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imported_Hiram Sedai

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Everything posted by imported_Hiram Sedai

  1. You two are making me nauseous. Andy, she likes French dudes, not German dudes who live in England. yeesh
  2. At least with Elvis and Peng, you don't have to lie to get a free beer. Edited because its Saturday and I'm working and my Phillies won't be in the post season. Edited again because the tears made my fingers slip on the keyboard. Bowa, why? What happened? [ 10-06-2001: Message edited by: Hiram's Ghost ] [ 10-06-2001: Message edited by: Hiram's Ghost ]
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cubbies Phan: ...ghost, so much that...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...only a small hirsute Australian gentleman named...
  4. Another Saturday workday and the Phillies have been eliminated for playoff hopes. There is no justice. I blame the Peng thread.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: someone who changes their username as often as they change their...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...clothes after they go fishing. Goose liked to go fishing. Mr. Goose Stahv liked the fishies the way a blind man likes the tickle me Elmo doll. Goose was also known for rubbing the...
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Cornflakes are for Weenies. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If "Cornflakes are for weenies", then it must be a staple for you. Pardon me as I state the obvious. The sad fact remains that my posts are usually so very boring that I must bold other's names so they may mistakenly read a line or two. I've never thought of it as a fad though. Its more like little bookmarks of interest for the consumer. Andy, please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Why? Because I care.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: [sickening kiddie show host voice] [/sickening kiddie show host voice]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Do me next!! Please please please
  8. I'm writing this to scoff at and deride our newest serf. I was also a squire to the Bard. I never claimed to be a good squire. I always made his bubble bath a tad too hot and I burned his scrambled eggs way too often. He would usually make me punish myself for being mouthy by watching The Golden Girls. Oh, the horror. ahem...tis time for my patented saying It must suck to be you, Slapdragon. Big brain and no common sense. I've seen that before but I can't remember because I've lost that part of my brain drinking entirely too much and too often. So, in closing let me just say "Ha Ha"
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: ..."pawn foor"...wait that's the vulcan mating horny toad sound. you should say it "...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...or even "Kumplach" which is Klingonese for ...
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Fish not, with this melancholy bait, For this fool gudgeon, this opinion.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I once thought of love as a prison a place I wouldn't want to be blah blah I made a decision to be footloose and fancy free - Alabama
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: ...dittys about a male, female, whipped cream, bottles of jam, and small fluffy things that tickle when inserted into....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...the nearest Ozzie who's named...
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: Can't we have a thread without so much Peng in it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> punk
  13. Best rules I've seen to date. Panzerleader, quit acting like an idiot. Where did I leave my easy chair and my comfy slippers? Any squires going out for pizza? I want extra vitrol.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: ...bump his stuff up against a...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...an oak tree while singing bawdy...
  15. Can I say "thanx Manx" again? We of the Cesspool did our first one a while ago with Elvis as the host. Good times then. The Yuengling flowed and the gamers danced and sang.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Manx: Since there seems to be a lot of interest (after the Washington bash) in CM "Get Togethers", i will, if there is interest, open up a new page on CM's for would-be meeting organisers to "advertise" their proposed meetings. It doesn't matter where it is! So, if anyone is wishes to arrange a CM meeting, just send me a brief description of what you want to try and organise, where/when you intend to hold it, and some contact details (e-mail) for people to get in touch with you. I will do my best to promote it for you. What do you think?? Cheers! (This is a re-post -- the original seems to have got screwed up somehow).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Excellent idea!! Thanx Manx!! I'm saying that once every six months now. hehe
  17. Blah blah You're all a bunch of poopie heads who smell like poopies and like to play with poopies. so there
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: ...a miracle would stop the meandering flock of penguins from procreating. "By golly, this sordid behaviour must cease and desist" yelled...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...the mad thread bumper who liked to ...
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Ewww, lurkers... Yikes. Almost as bad as... Newbies... Yada! I feel all soiled now.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You still have something against newbies? What did they do to you? The soiled feeling goes away eventually. Trust me.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Ouch. 5 hours maybe. Plus Atlanta traffic. Have to plan one in Augusta for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I used to hate Rt. 285!! We called it the "big parking lot"
  21. Let me take this opportunity to thank Elvis for beating me like an ugly stepchild in so many TCPIP games. After dismantling my forces and running amuck in my backfield, he is usually kind enough to explain what I did wrong and would repeatedly ask me "what I was thinking". My record speaks for itself. Actually, it moans and whimpers. I've always tried my best to stick around while my opponent gloats and verbally berates me for mismanaging what I had. Its just the right thing to do. It was Jeff Shandorf who would tell me to not do what I'm about to do and then laugh at me when I do it. (you had to be there as I tried to cram 4 squads into a small house) oh, the memories
  22. Oh, poor sad, sorry, sappy Joe. It wasn't poetry. There was a play and a movie called "Oklahoma" years ago. I was almost certain that since you are a member of the geriatric community, that you would recognize it. I did an adaptation. Get it? PS Go Eagles
  23. Roight!! Lets have a little Sing-Song Poor Joe Poor Joe is sad Poor Joe Shaw is sad Lets all gather round his Cowboys now to cry Well he's looking pretty old And his dentures smell like mold Who's next for Jerry Jones to buy? -->See "Oklahoma" for the music [ 10-01-2001: Message edited by: Hiram's Ghost ]
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