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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. I have yet to have this bug reported but if it happens as you describe then this would be a bug as well... if you have a saved turn where this happened I'd be happy to take a look. Ideally if you have a saved turn right before it happens that would be ideal for me to track it down. Anyone else notice this as well? Hubert
  2. Thanks Ebitt, these have been corrected for the first patch.
  3. Miech, This bug should be fixed for the v1.04 patch as well as the new speed issue/fix option. Hubert
  4. Looks like the stock script is incorrect then if the TRIGGER value was set to 0. If you want it to trigger on a specific date all you would need is a dummy condition that is never true such as the following: #CONDITION_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [1,1] [1] [0] All this is saying is that is there an Axis unit at tile 0,0 which of course cannot happen since no unit can enter that tile. Hope this helps, Hubert
  5. Hi Ebitt, Yes your #TRIGGER= value is set at 0 so it will simply not activate. Try setting it to 100% and it should work as intended. Hubert
  6. AZGungHo, Each campaign is a bit different in PDE and some are geared for the AI to do an invasion of the North American mainland, i.e. 1947 Russians Are Coming, whereas others like the Stalin Drives East campaign will focus on the Soviet AI trying to conquer Europe and North Africa and then hold the territorial gains from a resurgent Allied player etc. If you are looking for a Soviet Invasion I would highly recommend the Russians Are Coming campaign as you will generally have battles going on all over the map, i.e. North America, UK, Europe, North Africa, Middle East and even at Sea Hubert
  7. Hi Youri, The speed of the turns is likely due to all the scripts as well as the map size and number of units. Unfortunately even for 2D games things can slow down quite a bit as the path finding algorithms can be quite expensive. It is a balance between accuracy and speed but something I am constantly working on to improve. Hubert P.S. For reference the game EXE is compiled and comparable in speed to any C programmed executable as it actually compiles to C byte code.
  8. Alaric, This was also suggested during the development of PDE and one of the issues was that if a player knew one of their Allies was about to switch sides a few gamey maneuvers could come into play such as disbanding your units, reckless combat, purchases and so on before the switch etc. There were some ideas to smooth this type of downside out of the game but in the end I decided there were just too many potential loopholes that needed to be adequately addressed. If you remember with the original release of SC2 you could force a major to actually switch sides before they joined and you could declare war on a friendly major but this also needed to be removed as it was easily exploitable, i.e. Allied player could remove all US units from Washington and then DoW on the US and take it on the same turn.
  9. Lin, Canadian entry is also dependent on the UK and France both being fully activated, i.e. at 100% into the war. Since they do not start at 100% in the Storm of Steel campaign as they do in Fall Weiss, perhaps this is a factor?
  10. Gdtrfb, No worries, and yes if you right click on the unit you can change the 'Mode' to 'Ground' and it will then not intercept on your opponents turn. Hubert
  11. Hey Chesty, Thanks and I truly am glad you are enjoying the games For AI speed I am continually working on improving the time it takes to play its turn, i.e. it is one of the downsides of having a competent AI, but one thing you can try is using the 'F3' key as this allows you to force the AI to skip its animation on its turn. You miss some of the finer detail of its unit movement and combat etc., but if you are Ok with that it does speed things up quite a bit.
  12. Gdtrfb, As SeaMonkey mentions the area further south of those Middle East loops was largely controlled by the British and since that part of the map is not in the game we decided it best to not allow the Axis access to those particular naval loops. For the interceptions, this is under consideration but offhand I don't think a 4 strength fighter should be intercepting as the game engine only allows interceptors with strength >= 5.
  13. sonnenwalde, Great to hear you are enjoying the game For the AI vs. AI option this is covered in the Expansion Notes/Manual for both WaW and PDE and is highlighted under the use of 'F' keys. For AI vs. AI you simply need to select the F4 key before you load the campaign. Another handy option is the F3 key which skips AI animation and speeds the turns up quite a bit. Hubert
  14. Retributar, what you'll find in the 1945 Stalin Drives West campaign is that the Soviets generally have a good run for the first few years as they push the Allies out of Europe... but once the US industrial complex gets into high gear it becomes quite the challenge for the USSR to hold onto all of its possessions as the Allies re-land in Europe and North Africa etc. A bit of an ebb and flow, if you will, to the campaign
  15. Thanks for the feedback Colin and there were a few Allied decision suggestions that were made during Beta as well but we simply ran out of time to include for the initial release. I should now be able to revisit these, as well as your own, and see what I can do to make the other side a bit more interesting. To counter some of the Allied edge in the later years which I think are a direct result of some of the more aggressive Axis game play earlier on I will suggest the following edits: - lower initial Soviet activation% from 17% to 15% - lower Soviet reaction from 3-5% to 1-2% for German war with Czechoslovakia - lower Soviet reaction from 10-15% to 7-10% for German annexation of Eastern Poland - add Leeb HQ to the German P/Q for March 1, 1941 Note, if the German player DoWs France or the UK etc., this will add an additional 3-5% activation to the USSR, and more than what would be in regular Fall Weiss.
  16. scottsmm, The criticism I've heard with some of the bigger monitors is that they are not all scaled the same. For example, I am using a 24" Dell Monitor that appears to be the sweet spot for larger monitors, or so it was when I did my research a year ago, in that text will look about the same on the 24" model as it does on a 20" model when running max resolution on both. 1920x1200 for the 24" and 1280x1024 for the 20" etc. From what I had read, the 30" model is not proportionally larger in its dimensions to the 24" when running at its max resolution of 2560x1600. Essentially at max resolution for the 30" model running at 2560x1600 text would appear a little smaller than it would on a 24" running at its max resolution of 1920x1200. Same goes for the 22" when you run at 1920x1200 in that the text will also look a bit smaller than in the 24". There is a careful balance for sure as these models all increase in cost the higher you go in size but it all depends on which one suits you best. Your best bet, and if you have the opportunity to do so, take a look the 20", 20.1" 22", 24", 30" models etc (whichever ones fit your budget) in store running at max resolution and then search online for the best deal for the one you liked the most. After all, if you find one with a higher resolution like 1920x1200 that looks good it will definitely make the game that much more enjoyable as MajorRH has mentioned.
  17. Another way to look at it is that some of the new implementations that are in PDE, much like how there was new coding development for WaW, is now available in all future products as we move forward but unfortunately not necessarily backwards compatible with older products. That being said, it is not to say that WWII is not necessarily going to be revisited especially as we add more depth the capabilities to the engine... just that at the moment it is only available with the latest product which is for now Patton Drives East. Good news is that we have a few surprises in store and that I think most people will be happy with... stay tuned Hubert
  18. Retributar, For the 1939 Storm of Steel campaign you should be able to bring the Axis forces up to strength by the time the historical invasion date of September 1, 1939 rolls around... well at least that was what we were shooting for with the earlier start date of the campaign. For the Shattered Alliance campaign could you be more specific since there are many German units on the board at the start of the campaign but of course weakened and at the point of just surviving some some critical battles like the Battle of the Bulge etc., before formally surrendering to the Western Allies to join forces against the Soviets. Their weakened state reflects the amount of time that would be needed for reorganization and redeployment to the Eastern front.
  19. From the looks of it I believe it is playable against the AI as Honch has included AI scripting for the campaign as well as his other fine additions.
  20. Franky-Boy, PDE is the next phase of the SC2 engine and not easily backwards compatible so it is very unlikely that decision events would be added to WaW. This was the same with all the changes implemented to WaW and not easily added to Blitzkrieg etc. Hope this helps, Hubert
  21. Gdtrfb, The loops may actually be setup different for these campaigns since the context is different. For example, the Persian Gulf loop for the Storm of Steel campaign only works for the UK, France and USA etc. Good catch on the 47 campaign and I will make the correction and remove Rommel for the first patch.
  22. Another factor to consider is that alternate and aggressive actions by the Axis can also bring in sides earlier or raise activation %s for majors such as the US and USSR much sooner giving them more resources in the long run as some of you have noticed.
  23. Gdtrfb, Oops, seems like I missed this one For the convoys, this is just how the current setup works, i.e. in the Fall Weiss campaign Axis subs could attack the Lend-Lease convoys under a similar setup. Good catch on Franco and I will make an adjustment to the campaign to rename the map HQ to another Spanish General. Hubert
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