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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Steiner14

  1. @rudel.dietrich Tx for the info. But before a creditcard company will get my money, i will buy from Paradox.
  2. Excuse me, if this has been already answered, but will there be a way to purchase the game directly without having a credit card (i.e. prepayment via EUR transaction on a european account)? Or will we have to play the demo hundred times and wait until the game will be in stores?
  3. Thanks for answering. No prob for me either.
  4. As a former passionate CM-player who doesn't always have broadband, i'm wondering how big the PBEM-files will be? Factor 10 bigger? Or factor 5? Or 3?
  5. A better question may be whether CM:SF is a true multithreaded application. A program can be only single-threaded, yet still support multi-core processors. </font>
  6. Too me the contrast between surfaces in light and in shadow seems to be way too low. Also objects, like soldiers and palm trees, seem not to make shadows on themselves. I always had to look at the shadow on the ground, to know, where the sun comes from, not by looking on the objects themselves. To me the open terrain doesn't look that 3dimensional, making a grid view obsolete, too. [ May 17, 2007, 04:00 AM: Message edited by: Steiner14 ]
  7. Soviet nation? Have you ever heard about the Estonians, Ukrainians to mention only two of the over 100 nations that were forced into the Soviet slaughterhouse? I could imagine this being quite a hit into the face of ALL nations that were forced into this criminal bolshevik state. Soviet nation. Incredible.
  8. First, it's good to see Steve posting again. This means he did his work and the development is in plan. EDIT: oops, this is an old thread. The conclusion for all real wargamers is very easy: if CMSF is a huge success, then we will get CM:EF. So everyone wanting to play Eastern Front, should buy all CMx2 titles. @Battlerfront: Since with CM:SF you have already chosen a fictional scenario, i have an idea, that could be a solution, to get all potential customers into the basket AND to do the eastern front theatre. How about a central setting, where you can reuse all the labour that was invested in previous modules? Berlin 1945. In the West, you have the US/UK-players (maybe previously expanded with an Ardennes module). In the next module, you add the eastern front at Berlin '45 AND the hypothtical scenario, that the offer from the W-SS had been accepted to stop fighting against the german troops and to give them the possibility to throw everything against the Eastern Front and fight the Communists out of Europe. That way you could offer the US/UK/GER players playing the eastern front setting directly with their nations. This could offer a new experience to the normal US/UK wargamer, who isn't that much interested in the Eastern Front because of the reasons you mentioned, but who always wanted to see, how it is to play against the Red Army and not wanted to being forced to play the Germans to do so. Maybe this would even draw that much attention, that it could be further expanded with a pure Eastern Front module like Kursk or something else.
  9. @rudel I see. That's excellent news! Again CMx2 is programmed that way, that it will grow with CPU/GPU-power. Do you think is the preference for smaller battles only true for realtime-mode, which makes absolutely sense to me without further explanation, or do you think is it also true for the classical CM WEGO/PBEM mode?
  10. @rune Can you tell us, if there are hardcoded unit-limit-numbers? Or if you can't tell us, can you tell us, if you have experienced hardcoded limits?
  11. While this is not something really new, because it has been stated several times already, it is great to hear it every time. Can you give us a bit more info, to get a better understanding, a feeling for it? For example, will the increased difficulty/realism be comparable to the difference from CMBO to CMBB due to the increased efficiency of hMGs and morale effects? Or would you say, that CMBB/CMAK in comparison just were gamey Pacman games, compared to the realism in CMSF? Come on Rune, throw us a bone!
  12. And the war against Iraq had to be led because of weapons of mass destruction, right? There are definately a lot of desinformed propaganda believers, but i've played quite some US-players, with quite some realistic and objective political knowledge about the reasons why the USA entered the war and they nevertheless prefer to play the US, because it is their country and their soldiers. Right or wrong, my country.
  13. Is the one with the camcorder on drugs? Quite some videos from the US-"Army" show such a childish, civilian kind of behaviour. No wonder why they get their arse kicked.
  14. Martin, can you tell us, what specs the computer has, that was used to do the BetaVideo (action)? When the Stryker drives by the camera, the framerate obviously drops.
  15. Hi Fred, thanks for the link but nevertheless i don't understand it. To me this seems it must be terribly hot and feeling uncomfortable and unflexible. With the shirt, the jacket, the vest and with all the pockets, this makes at least 7 layers of isolation on the chest alone. I can't imagine, that movement isn't a burden with such a load.
  16. I'm wondering, how heavy the combat-dress is, all those Yanks are carrying. Do US-soldiers not need to run? The clothing looks more suited for a russian winter war to me, than for warfare in hot climate. Aren't they overheating after ten fast steps?
  17. I'm extremely impressed. Although without any story background and although i'm a German-only player, there's already a feeling of being involved. The TacAI seems to be the best BY FAR, that was ever made. How each pixel soldier tries to use cover when moving is very impressive. Extremely impressive, how groups seem to act as groups and not as individual objects. The Stryker animation with the suspension is very nice, too. If the game-interface/gameplay holds, what graphics and TacAI seem to offer, this should become a huge success.
  18. When i started with CMBO i had an Nvidia card. It was too slow, but the fog was just wonderful. So i upgraded and got a Radeon. The missing fog became such a problem for me, that i changed back to Nvidia again, when CMBB came out. So i want to thank all, reminding me about the ATI-problems i had myself a long time ago. I'll definately not go back to ATI again.
  19. Tx for the replies, but i'm wondering, why no one from BFC is responding and giving some advice.
  20. First i have to make BFC a compliment: i was not at all interested in CMSF. I would have bet to wait for CMx2WWII. But what i read in the last days makes this gamesim more and more interesting (PBEM, mission editor features, ...). And now i even plan to buy it. Since i do not play any games anymore, my computer is outdated and i will surely upgrade for CMSF. All i want is a machine being able to play CMSF AND (more importantly for me) the second release of CMx2, the WWII game. And i mean with best quality settings and high framerates in 99% of all situations. I think a Intel C2D 6400 should meet the CPU requirements, correct? What about the graphics card? Will the CMx2 engine maybe even have DX10 effects? Or will maybe the WWII sequel have DX10? If definately not, will a Radeon 1950pro be sufficiently fast @1280 resolution? I don't want to spend more money than necessary. [ April 20, 2007, 08:24 AM: Message edited by: Steiner14 ]
  21. If AT guns are no deadly danger, the whole balance must be wrong regarding realism. Too bad. Further waiting for CMx2:WWII. Seems no one except BFC can make realistic wargames.
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