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Everything posted by flammenwerfer

  1. I agree ...The current system for roads is not intuitive at all, at times it feels like a jigsaw puzzle.
  2. Keep the hate coming gents. I'm enjoying it. Gotta run, got some Starlings to shoot.
  3. I'm guessing if you have movement you'll need sound too.
  4. IIRc the game will be announced sometime in August and released before the end of the year, if it's done.
  5. Are there any Hotkeys or shortcuts available in the Editor..? As in for switching brushsize.. facing..etc? thanks
  6. Ok problem fixed..I re-installed the game Seems to have worked. Thanks
  7. thanks seabee do you remember which driver it was or where to find the older drivers?
  8. New to the game CMSF, with new computer, game options on fastest settings. Battle maps are Black, smaller ones have some textures. New rig: Intel I7 920 @2.67, 6 GB, ATi Radeon 4870 512mb, 1280x960 screen Any ideas? Thanks.
  9. Joe. You Peng slut! Is there any one left who hasn't had to scrape you off the bathroom floor and put you to bed?
  10. What's the gain if scenario designers refuse to use foxholes and trenches to preserve FOW and realistic gameplay.
  11. So both the intrinsic defending unit foxholes and fallbacks will be visible from the start! Not to mention all trenches and pillboxes. That is terrible news. Going to lay down, now..
  12. This is the kind of defensive post that I hope we see less of on the forum..A member takes the time to make a constructive criticism of an area that needs some improvement in the game- in a positive manner - and right away you have a beta member dismissing the post outright with pure spin. Congrats to BFC on ten years. Looking forward to Normandy.
  13. Maybe somebody could re-post the ChickenBoo picture as a public service...thanks
  14. Democrat party? There is no such thing, old man. The Democratic Party, perhaps.?
  15. I thought standing on toilet seats was an Olympic sport.
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