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Everything posted by gautrek

  1. I have redone my winter version of this mod to cover Andrew's new base bmp's.I have also included a dusty version of this as well. I will release it as soon as CMMODS is up and running again. Edited cause i was 2 out on the number [ July 08, 2003, 06:13 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  2. This makes me feel like i am wasting my time sometimes. I was about ready to release my dusty AT guns when. BAAM along comes some new base textures. So there goes a few hours work down the drain. OH well such is life. OH BTW nice mods
  3. the bmp's are 103720-103727 and 103783 (Gun barrel) 104130 104131 this one had me stumped on the gun barrel as well. what i now do is if i can't find the bmp's for a mod i will download somebody elses mod to check. Thats what i did with this mod i downloaded tracers mod.
  4. Here is my latest WIP its the 75mmL36 Anti tank gun. I will post these mods once i have completed the last grey 75mm anti tank gun. Might be done by the weekend.HOPEFULLY
  5. looking good. In my humble opinion i think its the tracks that make it.
  6. I have got back into modding again after getting a bit sick of doing them. I thought i would go back to my dusty mods for a change. See below.I should have these ready to go any day now. we have the 37 and 42mm AT gun and the 50mm AT gun done so far. And i also have nearly finished my 50 mm white tiger stripe mod. [ July 03, 2003, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  7. Can you stick my site up please Its in my sig. And i will even have a go at doing a GIF.
  8. Your wish is my command. Check out my site :cool: [ June 19, 2003, 06:12 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  9. Thanks Mike. There is no rush it was just a thought.It saves me a load of work as i was going to do some stuggs the other night before i read your post. And i can cope with the size as i'm on cable so no worries. :cool:
  10. Any way back to the subject matter. I refuse to pick 3 other top mods done by other people as how can i choose between such good stuff. And as to my own top three and why . they have to be 1) My Dusty Hungarian CV 33.As this was the first mod where i realised i had been following the tutorial wrong.( I am one of these people who don't need to read manuals ).So while doing this mod i re read the tutorial.Changed how i did things .And i was well chuffed with how it turned out. 2) Winter 37mm and 42mm Anti tank guns This mod was done because i fancied a change from doing dusty mods.So i tried to go for a brushpainted effect.After much FARTING ABOUT and hours of experimenting i finally came up with this. And i was well chuffed with this one as well. 3) Captured T34 1941 I picked this mod as my number three as i like working from old photos and this one turned out very nice.I had a bit of help from Vaders jester to sort out the turret crosses as i had spent hours trying to get them right.Also this mod shows how this community works. I had uploaded this mod and within 20 mins of it being released Vader had emailed me the corrected crosses.he had done this off his own back with out any prompting from me. And i have just realised that this is the old screenie with my crap crosses on .I must get round to redoing this screen shot. So there you go my top three. :cool: Edited because i am crap at speeling and graammer [ June 17, 2003, 05:48 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  11. Is there any chance of releasing your base colour stugs for us modders (to fart about with )Once you have released the full set. As i have seen some amazing camo schemes which i would like to have a go at. Yours HOPEFULLY :cool:
  12. Ignore this as i'm a twat. [ June 13, 2003, 05:54 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  13. I got it from a QB secnario i set up with all the grey Anti tank guns in as i wanted to have a go at something differant to mod. Its set to dec 1942 germans V's Russians So if its not available in normal games i will take it down. Edited to add details of scenario [ June 12, 2003, 05:48 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  14. OK OK . I'm on it . I should be able to mod the correct gun now as mike T has sent me a bmp list for the german guns so hopefully no more working on the wrong gun now. Also i have just started a pbem game with my mate which has lots of PAK 50's in it. Watch this space
  15. Oh i thought it was just me who had that problem. i just leave the disc in now.
  16. Where you bin Zim. Not seen you around for a bit. I was in the process of doing the 50mm anti tank gun when i looked in game to see the effect. But me stupid as i was re modding the 75 mm again. What i want to know is do people like this look or is it to much damage. Let me know and if you ask nicely i might release it.
  17. Get it at the normal place Its my hasty whitewashed 75mmL46 Anti tank gun Plus i have sorted out my links page now so they point to the right things and i have added a few more links. i have also started adding Zim's tutorials to my site starting with his applying camo one [ June 10, 2003, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  18. I take it as i have had no feedback from my tutorial that i stuck up the other night. That everybody is happy with it. If thats the case i hope to see loads of mods coming out within the next few weeks.
  19. If you are using PSP to do this mod. Have a look at my tutorial in my sig for help on getting rid of pinkies. As you seem to have a few
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