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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. Have you looked at what an ATR team carries?! It ain't no five or six stripper clips I can tell you! At that slow ROF, your ATR teams can shoot longer than most of your squads!! :cool:
  2. I can't get ATRs to target anything but AFVs either. They sure do scare the hell out of your opponenets when they can't see 'em though: "What the hell is pinging off my jagdpazer?!" "I ain't saying."
  3. Oh lookie here guys. Another twich junkie with the highly intelligent mouth to prove it.
  4. I'm not a hardcore wargamer. So from a "gamer's" perspective all I can say is CM is the best gaming money I have ever spent. Period. I strives for historical realism while staying away from the elements that can make many "sims" boring. It's thrilling to watch a platoon of you men throw grenade bundels at that T-34 mowing them down with it's MGs and canister shots. It's nerve racking to sit and be able to do nothing for 60 seconds as that King Tiger rolls so ever close to your anti-tank gun laying in quite wait. It's frustraiting to watch a well layed plan go to hell when your artillery spotter drops his smoke off target and your human wave of troops runs out into the open only to be cut to shreds by dug in HMGs. It's as exciting as watching the game winning touchdown as your fighter bomber dispatches the last of those menacing Tiger tanks that have been pounding your men. Buy it. You will save tons of gaming cash as you will need to play little else. :cool:
  5. I pulled a minor victory on my first try as the Germans vs. the AI. I too was suprised at how many defenders there were. I knew right away to avoid the road on the left (looking at the map afterward proved me correct). I was very careful with my tanks, and kept MGs in positions with good LOS on the enemy. This allowed good supression and I advanced with the infantry while using my tanks and MGs to put the hurt on the dug in Soviets. I smashed all his armor, but lost a Pz IV, Pz III and both my halftracks (lost them both to AT rifle hits to the front!) My men paid dearly for the map though with their digital lives. That is why I pulled the minor victory even though I had all flags but one; heavy losses! The last flag was disputed between a few scraps of his infantry, and my Pz IV :cool:
  6. Don't mess with the darkness/brightness on it anymore! That looks good. The lower hull should be a bit araker anyway because light is partly blocked from the tracks, roadwheels, ect. . .
  7. Looks good. I like the sloppy red star and the shovel. It breaks things up a lot. Download where?
  8. If it were me, I'd use the background for the "Start Game" section and just let the button in "Multiplay Options" look goofy. The reason is that when you want to start a new scenario, you tend to brouse the lists (you are on the screen for a bit), but when you go to multiplay, you are in there quickly to either connect to an IP or read over your PBEM folder (thus you ignore the buttons in the multiplay screen). Or you could create full buttons for those using none of the background, but something with the same font and style to work with the rest of the mod. Just some suggestions. [ October 21, 2002, 01:54 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  9. Got it! Thank you sir!! I looks great, however you need buttons for "Continue" and "Go Back" under the "Start Game" section, and a "Go Back" Button under "Multiplayer Options." Otherwise, best splash screen ever. [ October 21, 2002, 01:40 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  10. For the love of god Sytass, please e-mail that mutha beautiful splash screen to me, STAT!! :eek:
  11. VG, Hey quit playing around on the forum and send me another turn you nit! Isn't it your bedtime yet over there?
  12. Okay LD, 6pm my time? That would be 9pm yours. 900pt ME on a small map?
  13. You want too see an AWESOME map of Berlin? Open Berlin - Get the Reichstag! for CMBO. I am really concidering building that map for CMBB!
  14. Call you local Congressman and ask if the US Government can nuke your part of the country. Of course, property values will fall quite a bit once this has been done. I love cats! Shoot the bastoid for making an attempt on your feline! :mad: Seirously though, remove the food source. Once they run outta eats, they'll move on. And at that close of a range, pellet rifle hits to the skull will probably be just as effective as any standard firearm. [ October 20, 2002, 02:34 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  15. Very, very funny Cap. "I won't screw up, I won't screw up. . ." LOL
  16. All I can tell you is be afraid. Be very afraid!
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