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imported_Hiram Sedai

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Everything posted by imported_Hiram Sedai

  1. Let me type what I did this time last year: I just want the truck. How much for the truck? I'd like to buy the world a coke...
  2. Its close to the end of this wretched incarnation of the Mutha Beautiful Thread (and it will always be there - see Kelly's Heroes). I have a game going because of my old friend in arms and idiocy. I'm grateful to each of you who saved your old games that we were playing. Grateful as in I abhor you for remembering my CM dysfuction and you want to hold me accoutable. I'd like to request that you delete that saved game alot. Really!! I know the sins of the father and all...but I'm not challenging anyone around here for quite some time. It would break my heart knowing that I'd fail to commit to some more games and then let you all down again. So, go ahead and mark that down as a win for yourself and yet another disastrous loss for me. I do hope to be available this holiday for some of that sweet TCPIP action. That way you can see me lose in real time.
  3. I'm starting a Byte Battle with Croda (may his hair fall out in great tufts and be placed into a pillow). I played two of them vs the AI last night and loved them. We are playing "Crossroads" and I played "Intelligence" last night. I enjoy sitting down and playing 2 or 3 per night as opposed to the larger ones. They are quite fun and challenging!! Well done, gentlemen.
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrSpkr: "And now for something completely different." "The Larch." <click> As he was turning off the television, Homer sighed and laid back down on his couch. Ever since he destroyed Fionn in a head to head CM deathmatch, life had become, well, boring. To pass the time until CMBB was released, Homer decided to . . .<hr></blockquote> ...kick the stuffing out of Mister Sprinkler for changing the subject. There was nothing he liked better than to...
  5. What really matters is that my favorite muppet is Grover. He was the quality host and monster on the street before that gigalo named Elmo came around. Would Grover make a good FO? I think not. He would be entirely too gregarious and would be noticed too quickly. He would make a better Platoon Leader IMHO.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jdmorse: Happy Holidays you replusive toads, my heavens I peek in and see Croda and Hiram....and all the rest. Gawd bless us everyone<hr></blockquote> Merry Christmas to you too, JD!! Croda You challenged me, so send the setup or I shall taunt you a fourth time. Edited to note that Croda did send me a byte battle from the place of all good things found in my sig. His entrails will make festive decorations upon my mantel and his toe nails will make clicking noises as I tape them to my kitties. [ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda: I am a wussy boy and should be bludgeoned repeatedly with a baseball bat. P.S. You are a Titmouse.<hr></blockquote> I sent an email to your address in your profile, bonehead. I got yer titmouse dangling, buddy. I'll stop taunting you now that you asked wussily and nicely. punk
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: this thread is still going? and it's point is what again? it's ironic that alot of the people who post in this thread think of themselves as intelligent. i won't be wasting my time playing anyone here, i'd rather go to rugged defense where the people there are not socialy retarded. now that i think about it, almost everyone on this thread sounds like the comic book store guy on the simpsons.....wurst epeisode ever<hr></blockquote> Who are you and why are you posting? Are you nuts? When did mommy give you permission to use the computer? I respect your brand of autism but being a savant doesn't impress me that much. Go away. Far away. Then, keep going. What is really ironic is that you can stand upright and grunt considering what genetic dysfunction has done.
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda: Hiram, if you're afraid to send a setup then just say so and I will send my detest towards some different genus of rodentia...namely that faux-Scot: Oh God Someone Farted. Titmouse<hr></blockquote> Croda, your fat, slimy, white body slithers in the damp darkness as you feast on the droppings. Always the droppings. What ecstasy you realize as your maggot brain thinks only of ingesting what I leave behind. There is a faint echo in your puny brain of the days when Meeks first spawned you. He left many droppings for you then. Sweet, stinky, brown chunks of feces occupied your days. Oh, how you squirmed with delight as he would pinch a good one and you would scamper as only you can to get your treat. But he left and you had to go elsewhere for your unique diet. If you had eyes, you would see the pity we have for you. If you could hear, then you would know that we were discussing stomping on you. I didn’t volunteer because I didn’t want Croda guts on my nice new pair of sneakers. Maybe I’ll offer 5 bucks to one of the SSN’s and they’ll do us the merciful service of ending your sad existence. Roaches fighting with a maggot. How can I find that interesting? I guess I’ve been a bit warped from being in here too long. Even when I’m not here, I’m still here. The omnipresent Cesspool. I met Elvis once and his ugly twin in here. They were nice in a Marque De Sade sort of way. Get you drunk and beat you repeatedly. So, I claw at the wall and talk with my little white companion. He usually speaks in one word sentences that sound quite wet and squishy. He was named by someone else. I would have come up with something much more creative but his name is fitting though. Its like the sound of a toddler when he is about to upchuck. “Mommy? Croda!!” and the spewing commences.
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda: Originally blathered by Eeyore: Send me a setup. Titmouse.<hr></blockquote> Croda, you pustulous chancre sore. Your feeble existence would be better served by finding the nearest ocean and then walking into it. Don’t stop walking. You are a sad, sorry excuse for a sycophantic neophyte. Without Meeks you are nothing but a passing poot on the wind. Gather up your magazines and the petroleum jelly and find something more constructive to do than challenging me. Your base desire to consummate with your friends at the local animal shelter is disconcerting. I do hate you for making me converse with something left on the toilet seat at a truck stop. I also hate you for impregnating my cat. The scratches on your nether regions will heal but your guilt will hound you for years to come. Maybe Santa will be nice to you this year and your ointment wish list will be fulfilled. My wish list would be complete if you were rendered mute and lipless. That would be a hoot!! Mister Smiley Creepy Croda would be your new nickname. You could wander around your neighborhood with the obligatory shopping cart while snatching lice from your body. Of course, the kids would feel obligated to hurl feces and invectives your way as we do here in the MBT. [ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda: Titmouse.<hr></blockquote> Croda, you are a Human Papillomavirus. You should be excised, studied and then disposed of. When the scientists gather around and try to figure out your origins, then maybe they would relieve us of the discomfort you provide. When we itch and walk funny, it is you who is to blame. When we blush because of a bad conversation topic, it is your name on our lips. Children are taught about you in High School. The teachers say that when you do bad things with your naughty bits, you may get a bad case of Croda. Pennslytucky prostitutes already know of you when there is no clinic to go to. The price drops because of your infestation. You are invasive and intrusive. We hope that a shot might make you go away, but we know better. You are waiting in the nearest club or den of iniquity. My mom warned me about you. She didn't mention your name exactly but I think that Croda does come after Crabs in the STD dictionary. You are not anonymous. Your picture is there in plain sight within medical journals. I’m only grateful that I’m so repulsive that I don’t have to worry about contracting a case of raging crodas. I’ve had friends in the Army who suffered from your malevolent actions. Say you’re sorry for being such a veneral individual. Stop what you are doing to the innocent youth of America and France. (especially France) Years from now there will be a Bob Dole commercial selling a new medicine to get rid of you. He will mention how he caught a bad case of the crodas in WWI and has been suffering since. He was tempted so many times to stab himself repeatedly with his pencil because of the itching that you cause. An old crippled man wanting to hurt himself because of your evil machinations!! Have you no mercy in that cold, black, 3 sizes too small heart? Not even Cindy Lou Who can save you now. You probably infested her too!! Bastard!
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis: Dear Mr. Sedai, Eeyore is a charactor from Winnie the Pooh. Think about it for a minute and it will all come back to you. Love, Elvis<hr></blockquote> Ah, I see. How so very appropriate. Sad, but appropriate.
  13. Wow!! That was a blast from the past!! You'd think that with all the questions I asked and had answered, I'd be a better player by now. Ha!!
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng: WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOTY WOOT WOOT This just in. It is my pleasure to bring to you the latest and greatest Kanigget's Title: [rolling of drums]Ladies and Gentleworms[/rolling of drums] Sir Hiram, Eeyore of the MBT! [cymbal crash]WOOT![/cymbal crash]<hr></blockquote> WTF over. Say again over. What, praytell, alas and alack, great green globs, oh lordybagordy, is an eyeore? What brand of hashish have you been smoking with your poonomia? out
  15. Ha!! I'm back. Cover the furniture and hide the cat. [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: anyone want to play a game of cm?<hr></blockquote> You may thank me later for noticing you. Here are a couple tips from your Uncle Hiram. Emulating a yappy dog won't get you very far. Pick a person and taunt that individual. Maybe he or she will deign to play you. If you supplied an email address in your profile, then we would know that you aren't a pedophile. Well, we could guess. To save you from replying to me, the answer is "no". Now get lost. (and spayed)
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda: Ok, Hiram, do a search buddy. Find me the oldest recorded "Hi, Mom!" and we'll see who posted it. If it was in fact you then I will concede and may even play you in a little QB where you are the evil Nazis on the assault vs. my pathetic Polish lesions and their little pop guns. Wait, wasn't that the first game that we played? This may be the stoopidest thing I've argued about since...well, since a long time ago. As for The Aluminum Chef, you aren't merely a goof, or a moron, you sirrah, are a ninny. The absolute epitome of ninnihood. Knight Justicar of Ninniosity. We are happy to tolerate the old, the young; the weak, the strong; the hateful, the lovemonger; the obese, the maigre; the well-read, the Germanboy; hell even the denizens of Hell itself. All of the above are openly embraced and hallowed as wonderful contributors to this penal colony (bauhaus...) we call the CessPool. What we truly detest however is the bland, the uninteresting, the spewer of drivel so colorless, so tasteless, that eating rice cakes for Thanksgiving dinner seems a French delicase. In short, be bold, be ugly, be annoying, just don't be ordinary. For a quick lesson, go back and search on some of my older posts, you may find them very educational. Also see: Meeks, Elijah.<hr></blockquote> Hey buddy, you do a search, buddy. I already know the whole truth there now buddy. The sad thing is the thousands of people have used the saying over and over while I received no commision. I feel like the guy who invented the backscratcher. Why are you still suckling at the teat of Meeks? Was he your first? I hope he was gentle.
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: Your case will be taken under advisement, but there's no way in the short run you're getting a Seniour Knightship. You disappeared to whore yourself with foreign devil games, then pronounced yourself 'bored and burnt-out' with not only CM, but the Cesspool itself. Now you're back, and although we find that as reassuring and seasonal as the appearance of snowmen and Herr Oberst's nervous rash, you got some 'splaining to do! Croda, although a Knight of the Cesspool, is currently on probation regarding any enhancement of status, until we determine if he's just being a bloody tease.<hr></blockquote> Point of order, Sir!! It is quite obvious that you have mistaken Monsewer Croda and myself once again. It was I who "whored" myself out for other games and their messageboards. I am the one who holds the culpability for this and many other crimes against the pool. I do know that your eyesight and bladder are failing because of geriatric issues. I also know that you imbibe all too often and like to read poetry to passersby. I also hear that you have a nice tree to climb in your yard. A little drunken bird told me. If there is a merciful bone left in your flabby body, I would request that you blame Croda for what he has done and leave my crimes out of it. We can help you to your comfy chair to research the differences between the little knights that scamper around your feet. For some history, it was Croda who showed up before me. I came up with many many famous sayings and he would take credit for them. For instance "Hi Mom" was my invention and he stole it. I also coined the dubious "must suck to be you, pull your lower lip over your head and swallow, and if i wanted any crap out of you, I'd squeeze your home town" He was the one who created Crodaburg (I still wake in cold sweats) and it was I who lost at it.
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: clearing out. This prompted the Grogs to attempt to figure out first the "caliber" of MrSpkr, and secondly, what type of rodent (hamster, gerbil, mouse) would be employed in the clearing out attack. The grogs finally decided that the rodent must be...<hr></blockquote> ...from Virginia where you can also find plenty of...
  20. How the SSN’s scurry about the kitchen floor when you turn the lights on. I’d love to do some stomping soon. So very tempting. There was a time when I would get a bellyful of beer & bitterness and then find a target to unleash my ire upon. Those were the days. Now, I sit at work not really working and can’t remember most of what I used to type. It was another mortgage company and I was a different person then. I was wide eyed and innocent then. Can anyone remember when I was a squire to someone? I think I had fun then. Now, it seems that I’m a prodigal knight of obviously junior status. Game Updates I’m getting back into the swing of things and am playing nobody often. Its me versus the AI and I won’t say who is winning although one of us is a gamey bastige and its name starts with an “A” and ends with an “I”. My days are back to thinking about CM and how I want to do this or that. When I hold my meetings with my people, I am so tempted to share some CM wisdom with them. OGSF May I call you James? Well, James I thank you for mentioning me and I don’t think I’ll taunt and/or challenge you at the moment. My time is not my own. Every nanosecond of my free time is scheduled by the one with the uterus. It is She who is running Christmas and it’s my credit card that will suffer mightily. I close this grouping of inane blatherings with the knowledge that my words are falling upon deaf ears once more. I know that the powers that be only read the bold portions of posts and usually scroll down past one of my posts to see what the next person is doing. Please remember that I still abhor so many of you with a passion. The combination of ire, angst, and abject injustice should do nicely this holiday season.
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Mensch is dying, so its up to me to update... I'll try to keep the brimstone to a minimum. We have one new Byte Battle from Germanboy. Claustrophobia is set in the Hell of bocage. Germanboy also brings you a new semi-historic battle. Securing The Dropzone is set in his boyhood backyard during Operation varsity. 49th Recce gets an update... nothing big, just a bit of a tweek. Enjoy<hr></blockquote> Thanks!!
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: Oh, and although I will go into more detail later, I have just lost a game to that horrid Aussie, Stuka. I laboured mightily, but victory was not mine. In fact, victory took a rather lengthy detour around me all together. It was a Major Axis Victory for the Aussie daredemon. I thought, after his previous victory, that my hatred for him was a stable,established,and comfortable thing. But after this defeat, I find I must hate him at a new and more dramatic level.<hr></blockquote> I miss your Alexander the Great sig.
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrSpkr: air speed velocity of a fully laden European swallow suffering from mange. Unfortunately, they tended to let the FAQ drop off the front page, prompting some idiots to post the "How do I post a Picture Here" thread, which was much better than the insidious, but brief "How do I post a message here" thread, which of course was not nearly as nasty as . . .<hr></blockquote> ...the odor emanating from Mister Sprinkler. It seems that his hygeine habits were lacking and his regions most nether needed some...
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Stand by for the Senior Knight list Peng, ta Hell with the Gnome... didn't care what he thought anyway<hr></blockquote> I know I won't be on that list, but I'm curious though.
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