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Everything posted by Steiner14

  1. +22%! [from: 1/cos(35°)] But that's only valid for a 90° hit! The angle not only increases the effective thickness it also reduces the effective penetration depth of the ammo dramatically (the bullet slips and therefore only a part of its kinetic energy can be transferred into the material). Oh, this reminds me, how badly i miss the unit-data window with the penetration tables we had in CMx1.
  2. Doesn't "print screen" work on the PC?
  3. A beautiful house and not that kind of US-american cardboard boxes that fly away with the first storm and a nice garden instead of a flat green desert.
  4. Does the AI put into account, when reserves will arrive? No. Does the AI cheat and see, where the enemy is, without being IDd? No. So where could be the big problem, to introduce an additional layer above the AI and below the timed AI-/scenario-plans, and this layer checking relevant game data and unit data internally (to feed the triggers with data)? Where could be the problem for older scenarios, if they don't make use of that layer? If no triggers are present, what would change?
  5. Realism: Dug in ATGs (with fog of terrain) + able to recrew Scenario creation: Triggers Fun: Full battle replay Usability: Switchable terrain grid overlay Unit information window like in CMx1 to learn more about present units (content could be provided via txt/doc-file from the community - no work for BFC)
  6. I'm sure BFC knows very well the benefits and exciting possibilities triggers would offer for the experience with their games and they surely also know, that many players do not design scenarios themselfes because triggers are missing. But now they have this new, quite rapid development strategy. I guess from now on the improvements will come sooner than we could dare to expect only a few days ago. If i look at the features of CMFI, it seems to me, that they aim for a healthy balance of the kind of enhancements: easier scenario creation, better UI, improved graphics and a few new fancy features. And they also have to weigh the benefits against the (development) costs: i can imagine, the picture-overlay in the map-editor, although sounding not very spectacular, will be a big help for map designers. CMFI seems to proove, that their priority list is quite spot on. And with the creation of maps being shifted to a new easier level with v2, i could imagine that with the next evolution of the game engine, that easier scenario creation is ranked quite high on their priority list...
  7. Vinnart, OT question: How much RAM do you have? (i have the same graphics problem and i think it's RAM related).
  8. Lousy licensing? How often do you lose your computer? And how often do you make backups?
  9. But Heli-Ben says, there is no inflation!
  10. WOW! What a beautiful software design must be behind it. Hopefully one day we laymen will get the chance to read an interview, to get a glimpse how you and your small team was able to achieve that.
  11. huhr, the impatience of early adopters has it's price. Everywhere.
  12. Steve, what do you mean with "be able to use": Does it mean, if a player wants to continue to play the old and the upgraded version, that he keeps his old v1 installation, installs the game a second time and upgrades that to v2? Does this mean, if the base-game is upgraded, that the already present modules do not need your work to be upgraded, too? Does this mean for the customer, that once he upgrades the base-game, the modules he had purchased will immediately work with the upgraded engine?
  13. If the commander of a tank is informed to expect enemy armour within eleven to one o clock it seems logical to me, that he will notice it earlier compared to no CA. The bonus should be even bigger for difficult situations, i.e. bad visibility and/or good cover for the enemy. The smaller the arc, the higher the concentration on a smaller area to recognize the enemy. My impression is, that narrow CAs help. Sometimes i even used a ruler, to get the orientation of my thin arcs correct, when the tanks will move and reach their expected engagement locations. Hopefully this was not a placebo all the time and the meticulous work for the dustbin.
  14. Forget all the brainwashing from the medical-mafia and nutrition-industry. That's complete BS. There are roughly only two simple rules to stay in perfect shape: 1. Do not eat more than the body burns. If you are practizing a modern way of life (sitting all day and no physical exertion), there is no diet that can compensate the wrong way of life! They tell you, but there isn't! The truth is, our body was not made for this comfortable way of life. The only way to compensate and stay healthy: Give the body what he is made for with artificial movement (usually called "sports"). This implies, that you can eat what you want. You don't become fat from eating spaghetti! You become fat from too little movement and too little exertion. 2. Never go to bed with a full stomach (dinner at least 3-4 hours before goint to bed). Event he hardest physical work all day long can't prevent beginnings of a paunch, if you go to bed with a full stomach.
  15. Come on, how much does a movie ticket for two hours Hollywood-bull**** or how much does a pizza or fastfood cost? In a time where even unemployed people are getting fatter and fatter, because they are to lazy to cook, or where people don't even know, how much money they spend every week and month for unnecessary things, i find it extremely ridiculous, to complain about the handful of dollars for such a fine piece of software. And before the poor whiners appear, here's a tip: Stop eating meat. Buy 10 kg of potatoes, rice, spaghetti, bread and butter and marmelade and eat that for only one week. Then you have the money for a whole family game saved. :mad:
  16. My impression from the questions regarding interoperability and compatibility of releases is, that it is getting confusing for newbies and potential buyers. This will become even more confusing, after some time, when different modules and family games will have a different version status. In our fast paced age, it is important, that potential customers are not confused. I think an additional information, maybe included in the title, or a legend, that is almost self explanatory, could help. i.e.: CM:BN + CW (Commonwealth-module needs Normandy base). CM:FI² (base game Fortress Italy with v2 features). CM:BN³ + MG² (base game Normandy already available with v3 features, but the Market Garden-module has not yet been updated and still uses a v2 installation). CM:EF³ (base game Eastern Front v3 features). Also players, who have paused and come back, to give it a try again, should not be forgotten and not scared away from the diversity of options. They are also potentially new buyers, but not willing to invest lots of time to find out what has changed. "I think i have the commonwealth module for Normandy. No clue what version and what they did in the meantime." CM Battle for Normandy latest status: CM:BN³ + CW² + MG³ Legend: BN³ ...Base game Normandy with v3 features available. CW² ...Module Commonwealth with v2 features available. MG³ ...Module MG Market Garden with v3 features available.
  17. Will it have a comeback with CM:FI? (or can we hope for a confirmation dialogue to prevent indadvertently finishing turns with the red button?)
  18. Steve, is this the reason, why some CM:CW tank models lack detail, because they are already new models made for mapping, and since mapping is not yet implemented in CM:BN, they look less detailed?
  19. Bill, I'm wondering why did you decide for a frontal attack, instead of a faked frontal attack and a move in the deep south to the east and then north to approach the villa in his back and take it first with everything you have?
  20. There seem to be enhancements: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=297&Itemid=507
  21. The models seem somehow more natural to me. Especially this pic with the walking men on the street is quite atmospheric for lifeless pixeltruppen: With the atmosphere these models seem to create now, and with such a great base, i can imagine that a future release of the game could even visually express the physical or psychological condition with very subtle dynamic model variations (slightly hanging shoulders, a flat breast, more bent, heavy breathing, shortened neck, ...).
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