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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. For Chuck Norris *pain* IS *pleasure* and so he does psychoanalysis three days a week while bound tightly in a dark cupboard by leather-clad whip maidens.
  2. When Chuck Norris does psychoanalysis a Freudian slip heralds a violent leg sweep.
  3. I'd like to see Chuck Norris go up against a Reptiloid or even five.
  4. When Chuck Norris takes a guitar it not only wails, it weeps.
  5. ...floated on thermal air currents ever higher towards
  6. I demand to know whether ALPs are going to be modelled (Anti-Lobster Pots)? Fix or do sumfink if not? Obviously, the dimensions will have to be changed for Space Lobsters.
  7. I just wanted to say that a pair of stools would be eight. Not sure exactly what eight but eight all the same. And a pointy hat would make nine.
  8. Savonarola was a bit of a dreary reformist and was both hung and burned at the same time... perhaps for being dreary. Or doubly so...
  9. Savonarola was a bit of a dreary reformist and was both hung and burned at the same time... perhaps for being dreary. Or doubly so...
  10. Savonarola was a bit of a dreary reformist and was both hung and burned at the same time... perhaps for being dreary. Or doubly so...
  11. Yes, knit. I regard the Justicrab as a wooly jumper.. something that is a bit scratchy on the skin yet providing a layer of insulation and warmth after good cardiovascular exercise.
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