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Everything posted by gautrek

  1. I can't speak for other modders but i know that i will start a mod and then sometime lose interest part way through it.So i will start something else and then forget about the one i was doing . The panzerjager is a case in point.I was going to do both versions of this mod but i sort of got sidetracked.So i have had the yellow one done for about 2 weeks.So i thought i should release this one in case i didn't get round to doing the other one. Sorry for only being human
  2. Well it seems that i should stick with this style for now.I also tried this style on my tiger E that i released last week. Which is good as i am trying it out on the churchill as we speak. I am also thinking about doing the correct tracks for the Churchill.But the only problem is it will over write the standard tracks.But i am sure MikeT can sort this out for CMMOS so you can add and delete them as needed.
  3. I have just posted a dusty version of the yellow Panzerjager 1. I have tried out a new style to try to make it appear more grimey .do people like this look.
  4. I have now released V3 of this pack. I have NOW added MickeyD's KV 85 tracks and his waffle pattern T34 tracks. Also i have slightly reworked a couple of my tracks so i am happier with them now. MikeyD's tracks are the middle ones in the screenshot.
  5. I have now done a version of the T34 tracks and i have added some rust to the details as well. I had to tone down the dust slightly as it was to much for the amount of track you can see.And i now like the new look. I have now seen that my American halftrack tracks now look a little bright.So i have toned them down and added a little rust to these as well. So i will go through all the tracks again and have another look. These will be released shortly [ May 02, 2003, 08:05 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  6. Oh crap i forgot about that one. I have that downloaded all ready. Now look out for V3 of this pack as i see i have some more work to do. And thats praise indeed.
  7. I have updated my dusty track pack to now include the new tracks that MikeyD has released with his KV 85 mod.It is now version 2 I have done this because i wanted the new tracks but i wanted them to blend in with my tracks set. [ May 06, 2003, 05:15 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  8. Sorry about that.I knew what i meant. You wouldn't believe english is my first and only language.
  9. I have just uploaded two versions of my dusty Tiger E mod.I have put a Hungarian version up which will probably never be seen due to the rarity value. and a german version with optional kill rings and air recog flag.
  10. Mikey Have you got a problem if i have a go at your new track to make it blend in with my set and then i can add it to my set to keep things simple for any body who likes my style of tracks.I am only talking about the basic rusty bmp not the muddy or snowy ones. Cheers
  11. whats this when its at home then :confused:
  12. Sorry tracer it just seems to be you. I logged on ok and it all seems fine. Have you emailed him yet. I think you should as you broke it.
  13. MikeT sent me a piccy of a mod he would like me to have a go at but i need help with some bmp's V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Do you think this will make it into the latest patch. :confused: Check out the full story here
  14. AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH !!!!!! I started downloading this mod at a snails pace from the site and got about halfway through and then my bleeding computer reset its self. :mad:
  15. I wish people would stop calling german tanks by the proper names ie. PGFHFTS IVdgf and get back to calling them the proper names like a panzer 4 or a panther . Then people like me will not get confused :confused:
  16. he's all ready fixed this. a new side has been posted at the database.
  17. I have just posted my dusty version of the marder 3 and Grille models.This only contains the camo Marder 3 model
  18. I seem to be a bit dense tonight. I have finished a dusty version of the marder 3 and grill models.But i seem to have a missing bmp. Can anybody tell me the gun barrel bmp number for the grill.I can only assume its shared by one of the field guns .but i don't know which one. Cheers Also does anybody know all the bmp numbers for the field guns .As i fancy having a look at some of the anti tank guns to mess about with. edited because i am still being dense [ April 22, 2003, 06:35 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  19. I have just uploaded my dusty version of Andrew fox's marder 2 version. I have just dusted and dirtied up his standard excellent base bmp's. This covers both the grey version and the yellow camo version.
  20. I have just uploaded a tactical markings option for my Italian tanks pack. This can be optained as V2 of my mod pack. Or as a seperate download with the two altered bmp's.this is for you people with V1 of my mod I have had these kicking about on my hard drive for months now and i thought i might as well let you mod sluts lose on them.
  21. I like this but i have a small suggestion. Could you tone down the markings for the cross and such like slightly. i think they are to bright for the mods.
  22. I missed out doing the brightness and contrast step when i was doing the front hull bmp.Its only a slight differance from the side plates but its enough for me to spot it. Its probably something that anybody who isn't looking for it would notice. This is what comes of spending about 2 months off and on doing a mod.
  23. sorry about this folks but i'm STUPID. When i uploaded my panther A pack i missed out the brightness and contast steps that i do on my mods on the front bmp.I have now uploaded V2 of the pack to include this. I have also uploaded the missing bmp as a seperate zip file for those of you that need it. edited because i'm STUPID again [ April 18, 2003, 08:09 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
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