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Everything posted by KEEF888

  1. I laughed ...I cried ...It was as if my computer screen suddenly turned into a mirror of my soul :eek: ...(sniff...sniff)
  2. Kinda looks like a rush for the stage at a "Red Hot Chili Peppers" concert! Mosh pit!!!!
  3. Personally, I don't care what the grass looks like as long as it gets me stoned....ooops, wrong website forum!
  4. Personally, "Bodies" by The Sex Pistols, does the trick for me!
  5. Personally, I would have loved for the Maus to have been modeled just to see how damned huge it would have been with +4 scale enlargement on!
  6. Yeah, it's canister - an anti-personel round. As Jeff said, it's like a huge shotgun blast. The entire "Ammo Code Changes" can be found in Matt's "Changes Since CMBO" at CMHQ. They are: HE - High Explosive / AP - Armor Piercing / HC - Hollow Charge (HEAT) / T - Tungsten / C - Canister (anti-personel) / S - Smoke / F - Flame.....C-ya.
  7. Maybe someone could mod a "Mr. Hanky" (a la "South Park") to assist in sewer movement!
  8. Just a quick observation and comment in regards to the forum questions/answers. God knows, I'm no expert in CM, warfare expertise, WWII minutia, etc., although I do have a rudimentary knowledge above your "average" citizen, who doesn't give a rat's behind about such things. But I do think I've got a pretty good eye and ear for every-day human nature attributes, i.e. decency/indecency, humility/braggadocio, patience/impatience, kindness/rudeness, etc. With that said, I would like to ask those of us who post our messages, to think before they write. So many times, a simple question and/or comment turns into an opportunity for personal/national/political/etc. insults. Now by no means, am I referring to the taunting/teasing/inside joking/etc. which occurs. I find most of it very funny and amusing - and believe me, no one is more anti-political correctness than I am. But time after time, I'll notice that the answers/comments to someone's post, ends up being completely outside the initial inquiry. The forum then ends up being more of a soapbox for people's personal beliefs/philosophies/attitudes than it does an opportunity for help/thoughts/ideas...and kinship. I myself, haven't been the recipient of any rude or malicious responses. In fact, just the opposite - I've been treated with respect and decency, not to mention all the help I've received. But, I've noticed many times where some have used this forum as their personal "attack platform", hurling insults/accusations/complaints/etc. toward one another. I feel that this is not the time, nor place, to conduct such actions. These actions can also alienate others to the point of being fearful to post their querries, lest they come off sounding "stupid" or "irrelavent", especially newbies. There are plenty of websites dedicated to such debates, and those should be used to vent one's feelings/beliefs. We are a community of wargamers who are fortunate enough to have such a wonderful game as CM, and lucky enough to have found each other through this marvelous game, as well as this great forum. I personally, don't care if my fellow CM grog is liberal or conservative, straight or gay, capitalist or socialist, man or woman, whether he reads a certain author's work or another's, whether he is inclined to believe one point of view or another, etc. Those discussions are for another site entirely, IMHO. The internet can be a great place for the exchage of ideas. But, as we all know, writing something - as opposed to saying it to the person tete-a-tete - can leave open the doors of interpretation. (That's why I love those "instant graemlins"). So, to sum up my long-windedness, appreciate each other for what we are - a group of folks who probably would never have had an opportunity to associate with one another if it weren't for this fantastic thing called Combat Mission. 'Nuff said, I'm done.
  9. Jesus...I need to either cut my medication in half or double it! Forget my previous question - I just found the post regarding this problem. Seems as if others have this problem also, so hopefully it will be fixed before the official version comes out.
  10. I did a quick search, but didn't find this problem mentioned yet - but pardon me if it's alreay been addressed. The only "bug" I've found/had problem with in CMBB is this: I've got a German tank crew which has abandonded it's tank. Every time I click on the crew, (so as to issue a command), the game immediately shuts down and the screen reverts back to my desktop. No other unit(s) have caused this to occur. Has anyone else had this problem? :confused: Thanks, in advance.
  11. I was just thinking the same thing! The undulations in the steppe terrain can be difficult to notice (even more than regular green grass terrain, a la CMBO) until you drop down to view 1 or 2. CMBB already looks fan-friggin-tastic, but I can't wait to see what "The Mod Gods" have in store!
  12. If I'm not mistaken, the Soviets did not have/use smoke that often,(be it with OBA, vehicles, or guns). Some of the larger artillery units had smoke capability, and a few AFVs (i.e. SU85/122 and ISU122, I think the T-35, and of course the Lend-Lease Shermans), carried it. As far as the reasoning behind it, I'm not certain - I'm sure someone out there can explain exactly why - but it could have been because of military doctrine, unavailability factors, weapon priorities, etc.
  13. Just a quick note of congrats, kudos, and thank yous. Can't wait to get this downloaded! You guys give more pleasure than an 18 year old Bangkok streetwalker! (...and a lot cheaper, too! )
  14. ...and not to mention the sound of me soiling my pants from excitement!
  15. I wondered how long (i.e. how many seconds/minutes) it would be before we mod sluts would get our first fix for CMBB! Great work, as usual - and it is much appreciated.
  16. Thanks for the heads-up, Commander! Looks very interesting - besides, I need all the help I can get!!!
  17. I must agree...CM is absolutely incredible in it's fun, accuracy, aesthetics, etc. - the best wargame I've ever played. But, there is something to be said about old fashioned dice rolling. There was just something unique about shaking those "cubes 'o death" in ones' sweaty palms, then tossing them out while yelling "eyes!" (and end up throwing a set of boxcars instead! :mad: Aaarrrggghhh!!!!!). Reminiscences of stone age wargaming....
  18. (Sorry 'bout the last post). Harold, I couldn't agree more - what a killer scenario that would be! :cool:
  19. These may not be common, every-day CM abbreviations, but I find myself using them quite often: GGIS: Good God, I suck!/// WTHWIT: What the hell was I thinking?!/// IWWILTW: I wonder what it's like to win?/// MISHSWBP: Maybe I should have stuck with "Barbie's Playhouse"///
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