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Edward Windsor

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Everything posted by Edward Windsor

  1. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: A 10? Aren't you forgetting something...
  2. I'd like to second that emotion. It's like Monty Python meets Lord of the Rings over there, without the laughs and special effects budget :mad: Well if you ever get tired of waiting, 1.03 seems to have appeared in typical CDV fashion, your sig looks curiously empty and my tree of love is already positively sagging from the weight of hot white coconuts that need shaking from it :mad: Teddy
  3. Nice idea, muppet, but unfortunately that requires a degree of competence that has so far eluded me. If my opponents don't blow a whistle and advance slowly in a line towards my MGs and guns then things can get very messy - normally for me. Does anyone know if Dom Perignon is tax deductable? Teddy
  4. Dang, I really ought to read what I publish. Is illiteracy a defence against libel? :mad: :mad: Have you any idea how many forms he's got me filling out? If he wasn't a fellow employee of the Queen and country I'd have let him have it with the PPK :mad: :mad:
  5. That would be my iron fists showing through the velvet gloves – I’d better visit Saville Row for a new pair. Hurry up with the next move, muppet, I want to see how many more penetrations your sneaky flanking A/Cs can take before the crews bail. Go on, admit it, you’re going to miss shaking coconuts from my tree. Yet I am forced to concede a minor defeat for me is indeed a victory for you. Well played, muppet, although I think you will find the other half of my army is waiting patiently around the major flag for your miserable peasant hordes to show their faces. Life can be so unfair sometimes. Sigh, Teddy the big fat loser
  6. I finally got around to doing it - you were right on both counts. There's now also a byte-size AAR from Axe2121 for your delectation. Teddy
  7. You're more than welcome, muppet. That was a damn fast reply - I hope your editor knows you spend all day surfing the net :mad: Let me know if you want to indulge in more AAR fruitiness if 1.03 ever arrives. Teddy Edited to add: If Snarker would like to add his side of the story (such as gamey use of guns on ridges in 1.02), he knows who to get in touch with :mad: [ June 04, 2003, 07:32 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]
  8. Angry Out Loud! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: [ June 04, 2003, 07:23 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]
  9. Nippy, you Alaskans certainly have a strange way of killing time. I hope your bottom is feeling better soon. And speaking of bottoms ... Arse69, I had a little spare time today in between battling arch-villains, averting the end of the world as we know it and feeding witty one-liners to babes in leather catsuits. See what you think. Chin chin, Teddy
  10. What Robohn meant to say: Maggot , that makes me head boil with molten TNT, you puss-filled sack of ant vomit :mad: I spewed forth the warning my apocalypse abacus was moldy before MG sent his last turn :mad: Stop choking your chicken and send me a file before the next electrical storm :mad: Your Daddy to be :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Edited for extra fury: :mad: [ June 03, 2003, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]
  11. Sorry Axe ... I've been busy driving Ferraris, drinking G&T and entertaining beautiful ladies. Once I've apprehended the evil Professor Skwarkenklux, rescued Agent 57 and adjusted the Earth's electromagnetism to restore gravity's pull, I should be able to return to my secret chateau, fire up the old Kray and check my hotmail account. Give me a few hours. Toodle pip, Teddy
  12. Morning muppets, I'm back. Unfortunately, as Mikey so correctly surmised, complications at customs delayed my re-entry to good old Blighty. I tried to explain to the nice man with the Marigolds that the goat porn I'd collected for Soddball had high artistic merit and that the exotic cigarettes were to ease my little chum's medical condition, but sadly the moustachioed official wasn't having any of it. The experience was certainly interesting, but I can't understand why Snarker would want to pay for it. Turns out when I can bring myself to sit down again and switch on the PC. Chin chin, Teddy
  13. This may be premature, muppet, but check it out :mad: :mad: You may well have sat on your fat bottom for 10 turns, my curiously hairy little chum, but I have been manoeuvring cunningly around the battlefield. Your tactical nous, such as it ever was, has obviously been eroded by the years of meths drinking and a nasty mould infection from MG :mad: :mad: Unfortunately I have a feeling your "route one" approach may yet pay dividends in this miserable ME. I suggest that the inevitable rematch is played as an attack/defence scenario on an imported map. On a completely unrelated note, where the smeg is 1.03? And does anyone know if Soddball has returned from his wife-shopping in Russia? Chin chin, Teddy
  14. Gosh ... things are getting awfully messy in our all infantry get-together. If I were Itchy and Soddball were Scratchy (I told him that rash didn't look like heat spots), our encounter could be neatly summarised thus...
  15. Ooooooh, I'm really messing with his mind now ... I think the first cracks are starting to show as the doubts and fears grow. Mikey, you've obviously played too many games with MG - I'm not just going to race my tin cans around until they've all popped and then line up my men so you can hose them down with molten TNT :mad: You're going to have to wait a while first. We're not even a quarter of the way through what it supposed to be a TACTICAL encounter. Patience, my son, good things will come to those who wait. Here endeth the lesson, Teddy PS Does anyone know if Soddball has returned from Thailand yet?
  16. With my Teutonic ancestry, impeccable lineage and perfect breeding you can chalk me up as a German officer. Plus I look fantastic in lederhosen and like eating sausage. Chin chin, Teddy
  17. Turns out, muppets. Will my brave boys run out of bullets before Soddball runs out of SMG psychos to chuck at them? Will Mikey and I ever meet each other on the widest, flattest, openest, most unattractive piece of steppe I've ever had the misfortune to set eyes on? Or will I lose the will to live and challenge MG to a 10,000pt QB? All will be revealed in next week's exciting instalment of The Fury Maggot's Moldy Lightning Strike of Furious, Bitter, Molten, TNT Ants. Teddy
  18. I still don't think you can beat CMMOS, especially if you have cable. It may appear a little daunting and it can be a pain finding/downloading mods, but it's worth it. Teddy
  19. I'm guessing this is CMBO related? Pass. I just use AndrewTF's. Try ftp://ftp.combatmission.com/vehicles/allied/bergman/bergman_all_US_FF_m4_HR.zip Teddy Edited to add: I've just read the thread title ... of course it's CMBO related. I knew that all along. [ May 15, 2003, 11:10 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]
  20. Aaah, the Delia Smith of the Combat Mission world. I bet you look just swell with a little pinny on … I’m going to hold that thought until I get to bed. I’m just messing with what’s left of your mind, Mikey. I always like to do a little sneaky recon and get the flamethrowers in place before I roll in the KVs. There’ll be very few turns for either of you until after the weekend, muppets. Try not to miss me too much, Toodle pip, Teddy BTW I’m slightly confused - has MG become a competent CMBB player? Would his “Harem of Bitches” care to comment on the matter?
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