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imported_Hiram Sedai

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Everything posted by imported_Hiram Sedai

  1. Seanachai, you sad sack of silliness. They are called "Side straddle hops". When you did go to the "Y" (50 lbs and 40 years ago) you may have done those jumpy jack things, but we don't care about your antics with the boys. I searched through your verbosity for a scrap of cynicism or even a small portion of ire, but all I saw was a weak kneed approach to a reply. You were much more foreboding when I didn't know you as well. Come now, you can do better than that, old dude. I'll steal your teeth and you can chase me around the couch for a while.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by russellmz: ...slice of...<hr></blockquote> ...heaven with a chest that makes me...
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by PawBroon: In the spirit of all those Great MODs to come (Daimler AC, Tom's WinterPack, Clubfoot BeachWear...), here is a preview of that dirty Archer TD. Now I know why my parents never offered me some crayons.<hr></blockquote> Excellent job, Pushbroom. It almost makes me sad that I don't use mods any more. Almost.
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: Although I note that Lorak's recent return to the military has degraded his Taunting. His approach to Goanna was, well, run-on, coarse, and short on wit. Long on venom and vilification, which is all to the good with Goanna (more on the moral and philosophical failings of the Eldest Australian later), but rather jejeune. I find your lack of faith...disturbing.<hr></blockquote> Sir Seanachai, I am sorely disappointed. I am standing in the place of Lorak. Know ye, that it is your taunting that lacks the required venom. Lorak was defending our homeland while you were reading poetry to your house plant. It was he who braved the risers and parachutes while you were sitting in your bathrobe watching the Arts and Entertainment channel. Do you know what it takes to do the required amount of push-ups, sit-ups, and the correct time for the two mile run? Can you fathom with your oh so civilian mind the struggle the average soldier faces? A moment of gratitude would go much farther than your pedantic mewling, oh Poetic one. We know why you live so close to Canada. Don’t make me go into detail.
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas: I actually think it is horrendously ugly... And huge. That is me standing next to it, and I am 5'11" (1.81m) This particular gun standing in front of the castle in St. Vith.<hr></blockquote> I agree with you about the picture. The gun is somewhat scary too.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Fairbairn-Sykes Trench Knife: ...plump, young...<hr></blockquote> ...nubile...
  7. Go Eagles!! Heaven and earth shall surely pass away but the heart of an Eagles fan will stay true. Fly, Eagles fly!! On the road to victory.... Edited to note that Andreas is not an Eagles fan. If he had a foible, that would be it. [ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna: For his shopping list: (DVDs) Now where's the hate people? How come no one has taunted me in ages. {grumble grumble} It will be good to have Lorak back. Hope he was housed with all dwarves, is pissed off and needs a good rant.<hr></blockquote> Goanna, put down that European Scatological Frenzy Monthly magazine, put your teeth back in, and put aside the hand lotion for a moment. Look at you, man!! What happened to the spry lizard that used to use his tongue to sense the weather patterns and how Oprah will be feeling today? You’re not the cold blooded lizard we knew and it concerns me. I used to be able to count on the cold shoulder treatment from you and the other usernames starting with “G” (Geier, Germanboy, Goriarty, Gelvis, Groda) Now, I hear some whining. Oh, somebody taunt me!! My uterus needs some rubbing. My name only rhymes with a certain phallic shaped fruit. Gawd!! Take some damn mulivitamin viagra old dude pills and taunt someone yourself. Must I repeat what we’ve read over and over? Pick an opponent and blah blah blah. Croda can do it and he’s an autistic butt burgler. You could ask Seanachai for some help if you are confused. He can whip out a poetry book and show you the way. Maybe even Joe Shaw could tutor you on taunting, but his is mostly overblown egotism combined with narcissist overcompensation that hides an id the size of a pea and a superego the size of South Dakota which is evident in his portrayal of a Mormon vacuum cleaner salesman who clings to the small hope that one day somebody somewhere will slip and call him a “justicar”. Edited because none of Mrs. Sedai's offspring answer to the name of Andreas. [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Cest bon: WHOO WHOO WHOO My goodness what a great day, full of great news! Hiram, I am happy to hear about your sister. I remember Lorak mentioning her before. I also wish your sister the best in her motherhood. Have her wait until the 31st and she can share our daughters birthday. Now for my good news! ( a little bad news, but this post should be long gone by the time he gets back with the way you guys post. ) Lorak is coming home!! He messed up his knee in a jump. Tore a ligament or tendon or something. He should be home within the week. He didn't let me know sooner so I wouldn't worry. He says that everything went well, but due to his down time and the injury he is no longer fit for active duty. I really hope you guys don't think I am a uncaring bitch or think that I am anti-military.(Far from it. I was an army brat growing up). But I would be lying if I said I wasn't happy he is coming home and will be a civy! Later Scum! Cest Bon<hr></blockquote> Hello, Mrs. Lorak!! That is excellent news. Thanks for sharing it with us. I remember how worried my Ex-wife was when I was in Saudi Arabia years ago. I think that Lorak is lucky to have such a supportive family. Thanks for the encouragement too. I do appreciate it. It opened my eyes to the realization that when we read these posts, we share the info with our loved ones.
  10. As some of you may already know, I’ve had a few struggles in the last six months. The most major of them was my little sister’s condition. My sister, Elizabeth was diagnosed with a Grade three brain tumor in August and had to go through both surgery and radiation treatment. This was complicated by her current pregnancy. Ah, but here is the good news: She had an MRI two weeks ago and they couldn’t find a single speck of cancer in her head!! That is a huge weight lifted off of our hearts!! My family and I have been stressing over this for some time and there seemed to be little hope. If you are the praying sort, then please add another prayer to your list for her. She is due at the end of Jan (I think) We are hoping that she won’t have to through Chemotherapy now. Normally, I wouldn’t share this with the board at large because there are so many of you I don’t know and the general mood in this forum is quite lighthearted. That’s why I didn’t share it before. The “C” word is usually verboten in such places. I know it scared the crap out of me before. Nothing like being a big brother and not being able to protect your sister from cancer. So, I feel encouraged now and would like to share it with you. (It’s a good thing) Thanks to those of you who showed your concern both here and in email. I appreciate the support. Don't worry, I'll be back in character after this post.
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: ...social skills, arithmatic, reading and writing (he had grunting and snuffling down pat though). However, he did have a lot of money, which Lawyer skillfully used to buy his way to...<hr></blockquote> ...receiving a membership in the Cesspool when we all know he should have been sent to the...
  12. Croda, what you are in the mood for? I'll play anything that is 400 Pts or below. Any type of forces that have American soldiers. Any kind of weather that is nice and sunny. Any date except for most of them in 1945 and a few in 1944. I'm easy about the force selection too as long as it's combined arms. Okay? No, wait. How about unrestricted Combined Arms with Infantry thrown in and mixed nationalities? Random religions too. Edited because Andreas looks down upon us all and he is not happy with what he sees. You! Yes, you. Stand still, laddie! Ye can't have any pudding until you beat your...oh nevermind [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ] Edited again because of the inherent fallibility that denotes lack of education which a certain Germanboy/Adreas does not suffer from. [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed: Remember, this is a tournament for Newbies. So, if you are a seasoned veteran, please do not apply. However, I am willing to relax the restrictions a bit here. For example, if you have played many (50+) battles against human opponents but you really suck, you'd be welcome here. Now is your chance to join the fun! I am sure several of the current Players and Alternates will have good things to say. <hr></blockquote> It's nice to know I'd be welcome for obvious reasons (ask all the gentlemen in the Peng thread), but no thank you.
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda: Being the initiator of this thread, I have to ask a question: What in the Sam Hell did you people go and do to it? ChristonCrutches a cricket debate. I take it we settled on the fact that the Mark II Frag grenade was tossed or lobbed and not heaved as MoH would have you believe. That was what I was curious to know. Thanks for your input. You may now return to your regularly scheduled 'My Daddy can beat up your Daddy'-athon.<hr></blockquote> Being one of the people who replied to this thread and not the initiator, I have to ask this question: Whose your daddy?
  15. Oh, yes. Let me proclaim a loud and hearty "Hi, Mom!! We hope you're enjoying your latest John Keegan book and that your arthritis is bothering you too much this year.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer: Legal Notice: BTW, in an unrelated matter, I have asked that BTS remove Hiram from the list of approved forum participants since he is clearly not a "person" as that term is used in legal or socially acceptable circles. But he has proven beyond reasonable doubt that he belongs in NJ for eternity. A fitting punishment for being himself. Laws are laws, and the Justicar must be served his daily ration of petty rule mongering. So be it. [ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Lawyer ]<hr></blockquote> So noted. Your opinion does not really matter. My disdain for all things lawyerly does not depend upon my status as a person or individual in this great society of ours. Find the time to aspire to be more like jdmorse and I might care a whit what you think. The circles I'm in aren't quite "socially acceptable" but they do display much less tugging and jerking than the ones I'm certain you participate in. Now, for something considerably more important than conversing with one who lives in the bowels of the federal government: Elvis It's so good to hear from you again. Has that rash cleared up? If you still have a turn file from our last struggle, could you be a real trooper and send it my way? Did you delete it? Thanks much, big guy!!
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis: Is it true Stuka that you had played that scenario before we played it? Hmmmmmmm..that sounds gamey to me. I did send out surrender files to Stuka and LEON last night. Both games had reached the point where I had no chance of winning and would only be wasting everyones time. Stuka has had the decency to send out a new set up file that he says he hasn't played before......I guess I will have to take his word for it.<hr></blockquote> Dear Elvis, Does this mean you might have some time in your oh so busy schedule for a game with a certain resident who lives about 10 minutes away from you and bleeds Eagles green? Deep, warm & fuzzy regards, Hiram XOXO PS Since we both know you don't read my posts, I'll email, call, or send a carrier pigeon. No, wait not another pigeon in Philly. Edited to add a post script that Andreas clearly wouldn't have needed because of his superior intellect, breeding, education, social standing, moral fiber, and linguistic ability. [ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: {edited because I'm Not Andreas but then who is ... other than Andreas that is ... who is ... what is?} [ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]<hr></blockquote> I do so love it when I create trends. Expectorate with me now. Lung butter for everyone!! Cough Cough
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer: and worshiping the Lawyer for bringing this back to page 1, although...<hr></blockquote> ...it should be noted that only autistic sycophants would worship the extremely egocentric buffoon known the Lawyer. Law school was difficult for this individual because of his ineptitude in...
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer: I see the Ever Vigilant New Jersey Word Police are on the job bright and early this morning. I WAS ALREADY EDITING IT when you posted. Not being Andreas, I'm not perfect, but I am damned close to it. How can New Jersey people worship the Eagles anyway? Oh that's right, you're not a person.<hr></blockquote> I hear some rumblings from the Lawyer who is not nor will ever be jdmorse. I could educate you on NJ people, but I bill by the hour. Sound familiar? I bet you're a stinkin Redskins fan. I wonder how Marlow is doing these days. Edited just because. See definition; Sedai, Hiram [ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ] Edited again to mention Andreas. It's called a theme, people! Imagine being German, living in England, and looking Japanese. [ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer: Point of Order from the Consigliori: Sir Stuka (whose name implies that he needs two men to do what one man ought to do, and usually gets shot down before scoring). Did you, Sir, not take it upon yourself to recommend to me this Adreas piece of Teutonic Torture named "To the Last Man"? Did you not also mention in your private email that YOU HAD ALREADY PLAYED IT? Does this not mean that you beat poor Elvis UNFAIRLY, having played the game before? You did, you did, and it does. You cad. May I also mention that I, foolishly taking your advice, went through a painful mid-summer playing this awful madness with poor {b]David Aitken, who then disappeared without trace before the ultimate conclusion. It is a sad, sad day indeed, Sir, that you would flaunt your ill gains in this Pool of Gentlesomethings. What say you Eternal Justicar who never rests from vigilance over the protocols of this Pool?<hr></blockquote> uh, you need to edit cause you're not Andreas either. So there. Edited to note that the lawyer who is not jdmorse is a bit whiney. Also, please note that all Americans who suffer from being not Andreas should hang their heads in shame. [ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>
  22. We weren't trained for distance as much as accuracy. They had pretend bunkers that we would would crawl near and then there was a certain spot to throw the grenade. More attention was paid on accuracy and putting yourself into cover right after throwing. "Don't watch where it went" they would yell at us. I agree that the sound and concussion of a frag grenade was considerable. If we had thrown it like a baseball, then we would be up too long and could be visible to the enemy. Something about my fabulous wind-up I think. Imagine the life expectancy for the Phillies closer. 2.5 seconds
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Oop, it's back ... so anyway this horse walks into a bar, the bartender looks up and says, "Hey, why the long face?" Joe<hr></blockquote> Upon that day, the Old Ones shall emulate the rhetoric of the junior kaniggets in song, jest, and gesticulations a-plenty. The jokes told by the unwashed outcasts shall be repeated by the supreme justicarrot. Hiramesque groaning and self deprecating whining will echo througout the Mutha Beautiful Thread. Now, we turn to the Book of the Eagles, Chapter Three. The McNabb didst toss the skin of the pig with a mighty heaving throw while the Duce (Dooooooooooooooooooooooooooce!!) didst scamper all over the evil Giants. This ends the reading from the Book of the Eagles. Blessed be the Eagles fan that binds... Edited to mention that we should all strive to be just like Andreas. [ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>
  24. Happy New Year, Cesspool! I type it, but I don’t believe it. I hope that each of you never move to New Jersey. That is the nicest thing I can wish. I’ve studied this state for some time and I see how unworthy we feel compared to so many other states. Remember the Cleveland, Ohio jokes? They were the brunt for such a long time but the NJ jokes outnumber them. The average NJ citizen feels trapped here. We live with the traffic, pollution, and crime. With it comes certain bitterness. The job dictates where we will live. I have my usual disclaimer that I wasn’t born here, so therefore I can’t be totally carnal. I’ve live in other states and remember the sad look I received when I mentioned I’m lived in NJ for much of my life. They look at it as a social handicap. “What exit on the turnpike?” they ask. As if all of us are near a turnpike. They think that all of our vehicles broke down generations ago and we stupidly chose to stay here instead of moving to a more illustrious state. So, the average dweller of the Garden State absorbs so much criticism for living here. You forget the importance of this state in the context of history. It was this state that was so key in the revolutionary war. Remember that one? I know that I have many of you retching and groaning by now. That is assuming that you’ve read my apathetic rant. Maybe I’ll bold some words to help out those of you who merely peruse these posts for usernames. Looking for game updates? Look elsewhere. My internal clock tells me that it would be wise to end this mewling diatribe soon. I waste your bandwidth once more but without anything clever or amusing. As I wish you a happy new year, let me also wish you a life that does not emulate mine. May your familial dysfunctions be few and your reception of mouth music be plenty. May your cars be Saturns and your mates be understanding of your addiction to Combat Mission.
  25. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patch: Let it be known that Hiram Sedai now exists. Little did his parents know of the permanent emotional damage that would forever haunt poor little Hiram caused from forcing him to wear an Eeyore costume. Persephone<hr></blockquote> Holy Crap!! That is so funny!! That is a keeper. I don't know whether to be grateful or offended. I should have known better than to have gained the attention of the mate of evil.
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