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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by gautrek

  1. Damn Andrew beat me to it. But here is a screenie of my first mod. I have done a load of markings options. Hope you like it
  2. I didn't do a lot. Its just i think i have more of an idea about what i am doing now.Instead of just bumbeling about in the dark like when i had just started.
  3. Check out this link MOD POSTED Its an old favorite of a lot of people but i have redone it as i think i am slightly better now than i was. [ October 06, 2003, 05:53 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  4. Well the good news is that my mod forum finally has some signs of life. :cool: So why not pop over and take a look. And a big thanks to those who have started to post.
  5. Now i remember . I said i would do it quicker if you crossed my palm with silver [ October 04, 2003, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  6. How about my mouse wheel working on the scenario screen.That would cheer me up no end. In fact if they only fixed this that would do for the new engine
  7. Look forward to seeing the results soon. Its a major pisser when RL gets in the way. hope its sorted now
  8. Scearios that you download just need sticking in the scenarios folder. Mods usualy need unziping and then the bmp's need to go in your bmp folder. BACK UP YOUR OLD BMP'S FIRST Just be aware that some mods have options for added markings and such like. I tend to stick things like this in a seperate folder in my mod. But in most cases read the read me. As to choice of mod.What can i say but have a look and see what you like. then you to can become a MOD SLUT
  9. As most of you mod sluts are probably getting the shakes and going Cold Turkey from the lack of mods to down load. I thought i would help stick my latest mods up on my site.So please go to my site and look under other stuff for my latest mods. Its a Ren 35 in grey and yellow versions. This is only a temporay measure until CMMODS is back up and running. I am also willing to stick a few NEW mods up from other people.If they are interested drop me a line and i will talk . Just try not to break my site please And while you are there downloading my mod why not pop into my forum and post a comment. I stuck this forum up as people were moaning about the lack of a mod forum. So what happens i do one and nobody uses it. If this foum doesn't show any signs of life by the time i redo my web site i will remove it . So its in your hands now use it or lose it.
  10. Good on you mate. I would do this as well but my PC is of most of the time.(the wife moans). I am willing to stick any NEW mods on my site for a short while. It won't be many as i only have a small site but i will see how many i can stick on before i break it.Or my ISP moans about the bandwidth. So any Modders with new mods to release drop me a line.
  11. All i can go on is the photos that i have seen and not many vehicles seem to come with red stars. But i will see if i can add them and mail them to you . Hows that.
  12. Thanks for that. I am thinking about updating my web site and making a few changes so that i am ready for when CMAK comes out. And also it was my first go at doing a website so i think i can make a better go second time round. The only thing that has dissapointed me is that nobody seems to like my forum I was hoping that people might drop by every now and then to talk.But it seems that i was wasting my time . So unless it starts getting used i will take it off when i do the revamp.
  13. I have posted a dusty Churchill mod at the database. I have highlighted the detail on front hatch a bit more.And i have also added a towing eye to the front.This is an old screen shot so its not visable in this screenie.
  14. Might be Or then again maybe not. I just need to sort out a few details and match up the grime. What can i say but in my opinion its one of the best tanks from world war II. It did exactly what it was designed for.IE support infantry. It soaked up punishment and carried on doing its job. And was modified to suit a wide range of jobs.From bridge laying to bunker busting. And if CM2 is any good i expect to be able to play with all the differant variants of this tank. Imagine a beach landing scene with a load of these funnies to play with. :cool: [ September 26, 2003, 09:14 AM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  15. This do you.I have also put one on the rear for when its running away
  16. I am nearly ready to release my latest mod. so hold on in there. By the way its one of my favorite tanks.As its such a beast.
  17. I have now posted this screen along with an optional title bar at the bottom.So you can have my name on show if you want it. I have released this mod with out the modded buttons as i have cocked up big time with these and they are now doing my head IN. :confused: So i may release the buttons at a later date when i am not so pissed off with them :mad:
  18. i have just found them by accident they are called Raie_Barbarossa_mod_1st_part
  19. See it makes me double post so i must be bad [ September 21, 2003, 05:27 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  20. I have just started doing a new tank mod. Thats if this bleeding cold doesn't get any worse
  21. I might have put you in anyway if you had asked nicley But the big question is can you use it with your version. Or have i just wasted my time I also stuck COG's name up for his database. Oh crap i have just seen that i have missed Mr noobie off the list. I have just posted a new version with his name added. Edited cause i'm crap at finding bits of paper with every mod authors name on it. [ September 20, 2003, 07:28 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
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