QB system and all those gameplay improvements that wont make it in CMSF but will be present in CMN would render the first obsolete. Modern equipment might hold it on surface for a while but I guess it will still appeal mostly to military personnel and not to a casual wargamer who is more interested in tactics and competitive gameplay, than recreating realistic but boring convoy ambush and textbook uninspired asymmetrical MOUT situations.
  23. Impressive! I too love the new hunt animation. I'm also happy that Normandy will use a different way of drawing vegetation graphics. I hate it when trees change shape when intense shooting starts. Another nice fix would be the tracer effects. Need something smoother and less laser like.
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