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Everything posted by Affentitten

  1. Definitely. Plus the manuals had great cover art.
  2. The turn up at the end is nothing more than a small knob. If he falls outwards I doubt it would be effective.
  3. I want to believe.....but I'm sure it is going to be a pale shadow of the books.
  4. What strruck me was how flimsy things are up there. And seriously, what good is clipping your safety hook onto a short piece of open-ended of 10mm steel?
  5. I sometimes think that the sole purpose of smaller European countries is to invent new versions of the bicycle.
  6. Fortunately I went to an exclusive private school. So looking around on the old school tie network I found a classmate who specialises in family law matters. So she has been a big help and put me in touch with another barrister who speaks the same language as my friend. So hopefully I can put my friend and the lawyer in touch with each other and bow out for the time being.
  7. Who are you and what have you done with JonS?
  8. I believe this is actually the second "bad period". The first time round she did try relationship counselling but he walked out BECAUSE IT WAS ALL HER ****ING FAULT. HE DIDN'T HAVE A PROBLEM. SHE DID! As you say, we can't judge anybody else's relationship. There is the potential for a violent reaction there on his part though, and I think this is why she's trying to be stealthy about getting her ground prepared.
  9. Right. Plus all the baggage that relying on a single primary source entails. Even Saddam Hussein thought he had weapons of mass destruction...
  10. So is someone who is say, an ACW freak a nerd or a geek?
  11. I got 46. It's pretty heavily rigged towards maths and computers as a sign of nerdiness, which I don't think is always a definitive attribute of a nerd.
  12. And no doubt that meant providing your generals with actual evidence. Like the actual anti-armour weapons from Israel. Not "I once read a book where somebody claimed something wild as hearsay, and then this other book quoted the first book so that means it must be true."
  13. Very interesting. I have seen similar sites like shelfari. I can see a couple of books on my shelf that are not listed in librarything yet either. But I just get so bored adding them all...
  14. I don't think it's vexed. I think, with the exception of yourself, there is total agreement on the issue.
  15. Oh undoubtedly there was resistance to change until proof was in that the change was necessary. That’s even fairly logical. I guess I am inclined to not sheet home too much blame to the boffins though because this was the first time anybody was doing this stuff. Radar countermeasures wasn’t exactly textbook stuff at the time. And undoubtedly there was a certain arrogance amongst the Brits that radar was their thing and that they knew best. Saying that over 200 bombers were lost because of this sole error though is unsupportable. For the following reasons: 1) In most cases, losses of individual aircraft were not attributable to any specific cause. Because there would need to be corroborating witnesses, survivors who actually knew what happened etc. You can of course go to German records, but we know that these were often grossly exaggerated. 2) Nightfighter kills were not always attributable to aircraft mounted radar. There were a number of ways that nightfighters might discover a night bomber, mostly with the back-up of the good old Mk1 eyeball. When witness records do exist, they unsurprisingly show that many night fighter attacks occurred AFTER planes were already damaged, suffering slight fires etc, or had already been attacked by other night fighters that obviously vectored their fellows into the area. 3) MONICA had largely been phased out by Spring 44 anyway and replaced with FISHPOND 4) Ergo to say that a sizeable portion (your example 200) of all Bomber Command losses in a 3-4 month period are attributable to Flensburg vs Monica doesn’t wash. Though of course I, for one, am shocked by your assertion that the higher levels of command were slow to react to something that the troops at the front line knew needed to be changed.
  16. The Flensburg Radar wasn't introduced until spring 1944. So amazing again that it could travel back in time to 1943 and shoot down bombers. When they did capture a Flensburg in July 1944, the Brits promptly removed the remaining Monica sets.
  17. This sort of confusion often happens when we discuss singualr entities that are made up of components. You see it often with companies. General Motors has/have a factory at Bedrock, Michigan.
  18. Yes mate, though there is a difference between postulating an idea and it going out of currency for lack of evidence before being confirmed decades later....and the case we are talking about here, which is a few wild theories before the almost immediate roll out of a mach 25 UFO that disappears off to Antractica and remains secret ever since.
  19. Well, assuming the B-29s were pre-chambered...
  20. That's what I figure. If you're going to get in the **** anyway you may as well choose which side's throwing it at you.
  21. Considering the first B-29s didn't arrive on Saipan until mid-October http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_B-29_Superfortress#New_Marianas_Islands_air_bases that's one amazing weapon. Besides which, being the "most advanced bomber of the time" isn't much of a help if you're parked on the apron and someone drops 1700 lb of HE on you. An F-22 would fare similarly poorly. I seriously doubt that "scores" (which would indicate say 60-100 aircraft) were hit by a single blast, given that (a) there wasn't that many operating off the single airfield on Saipan and ( the size and dispersal of the aircraft. JonS could probably work out a blast radius though, as it involves numbers, which are my nemesis.
  22. Yeah that's the problem I always have the Luft 46 bozos. So the Horten borthers got pissed one night and drew up some concepts. And that becomes "Germany successfully developed...." Likewise testing something does not become "Germany produced...."
  23. The Mrs is actually still pursuing other jobs in Europe. Just not with Roche. She has an interview with IG Farben next week. At their Fliegendeuntertasse Stinktierwerke.
  24. Do you mean in Switzerland? It's all off, with our usual impeccable timing: Gold award for corporate spin
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