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Everything posted by Affentitten

  1. My Mrs is on board. It was her who asked me to help out the mutual friend with a bit of the interpreting. The lady in question's hubby is a prime twat. But I am uncomfortable with the secrecy side of things. It's not like she can divorce him without him finding out about it anyway.
  2. We're friends with a couple. The wife wants to get a divorce. She's preparing the ground in secret. Is it wrong for me to help her out (she's not a native English speaker and needs translation help) while not telling the hubby anything?
  3. I'll call hin JonStupid or JonSpazzmo then. Does that even things up?
  4. It's a shame for Christchurch. By contrast, perhaps a major earthquake would have been an improvement for Auckland.
  5. How do you know it was cold 40 million years ago? Have you been there? How many people had been there prior to WW2? Old photos can be faked.
  6. Well I'm assuming that Antarctica is cold because of a secret Nazi endothermic weapon. Of course even the word Antarctica means "opposite (or opposed to) the Bear". A clear signal that the anti-Russian struggle continues down there.
  7. Do you think this all could have been the result of subterranean tunnelling up from Antarctica or underground UFO testing?
  8. Look I just heard the news this morning saying that another after shock had cut power again. But I'm sure the news you have is more up to date than what eventually filters through to me. Is the Cathedral OK? It was Mrs A's favourite bit of town.
  9. I heard they don't have TV in CHC at the moment because the power is out... And by the way, I will be watching on forlornly at the game on Saturday night.
  10. It's because the NZ chrono-drive actually sucked the entire country back in time by about 50 years. Nobody noticed at first and now we've just gotten used to it.
  11. I'm starting to wonder if the Bob Semple tank was actually a cover up for the NZ chrono-drive program.
  12. Well it's my gut feeling that these things didn't exist. So I'm trying to find small faults. I won't get into how come they lost the war.
  13. But of course lack of 'official' records is no refutation for a conspiracy. Because the governments are all in on it. On the other hand, a wildly speculative story from the Denver Post is all the evidence you need. Especially when the journalist has never been identified and the only other story he ever produced was about a secret American invasion of Czechoslovakia to recover secret Nazi documents hidden in a tunnel. I also love the language that is used to imply fait accompli. Doolittle's "quiet investigation" of ghost rockets. It was nothing of the sort. It was a very public consultation sought by the Swedish military because Doolittle was over there on a business trip. Thye wanted to know if he had any ideas and like a good ex-military man he reported back to his government. By the way, if the HoneyBee can clock 4800 kph and "stop on a dime and turn right angles", you'd have to pity the poor crewmen inside it who would be smashed to jelly.
  14. Including the lovely passage where he coughs up the fact that the whole thing was a joke aimed at getting him on talk shows: According to Frank Miele, a member of the Skeptics Society in the United States, Zündel told him that his book 'UFOs: Nazi Secret Weapon?' (which became an underground bestseller, going through several printings) was nothing more than a ploy to attract readers, a deliberate hoax to build publicity for Samisdat. Said Zündel in a telephone conversation with Miele: "I realized that North Americans were not interested in being educated. They want to be entertained. The book was for fun. With a picture of the Führer on the cover and flying saucers coming out of Antarctica it was a chance to get on radio and TV talk shows. For about 15 minutes of an hour program I'd talk about that esoteric stuff. Then I would start talking about all those Jewish scientists in concentration camps, working on these secret weapons. And that was my chance to talk about what I wanted to talk about." "In that case," I asked him, "do you still stand by what you wrote in the UFO book?" "Look," he replied, "it has a question mark at the end of the title."
  15. Ok. Honeybee = Honigbiene Even the name of this thing is a poor mock up.
  16. Well Mrs Affentitten was in town there a couple of weeks ago. Maybe she caused the quake with her geo-sensitivity on a pre-hoc basis?
  17. No it doesn't. Once the Pharaoh died and the tomb was sealed, the project was over. The only remaining concern was protecting it from tomb robbers. But if you've got an on-going project of such vital import, and apparently one that didn't work or was yet to be properly employed, killing everyone who knew how to work it is dumb. Who were they trying to keep it secret from? The enemy? If it was complete enough to kill all participants for security measures, what about actually using it to stop the 3rd Reich being over-run by untermenschen?* *Assumptions based on that it was, for a moment, even remotely factual.
  18. Emrys, I wonder if the light Jap construction also had something of the martial philosophy about it? A true warrior doesn't need (or seek) protection. Or perhaps that was just a nicely retrofitted bit of bushido.
  19. Plus there is still room for a K element (or Jk) that would sit in one of the right hand blocks.
  20. And Kettler gets his revenge on the Kiwi doubters with a 7.1 strike at Christchurch!
  21. Rather a counter-productive security measure if the project was so essential.
  22. Yes, and Colonel Blimp was still alive and well in Australia in 1942. Anybody of any talent had been sent to the Middle East. You can just imagine someone in Canberra looking at a squadron record and saying "It says here they've got nearly a hundred planes up there already. Why do they need more? It'd be good to get the young sprogs blooded anyway.Tell them to get some moral fibre."
  23. How much of a role does ignorance play though? And in the case of dealing with the Japanese, a certain degree of racism? How different is Wirraways vs Zeros from Fairey Battles vs. heavily defended ground targets?
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