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Everything posted by Patchy

  1. Jim Boggsy, I am expecting to receive your piccy in my inbox very soon! Send it! Persephone
  2. I miss you Pillocks too! And I miss the Gnome...*sniff* Persephone
  3. No, I'm over here in the Cesspool keeping the fire going and baking cheesecakes and keeping track of the wine supply....it's a terrible job....but somebody has to do it.... Persephone
  4. Um....Queen Emma you better store the grain far away from the paddock...and I wouldn't trust Yeknod if he volunteers to guard the grain... Persephone
  5. Did you bring the wine and cheesecake? Persephone </font>
  6. And now... what you have all been waiting for... *drum roll* Miss Mandalay 2004! And these are not retouched!
  7. Sir Sturmy modeling his new armour for the Queen.
  8. AAAARGHHHAAARGHH AAARGHHH GRARGHH! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Oops! Wrong thread.... Persephone
  9. Just dropping by to say...... GARGHHHAAAAAARRGH!!! AAARGHHHH! GARGHHHAAAAAARGH!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: That was fun! Persephone
  10. Now I get it.......you use a normal-sized snow shovel.... Seanachai, as Emma has stated....get your sorry little Gnome ass back in here and post somefink! If you and Emma don't post here anymore.....then I am not going to post here anymore either...so there! Persephone
  11. I shoveled snow this morning. I think it was maybe 5 inches of snow. 8 inches of snow must be very deep for a Gnome.....so how long does it take you to clear away all that snow with your tiny little shovel Gnomey? Persephone
  12. HAH! As if I wouldn't know the difference! Viagra is blue pal and Ex ... uh ... that is ... so I've been told, from what I understand you see and ... uh .... hmmmmmm Joe </font>
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