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Everything posted by ASHBERY76

  1. **** the moaners,this game is a must buy.
  2. A short new AAR on Wargamer. http://www.wargamer.com/articles/theatreofwar_aar/
  3. I see no evidence of dynamic lighting.
  4. The infantry faces are all the same? ala clone armys.
  5. Are there any good looking slavic girls still living in the east? They seem to be in a hurry to marry western men.
  6. You forgot to place the Vaporware title inbetween Wartime Command and Theater of War.
  7. This game looks a rare niche title with AAA visual quality.Only SilentHunterIII could claim the same in recent years.
  8. The video looks great.I look foward to seeing more.
  9. Are you saying the A.I is bad in CIV4 or Galciv2? they are both beatable but offer an interesting game.Have you played the demo for Take Command: 2nd Manassas, now that is a tactical game that was only programmed by one guy,it has good A.I,much much better than the big budget game like RomeTotalWar.You can have A.I that offers an interesting game.No excuses. The CM games do have bad A.I.I hope Hubert makes the game interesting for SP gamers,ie the majority.
  10. Civ4 has good A.I,so does Galciv2.Even HOI2 doomsday now had good A.I.SC2 with its much simpler gameplay SHOULD HAVE BETTER A.I.I look foward to the work done by the developer in the patch.
  11. I was just about to go to bed,and an email popped up.I'll be tired at work in the morrow.
  12. I'm concerned about the A.I comments.Most players will only play SP games,this is reality.I hope this area has most of the developers concentration in the coming weeks.
  13. My view is the strategic game looks very good and suits the engine, while I'm not keen on the battle scenarios at all. The game is very simple but seems to have strategic depth, and has a very fast pace.HOI2 is still the best in this genre imo, but takes weeks to play a campaign.SC2 is good for gamers who don't have the time and will finish a campaign in one night.I will order.
  14. Hmmm, always nations around Israel it seems.Wonder why. [ October 13, 2005, 10:12 AM: Message edited by: ASHBERY76 ]
  15. This forums becoming a battleground for far-left and far-right agenda's.We need all political talk culled on this game forum.I want game info dammit.
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