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Everything posted by Steiner14

  1. It's all part of the strategy - if you don't know the units you're dealing with, then the best small-unit tactics in the world wont save your arse... moral is, never leave home with out one of these: </font>
  2. It is fun? I don't remember. But i still remember one of my last 3000 pts. ladder battles at the Blitz. We had decided to buy units ofcourse. I decided for a plt. PzIII and StuGIV (75mm short) and was quite enthusiastic about the upcoming battle, because so far it was the most carefully planned battle for me: after two days i knew everything about the map and my force mix was perfect for the map. But the oponent looked for the given date in his tables and chose some nasty small tanks (BT-5 ?) with a front angle of 60 degree as spearhead only. Although I played one of my best tank battles ever, but Tungsten round after Tungsten round turned into a ricochet. After 30 minutes three of the five tanks were already low on AT ammo and only two of this awful Soviet tanks were immobilized and another one abonded. Then he came with his T34 waves, knowing from the beginning, my PzIII were not capable to penetrate them from the front above 100m. That is the reality of buying units. The one with the better unit infos and with access to a unit the oponent has nothing to put against, wins. This battle was the key for me to recognize, that buying units is BS. From that moment on, i began to chose premade scenarios and have never looked back to buying units since. Nothing is as good in creating a good scenario, as a good scenario designer. He chooses the weapons better, than any buyin system can do. The "fun" buying units lies only in the first moments, as long you don't know, what the other has. But this uncertainty is also present in handmade battles - with the benefit, that a designer has intentionally chosen the forces. But i admit, that maybe a player has to go through this phase first, to recognize, that the most fun lies in the intentionally constructed scenario and not in random factors. [ July 29, 2007, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Steiner14 ]
  3. Could you be more specific what you don't like in the current implementation of the WEGO-system?
  4. Sounds quiteawful, what you describe. Hopefully command queuing will be improved.
  5. Funny, ATI have never been the reason for any other game I have ever got not working.The small dog should make sure they are compatable with the big dog,not the other way round. </font>
  6. James E, check it with other maps and if you can reproduce it, it's obviously a bug and you might open an new thread with *BUG* in it's title.
  7. If Radeon customers want things to become better, you need to write ATI an email, they will understand. It's imporant to understand, that the game developers talk with the hardware over an interface, called API. And this API, be it OpenGL or DirectX, is supported by the drivers, is ATI claiming. The truth is, their drivers are crap. For years! So the best you can do is - while BFC tries to find a solution - write ATI what you think about their broken promises (support of OpenGL) and that your next card will be a GeForce. That's the only language they semm to understand. :mad:
  8. Wburn, i understand your frustration, but do you know what the problem is? ATI's OpenGL implementation is crap! But ATI sells their GPU with OpenGL compatibility. So i'd suggest you write ATI, why their drivers do not support the OpenGL API like promised. You are long enough registered here to know, that in CMx1 the ATI cards also had a huge problem: they couldn't display fog. Don't blame Battelfront for the faults of another company, which is already famous for their crap drivers. And if you as customer accept that, things will become worse and worse: such companies will care less and less about correct implementations as long as their customers do not make them responsible, but the victims of their crap drivers: the game developers.
  9. I don't understand, why it is such a problem for the WEGO-TCP/IP lobbyists, to use an instant messenger and play a PBEM battle. When a turn is finished, just send it over with the messenger or via email and inform the oponent about it? [ July 29, 2007, 11:05 AM: Message edited by: Steiner14 ]
  10. Maybe i should add, that i have in the computer i'm going to replace, a GF5600.
  11. Ok, guys you've almost convinced me. But which GeForce? AstroCat is having huge problems with his 8800GTX. I'm leaning torwards a 8800GTS, but there are enough people stating they have performance problems with the 8800GTS, too - it seems it's not possible to play with maximum details, which is a shame for the power of the card. So which card do i need, to be able to play CMSF with maximum settings?
  12. Please could at least someone respond, if it holds true that Radeon cards (in particular X1950) should be avoided? What cards deliver the best performance in CMSF? Very confused - what should i buy?
  13. Steve, how about that idea: to give the scenario designer an extra tool, that marks forbidden areas for certain vehicle classes? But ofcourse I don't know if it is much labour to add an invisible terrain class with such attributes for the AI only. This idea could even be expanded for infantry units, so that the desinger can decide, which units are allowed to move over certain areas and which units will not!
  14. I was wondering, too. But then i discovered, the PBEM players are still waiting to finish downloading their first turn...
  15. Another possibility, AstroCat: Fresh Windoze install (in a new partition, if you have enough free space), only graphics and audio drivers + CMSF.
  16. I'd be interested, how the first impressions are among you CMx1-veterans (i mean those, who played CMBO and one of the sucessors or all three titles for a long time). So how would a CM-veteran rate CMSF? 6 - I hate it! 5 - I don't like it 4 - I'm a bit disappointed 3 - It's not bad 2 - It's really good 1 - Excellent - Best CM experience ever!
  17. Hehe, egg on my face on that one. But Ive played other scenarios also were the attacking force does not do much, and if it does, its in dribs and draps as I said above. So my point still stands. </font>
  18. ArdeBee, don't be worried about the strenght of the AI. If you are interested in real world tactics, there is no alternative to CM. And if you are interested in, it's only a question of time, the AI will be no challenge anymore, no matter what scenario. And when this time has come you will look for human oponents, and then the real thing begins... [ July 28, 2007, 12:12 PM: Message edited by: Steiner14 ]
  19. One thing for me is sure: if it is possible to solve a problem, the Battlefronts will not rest until it is solved.
  20. I'm reading and reading but can't find a definitive answer. I' going to buy a Quad6600. That is definately. Running WinXP for the foreseeable future. But which graphics card should i get to get the best performance in CMSF (and the upcoming titles)? Which one will display fog in the following WWII title? Please help me, i want to buy the computer and the game ASAP.
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