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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Affentitten

  1. JK, I think it's more likely that your security has been compromised and you are being watched and keystroke logged.
  2. Amazing in some ways, but remember that Churchill was obsessed with Greece and the Balkans. He knew that Britain would never end up running France and Belgium, but he still nursed hopes (especially at this point prior to Yalta) that some vestige of Empire could be salvaged in the Eastern Med. As for armour, think Humber. Armoured cars were ever the British favourite against unruly mobs.
  3. And Wiki has even more: In August 1944 the brigade was redesignated as Force 140, later Arkforce, and dismounted from its tanks. 40th and 50th RTR were retrained as infantry, but 46th RTR was reorganized with one squadron of armoured cars and one squadron of infantry, this being attached to 50th RTR, but kept one squadron of Shermans. It arrived at Piraeus on 12 October 1944 as part of the peacekeeping force keeping order in Greece when the Germans withdrew. The brigade remained in Greece until the end of the war, having been restored to their tanks in by the end of January 1945.
  4. This post gives an ORBAT. You'll see that there are a couple of RTR units there. I strongly suspect that they would have been understrength in armour. Can't see Greece being a priority for Shermans and Fireflys in 1944. Especially given the nature of the OPFOR.
  5. I'm back in 'The World' as of this morning. Courtesy of the amazing A380. Am collating some photos at the moment and will try to stick the grog ones together somewhere to view. Unfortunately as Tet approached the transport was getting booked up and it left us a day short in Hue. That meant I didn't get to do the DMZ tour and visit Khe Sanh. But by all accounts there isn't much left to see at all those old firebases anyway, since they have been reclaimed by the jungle or by urban sprawl. An amazing coincidence is that my brother-in-law's wife works in an office building that sits pretty much on top of the old Hanoi Hilton, where the US POWs were housed. She says nobody works late in the building because of the 'ghosts'.
  6. Well here I am in the central highlands of Vietnam. Nothing like the above happened to me in HCMC. Unlikely to with the wife and kids in tow! Saw some good grog stuff in and around HCMC. The "War Remnants" museum there have some good hardware on display. I never realised just what a big ass plane a Skyraider was. Obviously it's a fairly one-sided view of things. Australia and NZ are listed as "American satellite and puppet forces". Also visited the tunnels at Cu Chi, which has become a bit of a Vietnam War Disneyland. Got my rocks off firing an AK-47. My daughter wanted a go at the M16 but they wouldn't let her. Tunnels are pretty amazing. They have been doubled in width and height to allow tourists to traverse them, but even so I had a bit of a Winnie the Pooh moment at a narrow section. Can't imagine what it would be like down there with the B-52 bombs raining down above. Tomorrow we're off to the beach at Nha Trang. No war stuff there. Waiting to reach Hue and the DMZ for that.
  7. Just called in to say a temporary ciao. Off in the morning to Vietnam for 3 weeks, training the next generation of Affentitten backpackers on how to deal with taxi touts and aggressive tour guides. Not to mention plenty of Apocalypse now re-enactments. Then coming back here for a couple of days before shipping out to Melbourne permanently. Normal Internet service will be disrupted during that time. So just in case you thought I had been kidnapped by reptiloids, thought I'd say 'bye for now'.
  8. I'd question whether the HE shell was "more predominantly used". What I can see with a quick Google is that the HE shell was meant to provide some flexibility in the case where the 17 pdr was going to be used as a field support gun. But that would be in extremis only.
  9. There's also a thread called something like WWII Ammo loadout questions in this forum where we talked a lot about ammo types for AT guns.
  10. I commend to forum members the book "Black Hearts" by Jim Frederick. Just finished reading it. The book covers the deployment of Bravo Company, 1/502nd, 101st AB to Iraq in 2005-6. Specifically it shows the gradual descent into madness that occurred with 1st Platoon of that unit, culminating in four of the men murdering and raping members of an Iraqi family in what became known as the Mahmudiyah killings. The book is not a criticism of the US military or some sort of liberal Bush bash. Rather it explores what went wrong in that particular unit due to a host of command failures right on up the line. The battalion CO particularly seems like the weakest link. The author is at pains to point out that all human organisations are flawed, but in large organisations like the military, flaws and bad decsions tend to get averaged out as they move through the hierarchy. But just occasionally, all the bad numbers come up in a line, as was the case here: bad strategic decisions, unlcear mission, indifferent and weak leadership, mounting psychological distress and lastly, some real bad apples at the squad level. The book is a great study in the ideas that command is more than just moving pins on a map and infantry leadership is more than just being the first to charge the bunker. There are also some interesting points made about the 'warrior monk' mentality that seems to pervade professional militaries these days, with young men expected to go without any release at all, whilst labouring under the Hollywood portrayal of living up to "the greatest generation".
  11. It's all sorted. A couple of rapid trips down to Melbourne over the last couple of weeks. Have secured a nice place in Carnegie.
  12. SO: Are the orders for smaller civil aircraft increasing because companies maybe can't afford larger ones? Are the orders for the next generation of the 737 increasing because the older versions of the 737 and 757 are ageing out of the fleet en masse at the moment?
  13. Actually if Fox are going to demand that their reporters mention that climate warming data is "controversial", then they should really also mention that 9/11-al Qaeda is controversial, since there are a few 'experts' out there who beleive it was perpetrated by the US government. Fair's fair.
  14. Rather an obtuse rebuttal. Not even Fox could save the GOP at that stage. Are you kidding? Perhaps you need to go and read up on the history of cross-media ownership laws. What do you mean by this? That because his preferred party is not in power he's going to just STFU and cross his fingers that they will get in next time? Apparently not. The evidence in the surveys that the OP was based around do not indicate that the bias is equal, and in the case of NBC this bias is a misperception. However, if you have evidence to the contrary, put it up here. GE has received $$trillions of government contracts over deacdes across all administrations. An asinine conclusion to a set of asinine points. Murdoch may or may not be doing a great job. He's not infallible. Indeed, his mis-read of the WWW business model is legendary and getting worse. However, he has managed to grow his cross-platform owenership hugely in the USA, particularly under the GWB administration. About 1 in 5 Americans gets their news content from a News Ltd organ. That's a hell of a lot of clout.
  15. The conjecture over Fox News' agenda (ie. Murdoch) is that be supporting the conservative viewpoint they hope to secure continuity of conservative administrations. These are more friendly to big business and have been helpful in Murdoch's case over things like media ownership and concentration laws.
  16. Whilst media bias is nothing new, I think what is important here is that a large slab of the population are basing their political beliefs (and presumably voting intentions) on demonstrably false evidence. What's more, these falacies are being deliberately constructed and fed out with that motive of increasing support for one side. I say deliberately, because Fox news editors are not dumb, so they must realise that they are putting on more spin than Shane Warne. Also, the bias is not equal. (!) The original studies mentioned in the OP show that Fox's Republican bias is several degrees more extreme than say MSNBC's liberal bias. measured in things like air time given to party hacks.
  17. Not to mention the stunningly ironic Bill O'Reilly "No Spin Zone".
  18. But nevertheless a false belief and a particularly significant one in terms of government support and voting intentions.
  19. I love this old furphy. It's several years out of date and based upon false logic. There was an air temperature spike 1998. So for 10 years or so after that, temperatures have been 'lower', measured against that single peak. But they're still higher than the decades before. The trend of global warming, measured over decades, not individual years, has been upwards, and cherry picking single points or single data sets is childish and Kettlerian science. ie. typical Fox News editorial prole feed. By the logic of the "no warming in the last decade" crowd, I submit that there has been no global financial crisis, loss of jobs, mortgage defaulting or stock market fall. Because the stock market has risen for the last month.
  20. I'm actually going to be a pinko-commie academic.
  21. Classic. Especially the completely fabricated sworn statement by the officers involved. You'd think that if you were responding to a crowd of college students you would have the smarts to realise that every dude there would have a camera phone.
  22. I think that correcting someone's spelling on a web forum is really pissing into the wind. Especially when you're correcting someone like JonS, who is demonstrably not an idiot. Plus you're also making the claim that you will never make a spelling or typo yourself from now on. Now I have just accepted a job offer in Melbourne and have to move down there in January. I am trying to find a house to rent and dealing with 20 year old farktard property managers that cannot spell 'verandah' or 'terrace'. THAT to me is more worthy of correction.
  23. Yes I saw the comment on the YouTube page. But, well I'd prefer to see some really supportable evidence that the case was resolved rather than just someone mouthing off on social media site. My guess is more likely that it never came to court because there were such weak legal grounds. Entertainment lawyers will try anything. It's a numbers game.
  24. I can find plenty of mention of the suit being filed in 2006, but nothing about it ever being resolved.
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