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Sir Uber General

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Everything posted by Sir Uber General

  1. Use the piats to smack down infantry in buildings. I think they can also get rear door penetrations on pillboxes, and will certainly knock out wooden bunkers too.
  2. He means when plotting waypoints, set lots of them, more than your unit can travel over in 1 turn. On the next turn, if the situation requires it you can change the position and movement type of each waypoint to a limited degree. For example, plot 5 move waypoints towards the enemy. Your guys are shot at after they cross the second waypoint. On the next turn you can change the waypoints to run by clicking the waypoint and press "F" for fast, the normal move is now a run. You can also adjust the waypoints a little bit by right-click and dragging them to a new destination (but not very far away from where it is origianlly set). Good tip
  3. We all want those things so what you are saying is nothing new. As a software developer myself I know how much effort it will take to create what we want, especially with only a coder or two to actually make it happen. What BTS has done with what they have in terms of rescources is a fantastic effort and your words are disrepectful to that effort. Claiming they are deliberately ignoring a large part of the war effort simply because it is not in the scope of a tactical engagement is lame because you are not looking at the big picture. The scope of CMBO ends with the real-life constraints of developing software. The real world operates on money. It costs money to make software. You have to draw the line somewhere and say when we reach point X we are done. BTS have achieved this and I for one applaud them. A wish-list of things I would love to see in a wargame is very long. I look forward to seeing your version of a wargame so I can pick it pieces. Take care and let us know if you find something better starting at the tactical level - I'll be surprised if you do. Cheers
  4. ... but at least it has a wussy, thin turret and cannot hide like towed 20mm flak
  5. Fionn is onto it, Flak guns are cheap nasty building and light armour wreckers that are exploited in gamey hoardes by ruthless axis players. Limit of 1 X 40mm or less flak gun per 1000pts rounded down would be fair IMO, with no air support if the game is under 1000pts. Another way to beat the flak hoard is to insist on towed guns starting hitched (to a truck, tractor, or HT) in your next ME... they become too expensive to buy in hoards that way.
  6. Thanks muchly. The whirblewind is a mighty fine infantry shredding machine if used right. If only there would be just one more patch for cmbo - turn down flak effectiveness V buildings... then I would not feel dirty taking one of these things out to play in an ME. Cheers,
  7. I think not as they have a PzIII chassis which is armoured, but Im not a CM grog so can someone please confirm they do / do not exploit the bug. Thanks!
  8. What do you know, CMBO even has negative bonuses for commanders... you learn something new every day!
  9. AhhI see a longer film. I would dearly love to hear the interview with the cameraman and pershing commander. Anyone know where I can DL the transcript if that is possible? What videos feature the duel? Im not morbid or sick or anything, it is simply very unusual to see combat footage of that vintage
  10. Front turret penetration at weak point. Knocked Out. Poor buggers. Does the panther have internal fire extinguishers? The fire seems to go out quite quickly and the next thing you know someone is actually getting out - given the intensity of the flames I did not expect to see anyone be able to get out.... or does brewing up only last a very short time?
  11. Agreed, playback would be awesome! I'd love to be able to see the complete ebb and flow of the units around the map without pauses in between. It would certainly be a magnificent training aid - you will get a much better idea of how far and fast a given unit will move if you can see it go continously. Excellent aid for getting your timing right. Even better if you can see your opponents moves too!
  12. Doesnt matter the stuarts put rounds through the turret rear
  13. Redwolf: In your AAR v me on economy of forces, you mention running into dead infantry that had been taken out by your mortar fire. That was actually a sharpshooter, and he was a very unlucky sod - the very first round that fell landed smack bang on his head. A direct hit. A perfect shot. Unbelievable! I was cursing and laughing at the same time
  14. Dammit Pace you beat me to it It would be nice if these rulesets were added to the game, along with the ability to customise / create them so we dont need a third party to set the games up. [ May 20, 2002, 12:51 AM: Message edited by: Sir Uber General ]
  15. A couple of brave Stuart drivers can take these out no worries if there is any cover. I took 3 of these into an armoured ME the other day, one of them scored a Panther and a Jagdpanther and survived to see another day to boot!
  16. 200m or more makes them pretty safe, unless your afv is thin-skinned, then you may need to stay back further if you are axis and facing 50-cal.
  17. In games like ww2o jinking certainly helps as I expect it would in real life. It would be nice if a) cm takes changes of target direction (which is really a change to target-lead distance) into account when gunning, and tank commanders would start jinking automatically if they felt it would be to their advantage to do so (in the same way they pop smoke if they think it will help)
  18. Email sent TB, big salute to you and the B&T team for putting together another tourney
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