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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. This is indeed a strange error. Sorry to hear about the continued trouble, and although I would never suggest having to upgrade your components (simply to run SC) it does seem that either something is amiss on your system, or that unfortunately SC just does not want to run on your computer. Also, I'm not sure at all why it would not appear in APPLICATIONS... perhaps you have access to another system that might work without having to set it to run without DirectX? Hubert
  2. While it has yet to be finalized, the current plan is to have a script that controls/sets 'Victory Conditions' so there should be some flexibility available to you in this department
  3. Hi Retributar, Yes, we'll probably have something similar to this as well Hubert
  4. Hi Yogi, 1) To be honest not really, we are still shooting for the end of the year (Q4) but truth is it will only be released when we it's ready 2) Nothing definite here either but to give you some perspective, I test it on a lower end base system of around 500 Mhz, 16 MB Video Card with 128 MB of Ram and is seems to do just fine. Hubert
  5. Hi Ccrider, This is indeed a strange error. I would say to at least upgrade to v1.07 to see if that helps first, but otherwise you should be able to run in non directx mode without any problems and without significant differences. Hope this helps, Hubert
  6. Hi Sytass, Sorry to hear about the trouble. It's probably best to contact the SC Gold publisher directly (Most Wanted Games) as they would be better suited to address the issue: support@most-wanted-games.com Hope this helps, Hubert
  7. Interesting posts all around guys... definitly a lot to consider, thanks! Hubert
  8. Hey Avatar, thanks for the offer but I think we should be covered for now in the testing department. Btw, while I love la belle province I'm born and raised in Toronto
  9. Thanks Yes with SC2 auto updates will no longer be the standard, but most likely it will still be an option should you decide to play in "classic" mode
  10. Hey Night, good question actually While I can't give you a serious update, rest assured things are coming along slowly but surely! Hubert P.S. Even I can't wait
  11. Thanks Curry, as always I can't make any promises but we'll see what can be done Hubert
  12. Glad to hear you are enjoying the game I just double checked your bug report and you are correct that these particular keyboard shortcuts no longer seem to work. Must have been something I introduced since moving the version level up to 1.07 as this error has never been reported before... well as far as I remember Unfortunately since SC development has been closed for some time (as my resources have moved over to SC2) hopefully this small issue will not be too inconvenient for you while playing the game. Hubert
  13. Hi Scott, I've forwarded a short message to your email, but on top of installing the latest drivers and DirectX, I would perhaps also ensure the sound card is working properly by installing the latest drivers for this as well. It could very well be a sound issue since as you mentioned it only happens when you click on a button, is this right from the get go, i.e. from the main screen? Sound cannot unfortunately be turned off but if you can ensure that the line 'sound interrupt = 0' is set to 'sound interrupt = 1' that would be great as it could resolve the issue for you. This line can be found in the SC.ini file found in your installation directory. Hope this helps, Hubert [ July 18, 2004, 11:43 AM: Message edited by: Hubert Cater ]
  14. Yes Bruce brings up some interesting points for discussion for sure Just some background on Eiffel (and to clarify), it is just a programming language much like Visual C++, JAVA etc., while freely available game engines would be something separate, although most likely written in C or C++. For me using Eiffel is not a problem, and while it may not be for every game programmer it was in fact desired. For one, it was the language I'm most familiar with, and secondly there are all the inherent advantages (my opinion of course ) over some of the other languages, like Design By Contract, Garbage Collection, true Multiple Inheritance, smartly designed development environment etc. Admittedly there are drawbacks, one of which (and this was a problem for consideration way back when SC1 coding started) is that there are not many (in fact probably none) code samples available in Eiffel for game programming. I probably still have the only ones set up on line for an open source project I started a few years ago. I believe this is what Bruce is partially referring to when he discusses game engines. Now it's not a huge problem, since in the end, as with any language, you can interpret generic algorithms, pseudo code and so on to fit your language of choice. In fact, this is exactly what I ended up doing, whereby, the entire game engines for SC1 and SC2 were both written from scratch, in Eiffel, but using many of the code samples found on the net for path finding, movement, map generation and so on. The benefit though (of sticking with Eiffel) is that while SC2 has moved to tiles much of the existing framework for hexes in SC1 could be reused (due to the inherent similarities) without too much of a headache Hope this helps, Hubert
  15. I would guess any sort of image/graphical editing program would do the trick. I believe Fernando (SC2 artist) uses Adobe Photoshop, but even Corel Photo-Paint, Jasc Paint Shop etc., should also work nicely. Hubert
  16. Unfortunately this is not possible but adjustments will be made to allow this in SC2
  17. Yes, the trick is that the AI WILL perform better if it knows how many units you have... problem is under FoW it is really not much better off than you without it "cheating" or knowing some extra info. This is why one proposal for SC2 is to give the AI the option to play it's side without FoW. Will it make the AI world class? Will everyone settle think this is a good compromose? Probably not, but it will at least in the worst case scenario add some variety in terms of options and overal gameplay when playing the AI
  18. Current plan is to include this information but the final implementation is still to be decided. Either way I like your proposal
  19. Thanks, and I knew I should have at least had a nice cold Canadian beer in my hand... next time!
  20. Edwin, that is correct wrt #trigger. As for interactive popups there is nothing currently planned but I would strongly suspect there will be many gamer inspired options (including this one) added in any future patches/extensions to SC2 after release
  21. Edwin Just wanted to pop in to answer some of your ideas, yes there will be a generic Popup event that can be #DATE triggered as well as a few other events that can be set to run based on a date and/or even a failsafe date
  22. Yes, whenever you create a new map a set of blank scripts is created (only example notes will be included) that can then be edited to create your own custom events etc. Even with the existing maps/campaigns all the details of the scripts can also be edited, removed, changed, basically whatever you like. Hubert
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