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Everything posted by gautrek

  1. Sorry but i can take no credit for the ambush scheme as this is as per the Kwazy dog pack. Which is what i am basing all my Panther mods on.If you havn't downloaded this pack yet you should.
  2. There is allways somebody who spoils it for eveybody.I was going to say it was magic. But now youv'e spoilt my fun. [ February 07, 2003, 08:46 AM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  3. Rather than hijacking another thread i thought i would start up a WIP thread for this. I have about finished the Panther G Late See below. I just need to decide what unit markings to Add. And i have just started on a Kursk version Panther D.As you can see i might have overdone the damage.Please note i haven't finished altering all the bmp's on this yet so some areas look a differant shade to others(like the Mantle). Also note the turret numbers. More stuff to follow as i do it.
  4. I am working on the Panthers in tandem with MikeT about numerious options for CMMOS.But i will also do this in old style as well. I am now working on a D model as these were about for Kusrk.
  5. Double Post sorry [ February 05, 2003, 05:42 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  6. Lets see what i can do about this. here is my latest WIP .I am doing the full set as we speak. these are based on Kwazydogs set. Hopefully these will come with optional unit markings and things. i am even going to do some with Kursk markings for MikeT. Thats if some body can give me any info on this. I need to know which Models were about at Kusrk and which units had them. Cheers
  7. I have been looking at MD site. Let me know which markings you would like and i will see what i can do. Its a thanks for your CMMOS work.
  8. Thats my plan. I am using kwazydogs set. i need to do some checking on the unit markings but i might do a basic dusty/muddy mod set and then release markings later. Cheers
  9. just uploaded a Dusty Finnish T26 1937. I know i said i was doing a Elefant next . But i thought i would leave that for the expert to do. I have been working on the late war Pumas but i seem to have missplaced a bmp .So i am a bit stuck at the moment So i am making a start on the Panthers.As i think these need a bit of a dirty and battering up. [ February 04, 2003, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  10. Well i'm sorry thats just not good enough .
  11. Theres nothing wrong with a bit of farting about every now and then.And it sums up what i do perfectly. I am against all this techno bollocks thats spoken on the web.Bring back "proper" english. By the way MikeyD jeff "speedbump" myers is trying to get hold of your email with regard to CMMOS. Cheers. ( there you go theres another one for you)
  12. I might be motivated to do this for you .leave it with me. I'm also glad to know people are going to my site. i am hoping to get a mate who does website for a living to help
  13. Dusty Jagdpanther posted . you know where I like these Tank destroyer models.No turrets so not to many bmps to fart about with. Might do the elefant and ferdinand next
  14. Well thats all right then. I didn't want it to look like youv'e been taking a break or anything Only another 13 mins to go to download this pack [ January 27, 2003, 04:52 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  15. Is that IT I thought you were doing something all this time
  16. Just posted a dusty King Tiger with optional killrings on barrel.
  17. Dusty Sturmmorser posted at the database. Enjoy King Tiger next
  18. Yes i am very interested so email them when ready. I take it that as its a tourny then they are fairly well balanced. Because like i said before its all about Fun. Because when i lose i want it to be down to my crap playing and not the secnario cheers.
  19. I am just starting pbem with my mate.But what we would like is a set of scenarios which start at the invasion and then jump forward a few months at a time so that we can play out the full war. So what i need help on is either some kind designer to come up with say a set of scenarios that will add the various weapons and such like as the war progresses. Or somebody to point me in the direction of a few ready made ones that follow the pattern above. We like to play fairly well balenced games as life is to short to worry about lack of ammo and such like. Basically we want to have some FUN [ January 24, 2003, 09:37 AM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  20. Oh no i have never played with these before.These are some more of the bits that are put in PSP for people who know what they are doing.But i suppose i will have to swallow my fear and have a play.
  21. Cheers for that Cannon. For my next Question i have been asked to do a Stug with a certain colour scheme .What i want to know is there an easy way to change say a bi colour bmp to a single colour without having to clone it all out. I need to be able to do a single colour but with the "rough" bits in( the odd pixels that break the single colour up) .If you see what i mean This has been holding me up somewhat.
  22. I had this once and i reuploaded the zip and that fixed it.
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