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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. justsayhello, Phillipe is essentially correct... either way I just wanted to thank you for your support as it is always very much appreciated Hubert
  2. Lars, there is no percentage applied, rather it is as ebitt stated whatever is in range is spotted. Note, spotting is not available during bad weather as your air units are grounded until the weather clears... perhaps this was the confusion?
  3. Not sure as this is a Windows C runtime error outside of the scope of the actual code I am using. Usually a reboot resolves this type of issue but it could also be the fact that you are running the Editor and the Game at the same time and your system doesn't like that. Just a tip, if you want to see your changes in the Editor just hit the F4 key and it should refresh the bitmaps to whatever recent editing changes you made.
  4. You'll have to script minor countries to make their own purchases.
  5. Sombra, thanks and just to add to the conversation of subs vs battleships I think it should be considered that it is difficult to debate what the game should allow or model without knowing the complete picture of how players are using their naval assets. I only mention this since as SO has pointed out BBs were sunk in WWII by subs as were several other significant ship types such as Carriers and so on. The number of these ships sunk may not have been significant and it may have been due to anti-submarine technological advances that made that type of attack risky but I would still argue that it was also largely due to a general naval doctrine by the Royal Navy and others to not use BBs, CVs, and CAs in active anti-submarine duty. For example, in early September of 1939 Ark Royal was attacked by a submarine as was Courageous which was subsequently sunk. After that the RN shifted it's aggressive doctrine versus subs wrt at least its Carriers and relied more on its escort vessles such as Destroyers to get the job done. Note, despite this, and if a juicy target was available to a sub it was still attacked and sunk, i.e. Ark Royal was eventually sunk in 41 etc. With that being said I can still understand some of the issues present and I think the few tweaks that will be made for the first patch will hopefully address these.
  6. breezeri, after you edit the scripts using Hawk's Editor you need to open the campaign in the default Editor that came with the game and resave the campaign. You unfortunately need to do this as Hawk's editor simply helps you to edit the scripts but the default Editor, once you resave the campaign, actually loads the scripts into the campaign... otherwise they do not get properly loaded. [ November 23, 2007, 07:04 AM: Message edited by: Hubert Cater ]
  7. Here is a similar response I gave a little while back that outlined Fernando's technique: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=59;t=000088;p=1#000007
  8. Sombra, I think I can understand a bit more of what you are saying here... I could try giving the UK player an extra Destroyer and that might help a bit but I still want to make sure that I don't give the UK player too much help as it may hinder initial Axis successes in the Atlantic. Very tricky to get the balance just right but I am open to other suggestions and/or feedback, pro or con, to the current discussion.
  9. Looks good Moonslayer and I hope you don't mind as I will use this file to update things on my end
  10. With WaW and with the introduction of Destroyers we were finally able to separate the roles of each naval type closer to how they were used historically. So in this respect BBs, CVs, CAs are naturally going to be much more vulnerable to subs than they were in previous SC versions but it is still difficult for me to gauge further drawbacks to the current system without better understanding how players are using their units in game. For example, if let's say the UK player is hunting subs with his capital ships it will make sense that a good portion of them will be sunk (or not fair that well) as they are not the same type of sub hunter that a Destroyer now is. Additionally if the UK player does not invest in ASW and apply it appropriately then they will also suffer in the Battle of the Atlantic. Also, and for the same reasons described, using non Destroyer units for Sub screens can also be a potential problem. There will be modest change with the first patch that will reduce the amount of surprise damage for all surprise contact but even here it may just be a matter of rethinking the typical approach to the Battle of the Atlantic. What I mean by this is that up to now players generally used all ships at their disposal to challenge Axis subs and for the most part never really invested in ASW. This approach can still be applied but with WaW the consequences are apparently more grave so the UK player generally has more difficult choices to make. For example they can accept initial losses on the convoy routes due to the lack of Destroyers and ASW levels and wait until they can properly respond, or they can risk their more vulnerable ship types in an earlier and immediate attack on Axis submarine activity. I'm not saying the current model is necessarily perfect but at least it does do one thing that the earlier versions of SC never were really able to do, i.e. force players to take Subs, ASW and Sub hunting much more seriously than ever before which for an initial assessment is a step in the right direction. I think the change in surprise contact will help (and may be enough) and if it still needs tweaking after the first patch I will gladly consider further adjustments.
  11. CSS, The only way to open this file and edit it is via the game Editor provided. From there you will find many options to adjust as desired. Hope this helps, Hubert
  12. georgebogdan, I suggest opening the existing campaign you wish to modify via the Editor first and then re-saving it as a new campaign. From there you can edit pretty much everything as desired including the game scripts. An alternative way to edit the scripts is to use Hawk's handy script editor but even so after you do you need to resave using the game Editor in order to re-load the script file changes. As John mentioned there are a lot of details found in the Editor Help file as well as in the SC2 Blitzkrieg User Manual. Good luck! Hubert
  13. Tread Head, The D-Day scenario is pretty much set up to be an Allied advantage in terms of Air power as it was historically. That being said, there are ways to defeat the AI, i.e. at least gain an Axis Minor Victory, as Moonslayer has alluded to in the other thread. Hope this helps, Hubert
  14. FuChu, That might be a bug, can you send me a saved turn for me to look at? Send to support@furysoftware.com Thanks, Hubert
  15. John, On Expert the AI receives addition MPP and does a much better job making purchases, i.e. using its MPPs efficiently, than it did in SC2 Blitzkrieg. Hubert
  16. Von Altair, this is an oversight but if you play in 3D unit mode it should appear as expected.
  17. Regardless of difficulty setting the AI does also recieve a few extra units throughout the course of the game. See the UNIT events for more details. To make adjustments to the number of extra units received you can simply deselect the desired number of AI UNIT events to your satisfaction. The UNIT events can be accessed via the OPTIONS dialog. From there go to ADVANCED->SCRIPTS and click on the UNIT events in the left panel. The AI unit events start on the 2nd page I believe. For some background on these additions, the extra AI units are for the most part to help the AI garrision various cities, partisan positions etc., as well as slight boosts for critical times in the game, i.e. North African forces or Barbarossa Reserves etc. The idea is not to necessarily overwhelm you but since the AI still makes random purchases it ensures optimal AI play if it has enough Corps to garrison cities rather than using Armies or Tanks to do the same job and so on. David, I would suggest trying to disable the 'Barbarossa Reserves' Axis AI UNIT event as a starting point and go from there. This one alone might do the trick for you but the strategies described by the feedback in this thread will also help ensure Soviet survival during the initial onslaught. Hope this helps, Hubert
  18. UglyElmo1, SC2 Blitzkrieg and SC2 Weapons and Warfare are both Vista compatible. There are demos available and perhaps your father would like to try the games out before you make any purchases? Weapons and Warfare Demo: http://www.battlefront.com/products/sc2/sc2_wwe/demo.html Blitzkrieg Demo http://www.battlefront.com/products/sc2/demo.html
  19. William, There is no zoom feature for the game. There are a few ways to do it but for the most part it is not an easy task and with the planned muliple resolution support it was cut from the final list when SC2 was started a few years back. Hubert
  20. forward, Unfortunately no the english version of WaW is not compatible with the Spanish retail release.
  21. Hardrock, can you send me a saved turn of your game in progress to support@furysoftware.com? Thanks, Hubert
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