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Everything posted by Patchy

  1. And will you be wearing a smoking jacket and an ascot, too? Will you sip it as you sit at the piano, tickling the ivories as Seanachai lolls on top, vamping it up in his feathered boa and slinky, backless dress? When they talk about the decadence of the west, they must be talking about the Midwest. </font>
  2. Hot chocolate with whipped cream is good too...and cheesecake...and wine....*hic*
  3. Did you really run over a porcupine? That is sad! What did it do to your tires?
  4. Silly little Gnome Everybody likes him...which drives him crazy. Always trying in vane to get the ultimate insult. Never gets his mortal enemy stalker. Alcohol in excess is bad for Gnomes. Cannabis in excess is bad for Gnomes. Hallucinogens are bad for Gnomes. Able to continue typing after imbibing in all three. Intoxicated by Dalem's versifications... (...Though Dalem tells Seanachai it is the rum, and the Gnome is too intoxicated to know the difference.)
  5. You're not running over my Garden Gnome! My Garden Gnome likes to ride the Donkey.
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