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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. The problem isn't that we need a new storm command. It's that the assault order should be executed differently when used on buildings. In the open ground it works fine. This is not a CQB simulator, but the way it looks when infantry assault buildings could some tweaking.
  2. Really, we wanted you guys to abandoned the old CMx1 style Ops over this newer scenario-string-campaign? That's news to me. The longer this thread goes it seems like more and more prefer the old Ops as a base or starting point for a future and more polished campaign/Op. It's actually kinda sad to hear you talk about the old Ops like it was a complete failure, flawed yes, failure no. Are we really that fractured when it comes to "What makes a great Campaign/Op"? Clearly we all want persistent damage/wrecks on the maps from battle to battle. I think most would like a rolling map or terrain to push towards an end objective. I think most would still like a front-line to be drawn or established, but certainly needs tweaked compared to the way CMx1 did it. Just to name a few. Bottom line, and I'm not gonna win any points by saying this, I think you guys did what was easier to implement technically. Having to make the new engine and getting the core game done, your hands were full, it's completely understandable. Technical obstacles can be a much bigger influence than anything else. But us fans don't know the details of it and don't take it into account.
  3. Care to elaborate on this? I bet you knew that was coming, haha. Certainly understandable little time is spent on the campaign system in CMN. It does feel like the campaigns could use something like a force pool status in the briefing. Simply the ability to look at your entire force pool for the whole campaign. An example of something like this is the motor pool missions in PTs Road to Dinas campaign. But it could just be a window similar to the editors unit listing, keep it simple. Of course the designer could restrict some of this for FOW. Also give designers the ability to put more pics or images in the briefing, why just one map pic? And now getting even further out there, how about the ability for the game to run an .avi or .wmp video for intros and outros. FRAPs works great for things like this.
  4. Oh and in case your wondering, if you download a scenario that requires an add-on you don't have. It will still show up in your scenario/campaign listing, but will be in red indicating which add-on is needed. So no worries, it won't screw anything up.
  5. Never noticed this, suppose then the schurzen can be treated similarly then.
  6. This is great news indeed, BF has more releases and features than before and we the customers will in turn have more to complain about. Ok seriously though, now we can go down the wish/priority list. Funny, wasn't there just a thread about this a few days ago.
  7. All doubtful, damage to AFVs are not reflected in-game graphically in any BF developed game. I doubt they'll start now. It's possible the detail of the schurzen could be randomized like the gear on CMSF vehicles.
  8. It's not that most prefer playing PBEM with a scenario taking weeks to months to complete. It's simply a matter of convenience. It's much easier and quicker firing up a PBEM and emailing it than trying to line up a time to meet. Especially with differing time zones. Have you tried PBEM much? It's not that bad, you'll get use to it and it'll grow on you. Also it hurts that there's no MP lobby or browser to quickly and easily find an opponent for real time. Something that BF acknowledges in order to give MP a much needed shot in the arm. Just don't know where and when it will be coming though. Besides, having a opponent finder forum is a bit archaic. Things will change though when CMN ships with the newer QB. Since QBs in CMSF are hit or miss, QBs were popular among CMx1 TCP/IP players. So since we're getting a bigger and better QB, you'll see more MP going on.
  9. That's good to hear, and couldn't be coming at a better time. The natives are getting restless Moon. :eek:
  10. I did read that wrong, thanks for pointing it out Dietrich. I assumed I missed this info from Steve somewhere. It'd be great if we could get him to shed some light on this. But yeah I never felt like we missed out on having shadows or AA fire in CMSF. It doesn't belong for obvious reasons that MikeyD mentioned.
  11. I was not aware of that, what a bummer, it was really really kool seeing the AA guns chattering and seeing the tracer fire shoot up to the sky. So if this isn't in then I take it we won't be seeing many AA AFVs then.
  12. Actually I like the older ones more, these seem farther away or zoomed out more. I find it harder to see any of the details of the gun. Any chance we can get a cropped or zoomed in version?
  13. Now that we got Steve out and about posting on the forums. We need to get down to brass tacks here. First and foremost, will there be cowbell in CMN?
  14. Nice Scipio, thanks for the update. I'm gonna go ahead and assume that when NATO ships your gonna eventually mod those gun icons too? Also I noticed the name Dr. Noob from that Pimp My Gun site. Is that the same fella that use to mod CMBB a bunch, think his name here was Mr. Noobie or something.
  15. I could of sworn at one time the plan was to have three families for the whole Western Front? Not that I'm complaining, I thought three families was a bit too much to cover this. I'll be the first in line to pre-order both the Western Front and Eastern Front families.
  16. Knowing my luck I'll drop dead from a heart attack the day before CMN gets released. :eek:
  17. Are you sure about that? I recall only able to either get the download version, boxed version, or both that cost extra. But that was back when CMSF shipped in 2007, maybe it changed. Yeah your only allowed to have the game installed on two PCs at a time. But it can be unlicensed and reinstalled however many times you need. I had an issue when I sold my copy of ToW on eBay awhile back. Since my first install got screwed when my HD failed. I unlicensed the second install from my new PC but the buyer wanted the two allowed installs, one for his laptop. I directed him to BF support , I assume it got worked out, never heard from him again.
  18. Yeah but it's really an investment that would not start paying off until years later. Since besides the monetary reason for not bringing on another programmer is that it will take time for him to become accustomed to the CMx2 engine. But it would mean quicker releases with better quality or at the least more features. Which in theory could or would bring in more sales.
  19. Ugh, LOS doesn't even really exist in CoH. Ahh heck why bother even trying to compare, it's nowhere near approaching a realistic simulation of a battlefield. Great eye candy though. :eek:
  20. For a Fourth of July weekend only special, it will come packaged with an M4. Helluva deal eh!
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