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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. I'm working on a CC3 map. It is a pretty close approximation. I'm just deciding on what forces to include.
  2. Ed, I was using Pud's wooden bunker and your CMBO concrete bunker, but those are just, WOW. Juju told me you had some in the works. Snow those babys up and I'll tank one order of each please. The sandbags look great. You should do a trench mod and release it with the bunkers! [ September 30, 2002, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  3. My specs are pretty close to yours (my PIV is a 1.5mhz) and I have the same problem. It's gotta be the game engine's limitations.
  4. Total Recall: Benny- "baby you make me wish I had three hands!</font>
  5. Sorry LD, I've got a crap-load of homework for both English Lit and Logic class. How about 7pm my time on Tuesday? That would put you at 10pm starting time methinks? Would that work, or would it screw up your next day at work or somefink? We could do something small; say, under 1000pts, 3 min turns? Lemmie know, -Keith B.
  6. I dunno, a left brest and a right brest normally work pretty well together; at least for me. Yes, I said normally.
  7. I think I have already stated so, but I am in TB for the final round.
  8. Ooh. May bad Treeburst. I didn't know we had a seperate thread for that. Noted for future use. Hey, I didn't get any scorecard either TB. [ September 29, 2002, 06:32 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  9. Wha? Eighty-eight, shmaydeeate! In my day, we had 16mm AT guns do yah hear me?! We didn't have no fancy-shmansee 'fast swivel' or 'high velocity HE rounds.' We shot metal at metal and were happy with it! Kids today with their big mulipurpose flak guns! Sheesh!
  10. Uh oh. Scipio is on the case. When either he or Cap'n Wacky mess with sounds, you know it's gonna be worth the download. :cool:
  11. Chad mentioned 'Iron Roadblock,' so I am playing that one right now. Is 'Cracking the Egg' small/balanced enough for tcp? Lord Dragon and I need to have a go at it pretty soon. Anyone have an opinion on this one? [ September 29, 2002, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  12. Wow. It flanked me alright. A platoon of Tigers came in from a set of small hills from the west and used excellent hull down positions (and their superior optics ) to smash more than half my armor in a shoot-out from 510 meters. Man, those 122mm guns have a slow reload time! The Tigers were getting in 2.5 shots for every one of mine!! :eek:
  13. Warning: SPOILERS for Jagermeister scenario: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rune, you dog! I played my first game against the AI (my first full CMBB game at all for that matter) in your scenario Jagermeister. I was told in the briefing that ther was no enemy armor to challange me! Even though I knew that was not going to be the case. The AI suprised me with a flank attack and SLAUGHTERED more than half of my Russian armor with no loss to it's forces!! :eek: Did you place a reinforcement there, or was the computer wise enough to flank me? I guess I can look in the editor, but I hate you anyway for allowing the AI to hand me a Major Defeat! :mad: [ September 29, 2002, 01:16 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  14. I run on a Nvida 128 card. With everthing turned on to extreme, I get some slowdown. I set everything to partial and have slowdown only on the largest maps. I think it is not just your system, but a limitation of the game engine. I think my problem is more RAM is needed. I run at 256. 512 wouldn't hurt I bet, but I am not gonna worry about it, since my favorit scenarios tend to be medium to small in scale anyway.
  15. Your wecome guys. Thats why us CMer's Kick Ass! We stick together and pitch in to make the game (and the community) as good as it can be!! Wait till you guys lay your grubby paws on it. Yer gonna wet your panties!! :eek:
  16. Sweet! Way to go bobo! I just had a Stuka dive on some tanketts. You can hear the diving siren!! :eek: [ September 28, 2002, 01:21 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  17. Actually Bakersfield is out in the middle of an oil field.... but that's beside the point.</font>
  18. Glad to hear you finally got 'em. Keith</font>
  19. Yep, thats Bakersfield. . . . .30 years ago.
  20. Sorry bobo. I realy hope you get yours today. I know how it feels.
  21. and Ahem, Bakersfield is not "major" or "primary" in any sense of those words. It is a stinking, fetid, rotting hellish place that only truck drivers could remember or even want to remember. :eek: I think the only place worse is Fresno or maybe Los Angeles (Edited because I forgot to say I am glad you finally got your copy and now even living in Bakersfield is bearable. )</font>
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