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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. Suggestion. Get some of yer rich buddies And create yer OWN WW-2 GS game. Then you can make ALL the decisions. Until then, TRY yer utmost to make constructive, Consequential remarks, And perhaps, You will then have a few clues... about What is going on? Kuniworth: Someone is... STUPID? High IQ you? Are so awful... SMART? Did I miss How that has translated? You like? To belittle people, that it? You know, That's a sure sign that you wish To somehow make YOURSELF... larger. Due to lack of self esteem, Due to lack of self worth, Due to feeling inadequate In some way. It is a literal SCREAM! "I NEED... to make MYSELF seem to be a big boy!" We know what yer obsessions are, And so... you are intending To enlarge - yer soul? Yer mind. Portions of the body? Well, I am ignorant about very many things, But, concerning one thing I am convinced: Blashy is a truly cool SC Cat. :cool: You'd like to be, it seems, but, it's Hard to EARN 'at distinction, ain't it? _______________________________________ OK, about the "continuous front:" 1) Each unit has a ZOC (... zone of control) and any enemy unit that passes through a ZOC tile, suffers a movement penalty. IF some of you do NOT like the default AP penalty, why, just go into the Editor and boost it by one. Or 2. Or whatever you like, yes? Then, you will have PRECISELY the "stagnation" that you prefer. An Army, or Corps on one tile is presumed to have "extended influence" into nearby tiles, That much is clear. IF you see a hole in the line, is it really? An actual... hole in the line? Not so clear. 2) Having been on this board for almost 4 years, I easily recall ALL the tremendous number of complaints about... AW! How come this SC-1 game often comes to resemble... a WW-1 trench-line kind of encounter! How come! AW! AW! DO something, somebody? You now have the re-creation Of historical "mobile warfare." How's that? ________________________________ Now, to answer those questions posed In a constructive, consequential manner: It might be one way to go. I've tried it. It works... sometimes, depending on What the opponent does. And, As SHOULD be expected as part Of ANY game, or war-game EVER MADE, Some "luck" is involved. Not usually. As Blashy has said more than once, It depends on whether the Wily Foe Is paying attention. For example, You might TRY to delay USSR entry, But as Axis it will cost you 50 % more In terms of expended MPP's, To do so. IOW, UK can "counter" the Diplo effort For less cost, Since Russia leans toward the Allies. Nice thing is, IF you want to play A more "diplomatic game" Then, you can. If you want to play the "research game" So to have hi-tech (... and, very expensive) units, you can. If you want to TRY to "strangle" the UK With an all-out Wolf-pack war, You can. If you want to have a CONTINUOUS FRONT Why, Shore enough, You can. You can... do... as close to almost ANYTHING! As is possible, As any war-game has EVER gotten. I don't care... who. Avalon Hill? Nope. SSI? Nope. SPI? Nope. NSA? Nope. Tiller? Nope. Prados? Nope. 2by3 or 3by5? Nope. Matrix? Nope. Steel Panthers? Panzer Corporal? Nope. Iron Maidens? Nope. Ad infinitum.
  2. As Yogi (... Berra, not OUR Yogi) would say, SB: "It ain't over until it's OVER." How I read AAR #2, and given that I have played and no body out there has, there is a long, long way to go. GErmany DID have early advantage in Tech, yes? Later, Russia caught up. In "blitz tactics" too. You have to look at like you are a beach bum, with yer kelp & stone home built near the cliff face, and recognize it as... "ebb & flow." Back & forth, to & fro it goes. That would be more FUN than... drive straight through, drive right back. Forgetting to admire, and enjoy the scenery, or, more aptly perhaps, the scenario. FWIW, I have played a game where QUANTITY did overwhelm quality. Russian low-tech Corps infiltrated everywhere! Got behind them lumbering - and, VERY expensive high maintenance gadgetry. See, there are NOW just VERY many ways to "skin the Cat," whereas it used to be one or two quickly boring cookie-cutter type clashes. There IS not any end, any time soon, of the POSSIBLE strategies, and tactics for SC-2. Whole years will go by, THEN! Some enterprising some body will say AHA! I've got just the ticket! To... the Big Show! LOL! :cool: **And a reminder: "rail-heads" will indeed advantage the GErmans... at the first. Then, one turn-about's-fair play day, it will help the Russians, yes?
  3. As Yogi (... Berra, not OUR Yogi) would say, SB: "It ain't over until it's OVER." How I read AAR #2, and given that I have played and no body out there has, there is a long, long way to go. GErmany DID have early advantage in Tech, yes? Later, Russia caught up. In "blitz tactics" too. You have to look at like you are a beach bum, with yer kelp & stone home built near the cliff face, and recognize it as... "ebb & flow." Back & forth, to & fro it goes. That would be more FUN than... drive straight through, drive right back. Forgetting to admire, and enjoy the scenery, or, more aptly perhaps, the scenario. FWIW, I have played a game where QUANTITY did overwhelm quality. Russian low-tech Corps infiltrated everywhere! Got behind them lumbering - and, VERY expensive high maintenance gadgetry. See, there are NOW just VERY many ways to "skin the Cat," whereas it used to be one or two quickly boring cookie-cutter type clashes. There IS not any end, any time soon, of the POSSIBLE strategies, and tactics for SC-2. Whole years will go by, THEN! Some enterprising some body will say AHA! I've got just the ticket! To... the Big Show! LOL! :cool: **And a reminder: "rail-heads" will indeed advantage the GErmans... at the first. Then, one turn-about's-fair play day, it will help the Russians, yes?
  4. On behalf, yer welcome! Great quote, thanks - ah, shoot The grave-yard Clavichord player, You've figured it out. :cool: ... my Grand Dad, God keep, please, my much esteemed Mentor - never had any one better, not since... who worked for Barnum & Bailey Traveling Circus back in the 1930's, yea, 'e once said to me, an ignorant knave, at 'is knee: Kid! Gawking, grokking kid! It's - Center Ring, Big Top's here - so sing! And see! Such as them hi-wire Cats Daring, scaring! - soaring! Sure! Take time, take care Tent pole's set to right heights, So to contain, maybe! LOL! The Lions & Lambs and elves And the goofing, Spoofing Clowns! and Other (... long) enduring For long enluring sights! In... Circus adoring Mainstreet, USA! Now, only thing is, You need be enthused, Ready to Go! Cuz, In the end, Then the nickle is spinning, spent, You've gotta giv 'em... a Show! [iE, ONLY... Each's Shadow And if lucky, friends or wife, KNOWS the REAL You and me, ah, LOL, how naturally. ]
  5. Eikelhoofd, (... curious signata, I'll have to figure this one out, one of these days) It's ALWAYS great! :cool: To find another guy, dude, whatever The current slango-lingo IS, Who: Does NOT merely see things, or days, That are... ALREADY there, And ask - why? But who: Sees things, days, ephemera, eidolons, etc, That are... NOT there, And asks - why ever not? **[... as said by many, Bobby Kennedy, our last hope, it has finally been realized, ack, alas... being the most recent, AFAIK]
  6. Farther along than you might suppose. Then, You are a long, long way off, from where it is That you walk, watch, and whistle the sort of riffs that move, amuse you. As Mr Bill has already mentioned, we are all trying out some different options, and probably, given our aggregate, extensive experience, some of those that would matter the most. Everyone, apparently, keeps right on forgetting how incredibly INTRICATE this game actually is. Well, once you finally get yer hands on that most amazing! Editor EVER created, you'll see what we've all been saying and saying. I have said it is more complex that SC-1, though, it doesn't take as much time to play as you might suppose... IE, most of the decisions to do with Diplomacy and Research and the like are sporadic, and quickly determined, since you ARE immensely IMMERSED and liable to make intuitive choices. I would worry more, MUCH more about the newly crowned American King's "electronic bugs" :eek: which are soon! coming your way... if not already installed... Average Joe? - WAKE UP! Bill has that pretty much finished. Some minor errata here & there, is all. Hell of a job he did, should you ask me. Hmmm, tough one to ascertain yer REAL intent, but... TCP works near perfectly, the clamored for Timer is going to cause some frantic, frenetic games, and they can be FUN in their own way, or... were you talking about how the tiles are not even noticeable once you commence... trip the light fantasic play? Haven't looked at those, wouldn't want to personally, but you are quite likely... INCORRECT in this estimated assessment. A one man coding Magician, no doubt, with a genuine "knack" for unique game design, but there are actually some others on "the project." Bill plays shortstop (... Jump School allows him to leap high! And avoid those flashing spikes when he would turn the inning-ending double-play), Blashy is a dervish at 3rd Base, ah, You should see! Those hot shots he knocks down, and rips Right back up and fires a silver streaking Bullet! to first base, nipping the astonished, Helmet-hurling runner by half a step. :cool: (... I am perfectly content to be way out in Left Field examining the manner in which the butterflies conduct earth-shattering fandangos.) A few others of the 9 possible fielding positions are around somewhere too, but they ain't sayin' so, so As Abbott & Costello have asked: Who's on First? What's on Second? LOL! [ February 21, 2006, 08:16 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  7. He's around, JJ, Occasionally skulking the damned Blood dimmed 'hoods Of Ghetto, USA. But, mostly - charming the crowds Of lick-boot liars & thieves, oh, The chicken hawks & cowboy cons In them quick Crumbling old marble halls, Washington, D.C. Only it ain't enny fiddle this time, no, It's a miniature Clavichord - salvaged From some Neo Gothic grave-yard. Mournful, she moans - O where? Did all the Knights of Olde, go? :confused: The ones what once had... that stalwart Code of Honor? Earnestly searched for the grail, too. _____________________________ On a lighter note :cool: Pitchers & Catchers report! To Spring... Diaper-Training, JJ! Ummm... rather, Their Agents mail in their likeness And demand! 20 Million more! Else - they'll a'rise right up! Like Spartacus himself, and Lead the down-trodden - on strike! Again! Bruised-shoulder Brothers-in-arms With all them Miners & Stevedores And Drill Press Operators, And Pile Driving Men, You know the score... see here! Home Town cheering! (... flim-flammed anew, heh heh, it's so freakin' E-Zee to do, in so many different ways, these days!) Man in the stands, "I am... dis-repected." Won't you - cry me the blues! lol
  8. Cool... Neo-Epistle! I ALWAYS read yer stuff, jjr, it's... raw And rimed rough, like Dos's once was. Like the sea-ward side of the Palm (... hmmm, palm seems to resonate in MANY ways) Tree. :cool:
  9. jjr, If you wrote that 2nd bit, well, Congrats, it's... not bad. LOL. :cool: Though, if not, it's always best To give credit where credit is due, and, Incidentally, NOT thieve or "borrow" another's writing Without... asking first. _____________________________________ For instance: "The sleep of reason breeds monsters." -- GOYA ______________________________________ IMHO - well, dao didi duh, Who else's would, should I have? LOL! Anyway, this "at" business is bush-league Iconongraphy. Yer talking, like - throwing stuff? AT somebody? Hmmmm, how about? A meeting - hail well met! In greeting. A spirited conversation, sure, 'At's righteous. Hey-hey, a parlay! Indian style. Peace pipe passed alla way 'Round each-inclusive Circle, too. :cool: I agreed already! PUBLIC hangings! Yea verily, let's do it! Ah doggone, only trouble being... WHO Decides who else is... so deserving? "Judge not lest yee?" Hast been stricken from... the Creed? I ken see it now (... and based on deeds not words, IE, who is absolutely without iota of Sin...) Yea, we're down to the last two, Well, Hell, forget that. It's become, as it must, just... the One. In a suddenly utterly silent jungle. :eek: Whatever does "it" do - now? [ February 16, 2006, 09:28 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  10. Yep, (... collective) we had plenty a' practice, At that. Me? I'd like to see PUBLIC Hangings. In every County in bad lands. No more... Mister Nice Guy! (... that hang-man, no sweat babe, naked to the waist, hood pulled inside out, white to black, Sweet Jesus! What a saintly kinda sight, alright! :cool: ) See, this way, Even the carnivores could, at last, At the last... ken the scent, ah Take note, What... The State is capable of, What sorta innate... Wisdom of Ages, It's got.
  11. LOL, No. Nothing. ______________________________ It is the sound of... one hand clapping. Which, I aver, you've clearly earned Thus far, In a dozen posts, ah, Yin jin, Yanga langa ding dong! All sins & mysteries solved! In only a dozen!... profound remarks. Tao ... LOL, NOW! Fer sure.. and - how!
  12. Thanks everyone, it's Not any extended exile, just Gonna steer different awhile And clear my head. Like... only recently, I was makin' tracks No, NOT Route 66 this time, but Hi-Way 61, re-re-visited, Instead, and I happened To glance over And notice Not-Rover The stuffed cat Aunt Clarabella 'd E-mailed Me for Christmas (... took me an hour to get all that ribbon & wrap ripped off!) (... she is dotty & daft! I am in my 50's! What need for a... stuffed Cat? Hmmm, maybe that's where I got...?) Anyway and - somehow? Using them stiff stuffed fore-legs I HAVE to believe, it 'd rolled The window half way down! (... how'd it get unloose from the seat harness I had - cinched as a noose?) And stuck its head Part way - out the window! I tell you this, true! Not-Rover's 99% rayon whiskers Just... a'twitching in 'At whistling wind! Growling right along with noises Like... back-beat riffs Of them Beach Boys! About some ol' hot-rod had a "409" engine In it or such-like as that, ah, How wired-up weird the world Can really be, no? And so, What else to do? I tromped on the gas and nudged the red-line On that shake-rattle tach, And - O Froobjalay! I just... rolled O I just hummed right along! (... OOOPS, couldn't help it, it's hard to contain the refrains mind-bending in yer head, yeah this little "ditty story" sorta slipped on out, sorry :confused: ) ____________________ I'll be around. I like wargames too much. And ALL them... "out-of-the-Hat" Cats What plays 'em. :cool:
  13. Thanx Yogi, Appreciate your comment. I do NOT mean to imply that I won't Answer, to the best of my ability, And, given the NDA, ANY questions about the new game. Just, that, and that... ONLY. ____________________________ Meant to add: My apologies for my own ill-considered, and unhelpful remarks just recently, especially to Lars, John C, and santabear. It won't happen like that, again.
  14. Bill and I and Blashy (... there are a few others, but they choose not to come forth and say so, fine, that's their business) Are very fortunate. We are able to see how this most amazing! Game has developed, And where it is going. Speaking only for myself, And as I've said before, I would NOT do it For ANYONE else alive, period, Period. Due to my IMMENSE respect for Mr Cater. A more stand-up, straight shooter You will never find, Hiking any road side of Santa Fe. OK, recently - enough members Have complained about My... "bad poetry" To cause me pause. Fair enough. So, I've determined, the thing to do, There won't be anymore of those. Ever. No quaint 60's stories neither. I've got other things need attention, In what small time remains, ah, mea culpa, Which the Almighty has alotted for me, Back at Alpha. Yet... I don't recall a single instance Where I have "flamed" somebody else For writing bad sentences, Or bad paragraphs, Or bad reasoning, Or bad sequences of ideas. [... keep in mind, as I now take time to do myself, those "by-laws," or the "entry agreement," whatever it's called, which the Moderators usually enforce, about... no flaming, or personal attacks, and no harrassments] Contrary wise, I have occasionally complimented Certain writings that I thought Were quite accomplished. Not a problem, I've been around the block, Seen the usual number of terrible things, I don't mind. Just remember, Bill has said, and I am in complete accord, This is volunteer work, And we've both been gladly at it, For SC 1 and 2, about 3 years now. VERY fortunate to be asked. :cool: By Hubert, and Hubert alone. And we might presume that he KNOWS IF our intellect, or creative input, Or knowledge of the genre, Of WW-2 history and myth and romance, Is... satisfactory. It's all that matters to me. [... I understand the impatience, the frustration about the delay; however, Hubert puts in 12-14-16 hour days trying to get you the game you have asked for. Playtesters spend a lot of time testing and suggesting, very often, ideas that YOU guys have brought up. If you want to confront or attack, oh, as a kind of "transferred stand in" - LOL, well, use your own judgement on that] OK, what I will do, is this: From this point on, I will ONLY answer questions Concerning the new game. I'll mostly hang out in the Beta Forum And check in here every once in a while And IF I can be of some assistance, I'll provide simple, declarative answers. How's that? That's about it. Except... one last thing: I keep saying it, but I REALLY mean it: Life is short, have FUN! [... with SC-2, and given the clamoring audience, shouldn't be... ANY problem! :cool: ]
  15. jjr, I already mentioned this once, but Stay off the Vets, big guy. Bill volunteered. I volunteered. One or 2 others on this board Also volunteered, Then it was time to do our part. How about you? Big strapping Idaho lad, Always waving furious the Flag, Playing warrior (... easy for some to do such things, running the smart-mouth and acting awful brave... when they are... across-great-distances, LOL! ) Playing at patriot. I understand the US Armed Forces Are short of recruiting goals. Again. For that debacle in Iraq. How about hitching up The courage quotient, and sauntering on over To yer local recruitment center, And, Doing YOUR part? They've raised the age limit, and They're even taking criminals Fresh out of prison. They'd probably take... even you.
  16. **** Ike99, You don't know a damn thing about me, Where I been, What I done, Why. So? Wherefrom all this across-great-distance 2-dimension insight? :confused: OK, so it is NOT a "temporary" disagreement. Fine. I gave it a shot. It's a personal vendetta then? LOLOLOL, **** again, I can live with that, I've handled FAR worse than yer Narcissistic bull ****. But, ol' pal? From here on out it's gonna be ONE SIDED as all get out, Cuz I ain't gonna get down in the slop With the Pigs And wallow around. I'll just get dirty, And them Pigs? Why, they just LOVE it.
  17. All those headings, and YOU Can't find 'em? LOLOLOL! Look, This is an insignificant And, temporary Disagreement Between ME and Ike99. No doubt we'll discover that neither Of the Other Is any outcast Daemon, yes? And so. The rest of you nosy Cats can Just butt the hell out and KEEP yer Personal pearls of wisdom, We don't really require them. IF you don't LIKE something, It's pretty f***king simple: Don't READ it.
  18. No, that depiction, or rendition, Or whatever it's called in "peng-ese," Is meant to imply: A thoughtless outlaw, Lying on the scrub ground, His little hat fallen away [... look sideways, to yer right, don't that there look like such as I just described? Or, am I truly loony? LOLOLOL!) Lying forlorn, it is, yep, But worse, utterly Forgotten. In the BIG SHEBANG... scheme of things, It ain't amount to much. Perhaps, one wild west windy day, Covered over even, Far as you ken see (... kerchief over eyes, Indian wise) With... dust. :eek: See? What was intended, Lars?
  19. Well, Miss Chievous, I'd disagree. It's actually a good thing, A sun-filled kind of thing, And I don't mind That you like it... in the dark. It's NEVER a good idea To stare long, and Lovingly... into the looking-glass, And admire yourself, And then imagine it is Somebody else entire. It is a COMMON mistake, Often made by those who are, ummm, As we say out here in these desert climes, All hat and -> no cattle.
  20. As do I. I trust it will indeed be possible To work it out to a common satisfaction. An "original idea" - reintroduced, That is old as gaming itself, And hardly "stormed up" By one lone game designer. Sure, and, as I have already done In the 1941-42 North Afrika scenario. For replayability, AND So to assist the AI as necessary, IE, You have 10 separate units, 5 for each for each of the Allies And Axis, And you can, pre-game, pick & choose which, If any, you'd like to include. Not to omit, and, to re-mind all, The new! AI Scripts are Becoming... fantastic. :cool: There is absolutely NO REASON, none! That any single game player, novice or Doddering Grog alike, Cannot - VERY simply, and qua quickly, CREATE the game of their choosing. The number of "variables" is not infinite, But more... an ever verdant, and Tropically flourishing! Garden of... earthly delights. :cool:
  21. Fairly self explanatory, Ike99. My Guess? Yer too cocky and don't understand very many Valuable things in gaming, Nor about Life lived In the real world. Curtail the know-it-all smallness, Grow larger than you thought You might, And then! Zen Doh Fan Dandy! :cool: [... can you ken that last ryme, I mean, that sort-of mangled slango RHYME?] You reach... enlightenment! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!! [ February 07, 2006, 12:55 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  22. Yeah, having played the board-game 3 or 4 times ALL the way through, And after reading what? The pleas and demands and what-else Of ALL that the worshipers wish to include, You might? Get a pixel game done in... a month or two? Hubert, himself? Down the Glory Game Road, a'ways? From what I have heard tell, That wish is not... impossible. May not happen, but... not impossible, Yee with minimalistic Faith. ______________________________ Canuck and John C Have, just above, said it the best. Not Kafka's K's advice is not So awful, neither. As Bill has said, I too am a dyed-in-wool Hexa-gamer. :cool: Now, having played SC-2 awhile, I agree with another thing that he has said: In the heat of battle, it's not very Noticeable WHAT grid pattern You are playing & slaying Dragons on. Yea, it is FUN and fast and has MANY of those Things which have been asked for Over all the years. I guess... Ike99 is indeed A seer. He can "see" things that I simply cannot As I test this game. Pretty power flush Dude, eh?
  23. Well, jjr, from all accounts (... ah, as we notice, many of them your unbiased own, LOL ) You didn't NEED a Manual So to reach - pretty doggone close To the top of the heap, eh? You took to it like a Sunday golfer Takes to water! As for the beer & chips, Forget 'em, They're both poison. Quit them both and you can play SC-2 until yer 100.
  24. Yep, SM, that is occasionally the case. Like the time I was down in Key West, And some Hippie Kid TRIED to convince me To invest some $$$$ In some fancy, hyper-tooled Cigarette Boat. And, hi-ho! run some bales of funny stuff From Cuba on over to Florida. I pondered, but after calling my brother, Decided I didn't want to spend Any more time in jail than I already had. It's no fun, really. So. Here, the FIRST 2 heads were wrong. Whereas, the SECOND 2 heads were right. As a hard half-hurricane kind of Gulf rain, making "cigarette boat" travel on them roiled up Gulf waters a case of... likely losing the ONE head you started off with. [ January 30, 2006, 10:38 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  25. What SeaMonkey said. Like, what I had said, only not so good as he had said. In my modded '39 Grand Campaign game, I have used Artillery: 1) Bombard Maginot Line. 2) Soften up several heavily entrenched cities. 3) Fire at a naval vessel in the English Channel (... you can set this attack value as low as you want, to get the EXACT effect that you would prefer from "coastal batteries") 4) Attack a mine (... again, "strategic attack" can be edited to your liking) NEVER had so much FUN with ONE Little game piece, In my WHOLE life, LOLOLOL! :cool:
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